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Why I Keep Leaving GW2


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> @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> > @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> > I still want to know why OP keeps coming back. Might be my medication, but not sure I've seen that bit yet.


> I enjoy the franchise, and with so many hours played I feel invested--and I said in another post there are many things I love about the game. I wouldn't be posting here if I weren't passionate about it. I just wish it were more.


> >The only things I will say is the acquire the copper salvage-o-matic for a way to deal with inventory bobbins and I also don't like soulbeast. So, I don't play it. I still like my core ranger too - there should be nothing wrong with that. Did you try druid? I didn't like that either, but eh. It's not a game breaker, not even close. Did you try any other professions? I've been through the lot, and although I'm still favouring maining a reaper necro, I've mained mesmers (long time), rangers (always for a little bit), guardians (smallest bit now and then) before now, and have a smattering of ele, engi and thief to the side. Warrior is boring and revenants don't work for me, but they do for others, because that's how stuff works.


> Thanks. If I get back into the game I'll try the salvage-o-matic. I still don't understand why so many worthless blues and greens (and minor runes) drop in a max level expansion area. If it's just for the materials, I think that's kind of poor way to go about it. And I didn't like the druid either, so for me that's two elite specs that have been disappointing.


> > Honestly, I'm concluding this just isn't for you, and there's nothing wrong with that. Coming back and expecting all your boxes somehow checked is a bit misguided, however. I hope you do find something for you elsewhere (or already have done so), because this likely isn't it.


> I don't expect all my boxes to be checked, but I do think there are things I mentioned that could be improved upon. I don't think most would object to having some more activities that have the potential to bring people together and give you more relaxing things to do, such as fishing or housing. Anet added mounts after most people thought they were unnecessary, and put their own spin on them, so there's definitely a chance we could see fishing (or similar) or housing later on down the road.


> I'm not sure that the game isn't "for me", I just don't think it has the capability to keep me glued to the screen for the long haul. The beautiful aesthetics and the responsive and varied traversal are always a blast at the beginning, and the spectacle of the sheer amount of people piling up for events is initially impressive, but after awhile I notice myself going through the motions, grinding away for rewards rather than memorable experiences. As if a new legendary weapon is going to make me enjoy the game more. The theme park becomes apparent and I can see all the parts in motion, as we insert coins to watch the Mouth of Mordremoth dance around once again. I realize that I'm not actually having that much fun with the gameplay itself; it's the carrot at the end of the stick that makes me want to continue. It's at that point when I usually quit. There needs to be more potential for unique experiences.




I understand better now. :) I've read your post about FFXIV after this too, and I think that's likely your answer. Needing something else gamewise to fill the gaps where GW2 just doesn't do it for you. GW2 will always be here if you feel like a bit of change, until you get tired of it again. Just ensure you log back in for free updates for story just in case.


Enjoy the fishing in FFXIV, btw! You might lose days to it. =) My husband tells me that you won't be able to avoid social grouping if you wanted to progress (perhaps aside from craft type stuff, I'm not sure) - I only got so far because of this as I have social anxiety and will go miles sometimes to avoid contact with others. Have fun!

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> @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> I only got so far because of this as I have social anxiety and will go miles sometimes to avoid contact with others. Have fun!


Does it help to practice a level of dissociation and think of your characters as separate entities? Imbue them with a higher tolerance of social interaction and roleplay that like any other character trait.



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> @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> So I decided to try out FFXIV. Within the first couple hours I ran into two people doing quests and we stopped and had a conversation, because in this game it felt very natural to do. They asked if they could help me out, since they're both max level. Moments later, I've added them as friends, and I'm invited into their "guild hall" (which is actual land that is purchased inside a neighborhood) and we're all just dancing to music playing on the jukebox and being silly and having a good time.


> This little social event, occurring within _two hours_ of playing the game, was already more enjoyable and intimate than any event I can recall in my entire time of playing Guild Wars 2. _This_ is what I'm talking about; this social aspect that is present in so many other MMOs. Yes, in Guild Wars 2 I have lots and lots of great items. Great armor, great weapons, skins, achievements, titles, etc. I've seen some fantastic things, killed fantastic beasts, and enjoyed events that new players will never get to see. That's all great--but what I don't have, and have never had, are online friends and a real sense of community. And that's simply because GW2 is not designed for you to make friends easily and naturally. You guys can disagree with me, but that's how I feel. That's been my own personal experience.



I think FFXIV would be a great fit for you. They do have chairs you can sit in, after all.

