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Make necro an actual decent/good healer?!


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Well i know this wont happen. But what if... we were actually good healers. That would really spice things up. Cause right now. Groups still just run double druid.


That might change with tomorrows balance patch. Maybe we get to play dps firebrand with firebrand rune to get quickness + renegade healer to get the alacrity. And for the other group use one chrono. As tank and druid healer for party might. So you get another dps spot with the firebrand.


But for my suggestion.

Lets remove this %revive on necro traits. And make things like transfusion skale better or give it more flat healing.


Cause in high end pve, if you need the revive all the time, you failed at boss mechanics or you failed as a healer. Which both is pretty bad.


Or we need way more lf generation, so we can spamm our abilities even more. But that wont be good for pvp modes.


So id make another suggestion. Rework sand savant trait. Remove the big shade from the game. That would really help in wvw.

Instead make this trait buff barrier. Like: if you have some barrier left after these 5 seconds of barrier, heal for 20% of the left over barrier amount.


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I don't see a why we should scrape necro's reviving potential. It's very useful in open world PvE (especially HoT maps) and competitive modes. My spvp necro may not be the best out there, but i sure get a lot of ppl up just with ritual of life trait alone.


Also barriers, now that the decay is gone (and good riddance) are a thing. Many ppl are just stupid and say no to support scourge "cuz it's not in the meta", not realizing that they're not Quantify and what works for pros may not work for them. Having a support scourge that can make 11k HP, 0 toughness squishy dps have 17k-18k hp at a critical moment is a raid saving feature. And if that doesn't work there's still necro's unmatched ressing potential.


They way i see it a-net made necro the "regen type" healer, that has constant, non-spiking healing. Damage spikes are to be handled by barriers.

The issue i see here is that while the idea is solid, the implementation is still imperfect. We don't get 100% uptime on our regen heal (scourge transfusion), and also as healer we should have strong condi-cleanse features as well. But lo and behold, Transfusion and Unholy Martyr are mutually exclusive. A choice that a healer should not be forced to make...

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> I don't see a why we should scrape necro's reviving potential. It's very useful in open world PvE (especially HoT maps) and competitive modes. My spvp necro may not be the best out there, but i sure get a lot of ppl up just with ritual of life trait alone.


> Also barriers, now that the decay is gone (and good riddance) are a thing. Many ppl are just stupid and say no to support scourge "cuz it's not in the meta", not realizing that they're not Quantify and what works for pros may not work for them. Having a support scourge that can make 11k HP, 0 toughness squishy dps have 17k-18k hp at a critical moment is a raid saving feature. And if that doesn't work there's still necro's unmatched ressing potential.


> They way i see it a-net made necro the "regen type" healer, that has constant, non-spiking healing. Damage spikes are to be handled by barriers.

> The issue i see here is that while the idea is solid, the implementation is still imperfect. We don't get 100% uptime on our regen heal (scourge transfusion), and also as healer we should have strong condi-cleanse features as well. But lo and behold, Transfusion and Unholy Martyr are mutually exclusive. A choice that a healer should not be forced to make...


Yeah for pvp its fine. For wvw its pretty bad (the pull thing) cause good enemys will just get up to 6 free kills.


And we have pretty strong condi clear on the group, if abrasife grit wasnt bugged. And if we had enough lifeforce to always use f2+3+4+5


F4+5 are the best heals necro can do. But for f5 you need to foresee people taking dmg in 6 seconds, that doesnt get heald otherwise. Else f5 would just be wasted lifeforce.


And f4... if this would be a better heal, somehow higher, it would be pretty nice, so u can heal spiked allies. Right now its more like: let them go low, then give them barrier, meanwhile try to heal them up. Its most of the times not possible to see, if an ally gets hit in the next split of a second to forecast your barrier.especially with a healskill that takes 3/4s to go off.

If we could have barrier up permanently... but that would be too op and its not possible due to high lf costs.


And unholy martyr is pretty bad for most of the raid bosses. So no choice to make here.

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I agree with this. With scourge they’re already incentivizing us taking healing power, we should have better heals to take advantage of it. Personally I don’t feel like having marginally better barriers (I don’t like the scale rate with heal power they have) is worth taking on tons of healing power. Needs to be more to the build.

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Actually upon closer inspection - **whole** bloodmagic grandmaster tier is a slap to a healer's face.


Transfusion - you take this or no real party healing for you.

Unholy Martyr - well yeah, strong condi pull and way to make lifeforce which we need

Vampiric Rituals - the best way for us to give party protection and being non-spike healers we really need that boon for allies!


Guess what? You can have only one of these....


If it's self sustain we're talking about - choices are valid, diverse and fun. But if you wanna be the party healer, you need the heal, you need the protection and you need the condi pull. Well it is what it is atm...

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I think the problem with Necro support is that only Blood Magic, of all the core trait lines has any.


If, for example, Death Magic had a trait that added 150 toughness to allies within a small AoE, that, on Reaper, would be more welcome.


All trait lines should abandon the "selfish" design theme and offer a small group support trait.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I think the problem with Necro support is that only Blood Magic, of all the core trait lines has any.


> If, for example, Death Magic had a trait that added 150 toughness to allies within a small AoE, that, on Reaper, would be more welcome.


> All trait lines should abandon the "selfish" design theme and offer a small group support trait.


And still noone would play deathmagic with reaper?!

You would loose way to much dps just for a little party support. Definetly not worth it.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I think the problem with Necro support is that only Blood Magic, of all the core trait lines has any.


> If, for example, Death Magic had a trait that added 150 toughness to allies within a small AoE, that, on Reaper, would be more welcome.


> All trait lines should abandon the "selfish" design theme and offer a small group support trait.


Toughness unique buff is already owned by guardian and almost never used. This would have absolutely no positive impact on the necromancer. I 'd rather see anet make a bit of an effort and finally give an unique stat debuff to the necromancer.

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