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Curses Line Rework


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IMO, curses as a line doesn't feel as appealing as it should to condi builds and a lot of its traits seem kinda niche or lacking in appeal. I tried my best to spice it up a bit and make its traits be more broadly beneficial.



Hex -

Your first attack upon entering combat or Shroud inflicts 3 Torment for 4s and Weakness for 2s. This attack refreshes when you kill an enemy.


Path of Corruption -

Shroud skill 2 now corrupts 2 boons.


Target the Weak -

Deal 10% condition damage to weakened enemies and gain 10% crit chance vs weakened enemies.


Parasitic Contagion -

Heal for 10% of outgoing condition damage.


Warlock's Rage -

Gain 5s of Fury when you enter Shroud, exit Shroud, or kill an enemy.


Master of Corruption -

Corruption skills recharge 20% faster and now grant boons counter to the conditions they apply.


Lingering Curse -

Gain up to condition damage while wielding a Scepter. Might grants expertise.


Plague Sending -

Transferring a condition to an enemy or corrupting or removing a boon additionally applies 2 poison for 3s. 2 stacks of poison are applied regardless of the number of conditions transferred or boons corrupted / removed. 5s ICD.



Eldritch Power -

Hex always critically strikes. Gain up to 150 Condition Damage and 15% Condition Duration while under the effects of Fury.


Vengeful Spirit -

Applying a damaging condition transfers a damaging condition to your target.

Applying a debilitating condition transfers a debilitating condition to your target.

Applying a movement hindering condition transfers a movement hindering condition to your target. 6s ICD across all effects.


Conduit of Suffering -

Inflicting Vulnerability, Slow, Weakness, or Blind inflicts Torment for 4s, 1s ICD.


Terror -

Fear nearby enemies for 2s when kicked out of Shroud. Fear deals damage over time plus additional damage if they have at least one other condition.


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Lol? Its maybe the most used traitline. And making the corrupt any stronger wont help any gamemode. Instead nerf it. Make it more rewarding to manage your skills and not faceroll. Esp with scourge.


If you said. Bloodmagic and deathmagic need a rework i would have agreed, but curses is fine as it is

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For PvP and WvW, it's quite easy with this rework to get break things. Pick Path of Corruption, Master of Corruption and Conduit of Suffering.

That gets Corrupt Boon down to 8-9s CD fairly reliably unless you have an overzealous support. That'll be 9 stacks of vuln, torment and 2 corrupted boons to a single enemy. Next, be a scourge. Place shades on top of them, that's another 3 stacks of torment due to traited shades and hit F2 for another 6 stacks of torment.

That damage output is amazing for a condi build, especially considering that it's only small investment on your end and doesn't factor in several other abilities that these can combo with, and it's covered well enough to require a dedicated support to sustain through this. And the only way to counter it is to not apply boons, which is nigh impossible in group situations. Even if it's not, the loss of vital boons such as protection and might will make it much more difficult for the enemy to handle other group members, let alone kill you. It's also easy and quick to cast, most of it is in a decently sized AoE and short CD as well(highest CD in there is 10s).


Continuing onwards, gonna look at individual traits.

Path of Corruption is already the most powerful trait of the line. It really doesn't need a buff.

Parasitic Contagion is eh. With this arrangement it's better as adept than as master(because it'd break things as a master trait but is overshadowed as an adept).

That Target the Weak is a lot of damage but again overshadowed in non-PvE modes by Path of Corruption.


Master of Corruption is really bad design by directly encouraging you to hold onto conditions. Which means that support players are gonna get yelled at for trying to save people from death by condition. Same reason why Mallyx got stripped of that stuff.

Terror is good but the shroud exit fear is in the wrong place. Such a defensively oriented CC trait does not belong in an offensive traitline.

Your version of Plague Sending is really, really bad. It's practically a PvE only trait.


Vengeful Spirit makes it impossible to kill a necro via condition damage with no way to break it in the way you can do with diamond skin. That should be enough to tell that it's gonna be ridiculous. That is, unless that ICD is for all 3 effects combined. Then it's a fair bit less ridiculous but still really strong.

But for anything else, we got Conduit of Suffering. Unless you gut necromancer vuln application or give this thing an ICD of a second or 2, it'll be broken beyond belief. Kinda like Deathly Chill but less conditions per applications off much more common triggers. Bitter Chill, Death Spiral and your new Path of Corruption, especially via conversion through the common protection and might, say hello. Also a variety of other skills that suddenly get a fair bit of damage attached to them.

And Lingering Curse just sits there, being bad.

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> @"CCLegion.5936" said:

> For PvP and WvW, it's quite easy with this rework to get break things. Pick Path of Corruption, Master of Corruption and Conduit of Suffering.

> That gets Corrupt Boon down to 8-9s CD fairly reliably unless you have an overzealous support. That'll be 9 stacks of vuln, torment and 2 corrupted boons to a single enemy. Next, be a scourge. Place shades on top of them, that's another 3 stacks of torment due to traited shades and hit F2 for another 6 stacks of torment.

> That damage output is amazing for a condi build, especially considering that it's only small investment on your end and doesn't factor in several other abilities that these can combo with, and it's covered well enough to require a dedicated support to sustain through this. And the only way to counter it is to not apply boons, which is nigh impossible in group situations. Even if it's not, the loss of vital boons such as protection and might will make it much more difficult for the enemy to handle other group members, let alone kill you. It's also easy and quick to cast, most of it is in a decently sized AoE and short CD as well(highest CD in there is 10s).


> Continuing onwards, gonna look at individual traits.

> Path of Corruption is already the most powerful trait of the line. It really doesn't need a buff.

> Parasitic Contagion is eh. With this arrangement it's better as adept than as master(because it'd break things as a master trait but is overshadowed as an adept).

> That Target the Weak is a lot of damage but again overshadowed in non-PvE modes by Path of Corruption.


> Master of Corruption is really bad design by directly encouraging you to hold onto conditions. Which means that support players are gonna get yelled at for trying to save people from death by condition. Same reason why Mallyx got stripped of that stuff.

> Terror is good but the shroud exit fear is in the wrong place. Such a defensively oriented CC trait does not belong in an offensive traitline.

> Your version of Plague Sending is really, really bad. It's practically a PvE only trait.


> Vengeful Spirit makes it impossible to kill a necro via condition damage with no way to break it in the way you can do with diamond skin. That should be enough to tell that it's gonna be ridiculous. That is, unless that ICD is for all 3 effects combined. Then it's a fair bit less ridiculous but still really strong.

> But for anything else, we got Conduit of Suffering. Unless you gut necromancer vuln application or give this thing an ICD of a second or 2, it'll be broken beyond belief. Kinda like Deathly Chill but less conditions per applications off much more common triggers. Bitter Chill, Death Spiral and your new Path of Corruption, especially via conversion through the common protection and might, say hello. Also a variety of other skills that suddenly get a fair bit of damage attached to them.

> And Lingering Curse just sits there, being bad.


Taking into account what you and others have said, I made some adjustments .

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