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> @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> So I decided to try out FFXIV. Within the first couple hours I ran into two people doing quests and we stopped and had a conversation, because in this game it felt very natural to do. They asked if they could help me out, since they're both max level. Moments later, I've added them as friends, and I'm invited into their "guild hall" (which is actual land that is purchased inside a neighborhood) and we're all just dancing to music playing on the jukebox and being silly and having a good time.


> This little social event, occurring within _two hours_ of playing the game, was already more enjoyable and intimate than any event I can recall in my entire time of playing Guild Wars 2. _This_ is what I'm talking about; this social aspect that is present in so many other MMOs. Yes, in Guild Wars 2 I have lots and lots of great items. Great armor, great weapons, skins, achievements, titles, etc. I've seen some fantastic things, killed fantastic beasts, and enjoyed events that new players will never get to see. That's all great--but what I don't have, and have never had, are online friends and a real sense of community. And that's simply because GW2 is not designed for you to make friends easily and naturally. You guys can disagree with me, but that's how I feel. That's been my own personal experience.



I think a number of people are replying since they are trying to understand where the disconnect is. I am doing the same. I don't really see anything in this statement that would indicate why you didn't have the same experience in both games. "It felt natural to do". Was this because you needed to stop and ask for assistance? Who initiated the discussion? I haven't really seen any times in GW2 where if you stop and chat with people that they wouldn't do so. So maybe the the issue is what is the conversation starter here. Call it a trigger point, that isn't connecting with you in GW2 that you are finding else where. Question for you, are you in any guilds today? Are they active?


I admit I am already in a different place, I found GW1 to be the less social game since it was more of a single player experience that had a multiplayer wrapper around it. Here if you encounter an event there is no reason multiple people can't join the same experience, which opens up the encounter for as much or as little banter as each person is willing to experience. It could be that GW2 has too many single serving friends for you, but I think the fact that GW2 does allow you to solo or run with a full zerg and do the samething is the main underlying issue for you. That said I think that is what is the selling point for a lot of us. Its doesn't force a party size so its up to each of us to choose our level of engagement. Again, haven't played FFXIV so not certain what triggerred that connection but also don't quite see why that didn't occur here as well. I think you already know the key though, its a game, so make sure you are enjoying yourself, and if your not, change it up. Thanks for the time and dropping feedback on the forums. Even though you might find people with opposite thoughts it never hurts to say hey this could be better since it might make people ponder and/or help them see things they do like themselves.


Good gaming!

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I feel like I'm having different experience. I mean I'm thinking of quitting too, but for different reasons (mostly due to all new content feeling like the same generic and repetitive stuff from previous map....).


I feel like the game is social and guilds play a big role in that. Small guilds of close friends don't really die or get swallowed, and multiguilding allows them to get all the bonuses of a large guild without having to leave the small one. On top of that small guilds with a purpose (such as raiding) can develop without stealing members from other guilds. The lack of competition in pve is really welcome - I hate having to race people for a rock to mine or monster to kill.... It's just relaxed in so many ways...


Inventory management is fixable with infinite salvage kits, but I can see the problem there.... I mean some maps are unplayable without constnatly salvaging or missing out on drops...


As for other stuff it's really a matter or preference. I think if I found that bad, I would probably never get into gw2.



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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> > I only got so far because of this as I have social anxiety and will go miles sometimes to avoid contact with others. Have fun!


> Does it help to practice a level of dissociation and think of your characters as separate entities? Imbue them with a higher tolerance of social interaction and roleplay that like any other character trait.




Haven't roleplayed in a very long time and don't see me wanting to really get back into it, but I see what you're getting at: act confident to be confident. It may or may not work, because the anxiety isn't rational in itself. Regardless, it turns out I'm going to give FFXIV another go with the hubby, and see if I can level up in Me Vs. Irrational Behaviour. :D


(But let's not derail the thread further with this. Thanks for the suggestion, though, much appreciated. <3 )

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> > So I decided to try out FFXIV. Within the first couple hours I ran into two people doing quests and we stopped and had a conversation, because in this game it felt very natural to do. They asked if they could help me out, since they're both max level. Moments later, I've added them as friends, and I'm invited into their "guild hall" (which is actual land that is purchased inside a neighborhood) and we're all just dancing to music playing on the jukebox and being silly and having a good time.

> >

> > This little social event, occurring within _two hours_ of playing the game, was already more enjoyable and intimate than any event I can recall in my entire time of playing Guild Wars 2. _This_ is what I'm talking about; this social aspect that is present in so many other MMOs. Yes, in Guild Wars 2 I have lots and lots of great items. Great armor, great weapons, skins, achievements, titles, etc. I've seen some fantastic things, killed fantastic beasts, and enjoyed events that new players will never get to see. That's all great--but what I don't have, and have never had, are online friends and a real sense of community. And that's simply because GW2 is not designed for you to make friends easily and naturally. You guys can disagree with me, but that's how I feel. That's been my own personal experience.

> >


> I think a number of people are replying since they are trying to understand where the disconnect is. I am doing the same. I don't really see anything in this statement that would indicate why you didn't have the same experience in both games. "It felt natural to do". Was this because you needed to stop and ask for assistance? Who initiated the discussion? I haven't really seen any times in GW2 where if you stop and chat with people that they wouldn't do so. So maybe the the issue is what is the conversation starter here. Call it a trigger point, that isn't connecting with you in GW2 that you are finding else where. Question for you, are you in any guilds today? Are they active?


> I admit I am already in a different place, I found GW1 to be the less social game since it was more of a single player experience that had a multiplayer wrapper around it. Here if you encounter an event there is no reason multiple people can't join the same experience, which opens up the encounter for as much or as little banter as each person is willing to experience. It could be that GW2 has too many single serving friends for you, but I think the fact that GW2 does allow you to solo or run with a full zerg and do the samething is the main underlying issue for you. That said I think that is what is the selling point for a lot of us. Its doesn't force a party size so its up to each of us to choose our level of engagement. Again, haven't played FFXIV so not certain what triggerred that connection but also don't quite see why that didn't occur here as well. I think you already know the key though, its a game, so make sure you are enjoying yourself, and if your not, change it up. Thanks for the time and dropping feedback on the forums. Even though you might find people with opposite thoughts it never hurts to say hey this could be better since it might make people ponder and/or help them see things they do like themselves.


> Good gaming!


I think the conversation occurred more naturally due to many reasons. To start, there isn't just ACTION ACTION ACTION going on all over the maps. It's a much more relaxed atmosphere, with more relaxed music, and longer stretches of emptiness. Everyone moves slower than in GW2, so there's more time to say hello before they blast off into the sunset on their raptor mounts (allowing mounts in base GW2 content was a mistake, if you ask me). The maps also aren't designed in a way for you to "complete" them. Everyone in GW2 is always running at breakneck speed trying to complete the maps, doing all the quests, reaching all the viewpoints, the POIs, etc. that they don't ever stop and smell the roses. There is this feeling of urgency in GW2 that I don't feel elsewhere, and as I stated in my original post, the fast travel system lends to this. There are also a wider variety of emotes in other MMOs so there are more ways to express yourself when you do come in contact with someone. Most people don't even use targeted emotes in GW2 because for someone reason you have to type @ to do it, and not everyone knows that.


And, perhaps the biggest reason: the game encourages partying up. This is everything in a MMO.


Good gaming to you as well! I'm glad I gave FFXIV a try so I could reaffirm that I'm not just totally asocial, and that with the right systems at play it's quite easy to be social and make friends.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> > So I decided to try out FFXIV. Within the first couple hours I ran into two people doing quests and we stopped and had a conversation, because in this game it felt very natural to do. They asked if they could help me out, since they're both max level. Moments later, I've added them as friends, and I'm invited into their "guild hall" (which is actual land that is purchased inside a neighborhood) and we're all just dancing to music playing on the jukebox and being silly and having a good time.

> >

> > This little social event, occurring within _two hours_ of playing the game, was already more enjoyable and intimate than any event I can recall in my entire time of playing Guild Wars 2. _This_ is what I'm talking about; this social aspect that is present in so many other MMOs. Yes, in Guild Wars 2 I have lots and lots of great items. Great armor, great weapons, skins, achievements, titles, etc. I've seen some fantastic things, killed fantastic beasts, and enjoyed events that new players will never get to see. That's all great--but what I don't have, and have never had, are online friends and a real sense of community. And that's simply because GW2 is not designed for you to make friends easily and naturally. You guys can disagree with me, but that's how I feel. That's been my own personal experience.

> >


> I think FFXIV would be a great fit for you. They do have chairs you can sit in, after all.


I do like the chairs!

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Honestly I would probably delete this thread if I could. I don't feel great about complaining about GW2. The game, while not my ideal MMO, has served me well over the years for what it is. It's a quality product. I've gotten over 1,000 hours out of it, and I'll likely be back for more periodically. At the end of the day I'm glad the game has tried to innovate even if those innovations haven't all been my cup o' tea, and I'm glad others have been able to meet friends easily and are getting all they want from the game. Who am I to try to convince you that you're not playing the best MMO out there? I just wanted to share my own personal thoughts, but in doing so I might be dissuading people from checking out the game entirely. Who knows--this might even show up on Google. I don't want that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.


Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.


As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.


If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade.

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I agree with the OP, and I have very strong agreement with his first point. This is the most asocial MMORPG I've ever played as well, actually tied with ESO for some of the same reasons. Multiple guilds [i feel] is a bad idea, and it has worked out in a fairly mediocre way for every game that has implemented it. Not many people really socialize in this "MMO" like others. At least it has an Auction House, though...


It doesn't really feel like an MMO. It feels like Diablo III or Path of Exile, honestly. At least it's cheap, though.


I didn't buy Path of Fire because I played the first expansion for about 1 hour before quitting again.


I don't think Fast Travel is an issue, at all. I think in a "traditional" MMO, you have a lot more incentive to group than in GW2 (or ESO, for that matter), which socializes you as a side effect of that. Also, the gameplay is different. There is greater sense of cooperation and mutual dependency because most other games haven't gotten rid of Trinity.


The PvP in GW2 is weaker than a lot of other games, IMO, which doesn't help matters.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> > So I decided to try out FFXIV. Within the first couple hours I ran into two people doing quests and we stopped and had a conversation, because in this game it felt very natural to do. They asked if they could help me out, since they're both max level. Moments later, I've added them as friends, and I'm invited into their "guild hall" (which is actual land that is purchased inside a neighborhood) and we're all just dancing to music playing on the jukebox and being silly and having a good time.

> >

> > This little social event, occurring within _two hours_ of playing the game, was already more enjoyable and intimate than any event I can recall in my entire time of playing Guild Wars 2. _This_ is what I'm talking about; this social aspect that is present in so many other MMOs. Yes, in Guild Wars 2 I have lots and lots of great items. Great armor, great weapons, skins, achievements, titles, etc. I've seen some fantastic things, killed fantastic beasts, and enjoyed events that new players will never get to see. That's all great--but what I don't have, and have never had, are online friends and a real sense of community. And that's simply because GW2 is not designed for you to make friends easily and naturally. You guys can disagree with me, but that's how I feel. That's been my own personal experience.

> >


> This same exact kind of thing could have easily happened in GW2 as well.

> You could have ran into people doing map completion, chatted, made friends, been invited to a guild, dance play with tonics/gizmos/etc, and have a good time.

> I do not see what you mean when you say GW2 is not designed to make friends. I've met and made friends with plenty of people on Gw2.


> That may be your personal experience, but that does not mean that most people experience the same things as you.


What can happen is not really the point. I think these types of of things are more common in games like FFXIV, EQ2, and WoW than in GW2, because the player mindset is different. The players who play different games play them for a reason. They attract different sections of hte player base, and players bring their attitudes to those games to shape the gaming culture and community there. I agree with that person's assessment, because I recently bought FFXIV (still on my first 30 days) and have had similar experiences. The people there are a lot more sociable than in this game.


You're free to take that as an anecdote, but I do think there is a trend to this. This isn't the first time someone has made these kinds of observations in GW2. A lot of people like it predominantly because they can play it a lot like a solo game, a lot of the content in it doesn't "force" you to group up with other players, and the dynamics of grouping are fundamentally different due to the elimination of the trinity in this game.

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> @"Jaunty.6018" said:

> 3. Inventory management. Inventory management. Inventory management.

> 6. Soulbeast and the dagger wielding that came with it are both awful. So disappointed, as my main is a ranger. Base spec continues.

> 7. Can we get someone to blow up LA again so we can get the old design back? That'd be great.

> I'm unable to feel fully immersed like with other MMOs.


3. Silver-Fed + Copper-Fed Salvage -o-Matic's + Mystic Conduit = Managed Inventory

6. Hey! I love my Soulbeast w/DD does some nice bleeds :astonished: Take a second look, it's worth it.

7. NO! We just got it put back together <3 ;) that doesn't mean someone or something wont blow up another city? But might be to cliche

Sounds like you might be more attached to the other MMOs to begin with? At least you keep coming back so that's good :)


It's a game, play what you like XD and welcome back (for the next time ;) )

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.


> Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.


> As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.


> If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. **The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade**.


I have to comment on the last line. Game-play wise FFXIV is actually a lot more involved than GW2 is when it comes to combat. Yes, you may not move as fast, but the rotations are a lot more complicated than anything GW2 puts out with its rotations, so no, it doesn't need an upgrade whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.

> >

> > Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.

> >

> > As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.

> >

> > If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. **The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade**.


> I have to comment on the last line. Game-play wise FFXIV is actually a lot more involved than GW2 is when it comes to combat. Yes, you may not move as fast, but the rotations are a lot more complicated than anything GW2 puts out with its rotations, so no, it doesn't need an upgrade whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.


Still disagree. More buttons. Yet waiting and moving is horrible. Dodging needs to be better and moving while combat is awkward. Like when you stab someone while moving you slide instead of walking. It’s just horrible for a top game. I do like that there’s more skills but the combat does need adjustment whether you like it or not. Even esos combat is better then ffxiv.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > > Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.

> > >

> > > Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.

> > >

> > > As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.

> > >

> > > If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. **The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade**.

> >

> > I have to comment on the last line. Game-play wise FFXIV is actually a lot more involved than GW2 is when it comes to combat. Yes, you may not move as fast, but the rotations are a lot more complicated than anything GW2 puts out with its rotations, so no, it doesn't need an upgrade whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.


> Still disagree. More buttons. Yet waiting and moving is horrible. Dodging needs to be better and moving while combat is awkward. Like when you stab someone while moving you slide instead of walking. It’s just horrible for a top game. I do like that there’s more skills but the combat does need adjustment whether you like it or not. Even esos combat is better then ffxiv.


Whether you like it or not FFXIV will stay the same because it's fine the way it is. There is more to combat then how you dodge and movement. FFXIV skill lies in pulling of tight rotations while dodging a lot of AOEs and killings adds etc. It doesn't need to rely on how fast you can dodge and how pretty the dodge looks like GW2 does. It's not meant to be an action MMORPG, so it's fine the way it is whether you like it or not. Apparently, a lot of people agree with me on this because it's a very popular MMO still.


I am not saying GW2 combat is bad by any means, but each one specializes in their own way of fighting. It would be a boring MMORPG world if everyone copied BnS,Tera, or GW2 fighting style.

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I love Gw2 because I'm not FORCED to play or socialize with other players. I suffer from social anxiety which actually is way worse when playing online, for whatever reason.

I absolutely adore the genre of MMORPGs, yet Gw2 is pretty much the only game I can play without occasionally experiencing panic attacks.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > > > Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.

> > > >

> > > > Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.

> > > >

> > > > As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.

> > > >

> > > > If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. **The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade**.

> > >

> > > I have to comment on the last line. Game-play wise FFXIV is actually a lot more involved than GW2 is when it comes to combat. Yes, you may not move as fast, but the rotations are a lot more complicated than anything GW2 puts out with its rotations, so no, it doesn't need an upgrade whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.

> >

> > Still disagree. More buttons. Yet waiting and moving is horrible. Dodging needs to be better and moving while combat is awkward. Like when you stab someone while moving you slide instead of walking. It’s just horrible for a top game. I do like that there’s more skills but the combat does need adjustment whether you like it or not. Even esos combat is better then ffxiv.


> Whether you like it or not FFXIV will stay the same because it's fine the way it is. There is more to combat then how you dodge and movement. FFXIV skill lies in pulling of tight rotations while dodging a lot of AOEs and killings adds etc. It doesn't need to rely on how fast you can dodge and how pretty the dodge looks like GW2 does. It's not meant to be an action MMORPG, so it's fine the way it is whether you like it or not. Apparently, a lot of people agree with me on this because it's a very popular MMO still.


> I am not saying GW2 combat is bad by any means, but each one specializes in their own way of fighting. It would be a boring MMORPG world if everyone copied BnS,Tera, or GW2 fighting style.


Maybe I should resay what I meant. Maybe not a redo of combat. But just speed would be my thing but a lot of people love it. And it’s fine. My opinion the only thing that bored me was taking like a minute to kill 1 monster. If it speeds up I might give it another chance. Just the fact that the moving around wasn’t really fast pace per se. like the red circle. You can just run out and back in. Maybe later on the red circle hits faster or the fact that my level was lower. And I know you can do more things then kill. But when you have a list to kill monsters to help give more exp it just took too long to just kill only like 10 monsters in a list. But it’s just me. Lot of people love it and I agree, it’s just a me problem.


But then I’m very impatient. So if I have slow combat and can text while fighting it just doesn’t go with me. It’s just too long. I want to get it done and move on. But lot of people do love it so good for them. But this is me and I never tried like pvp or raiding there. I did dungeons which are probably the same as gw2 is fun wise per se.


But I will say that’s the only thing that bugged me. Everything else was very fine about ffxiv. But compared to gw2 pve. Yea arenanet got that right.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > > Reading what the post says and few comments going on seems like your just lonely in the game. Idk how long you have played however I found an awesome friend in the beginning of me playing gw2. I agree housing should be implemented but not because there’s no place to socialize.

> > >

> > > Lions arch is still by far the most social place to be. They talk about random stuff and can always say random stuff to be added. Pvp lobby also is another place. As much as people avoid it but raid groups are very talkative and have a lot of team work. However find a laid back group and you will know what I mean. But my guild leader always finds new members who randomly need help and draws them in the guild. So I have no idea where u go to socialize with people.

> > >

> > > As for the way the game is played, I think pof gave a new beginning for the game and think it’s going to get better. However I do understand what u mean about ffxiv but to me there’s just things I don’t like that gw2 exceeds. Combat is just to slow for an mmo for ffxiv. Currencies was hard to adjust and dyes. I didn’t like how those were. The only time talking was in the game was during a big event. But each adventure there’s just nodding and words. I did not like that at all. I thought that was lazy for an mmo.

> > >

> > > If you don’t like pve in this game you will not like ffxiv since pve in that game is just not the same. Even though there’s events, the events are nothing compared to killing mordremoth in dragons stand. Or killing centaurs in lake Doric. It’s not even close. **The glittery stuff in the game looks better but gameplay wise, ffxiv needs major upgrade**.

> >

> > I have to comment on the last line. Game-play wise FFXIV is actually a lot more involved than GW2 is when it comes to combat. Yes, you may not move as fast, but the rotations are a lot more complicated than anything GW2 puts out with its rotations, so no, it doesn't need an upgrade whatsoever. It's fine the way it is.


> Still disagree. More buttons. Yet waiting and moving is horrible. Dodging needs to be better and moving while combat is awkward. Like when you stab someone while moving you slide instead of walking. It’s just horrible for a top game. I do like that there’s more skills but the combat does need adjustment whether you like it or not. Even esos combat is better then ffxiv.


This can be a positive and a negative.


In GW2, the movement, dodging and hits-on-the-go can be quite interesting and fun but it comes with the drawback of stilted and boring animations (or in the case of most professions, over-utilization of particle effects rather than character animations). You mentioned the sliding animations in FFXIV, this is usually toward the beginning or at the end of an attack with a scripted animation and it is the player using latency to get that bit of extra movement before the animation begins or just as its ending. GW2 utilizes specific animations so that attacks can be used while moving, however, you will find that many are similar or copied and usually involve swinging with the upper body whereas other games like FFXIV have more restrictive animation times.


I know that "animation times" and "animation lock" are taboo in GW2, but when you're playing a game for hundreds of hours, pressing buttons to produce floating numbers, some players like seeing their character animate to do cool stuff and not just shoot out flash and fireworks all the time. It makes skills feel more impactful rather than just the numbers floating overhead.


And before I let go of FFXIV, they did a combat adjustment so that the rotations are a bit more lenient to pull off so that moving from big attacks didn't interrupt your rotations too harshly.


From my experience, the awe that comes from FFXIV is the mass and weight of the boss encounters. GW2 bosses feel like punks in comparison. It could be partially because of all the defense mechanisms at a players' disposal but just watching some of FFXIV's bosses and the areas you battle them in is just awe inspiring.

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1) I like multiple guilds. I wish I had more slots. But the megaserver killed a lot of in-town socializing. Would have been nice if the cities stayed tied to servers and the adventuring areas were megaserver. But with servers being completely killed off now, no use anyway.

2) It's a feature, not a bug.

3) Better than it used to be.

4) I like this too. Makes replaying areas or visiting areas for something less mind numbing.

5) I wouldn't mind more weapon skills, but I don't particularly mind skills being tied to weapons. I like that weapons are different in that regard.

6) I love Soulbeast on my main Ranger, especially for WvW. But I have Druids and base Rangers as well.

7) Totally agree. The new Lion's Arch blows.

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