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Obligatory pvp theory craft thread XD


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I'm tempted to swap the sword for the axe and make some minor adjustment to the old Carrion Ineptitude build, since axe damage is slightly higher than before, with confusion changed to torment. I'd give up sword 2 which could be used defensively, but I guess that I would have an easier time with my staff which is a defensive weapon in pvp. Can't test it now though.

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> @"MyriadStars.5679" said:

> I'm tempted to swap the sword for the axe and make some minor adjustment to the old Carrion Ineptitude build, since axe damage is slightly higher than before, with confusion changed to torment. I'd give up sword 2 which could be used defensively, but I guess that I would have an easier time with my staff which is a defensive weapon in pvp. Can't test it now though.


For power bursts gs for sure. If you want a sustain power (bunker) staff.


In general for power builds you seldom keep a clone up for more than a few seconds.


For example the run of the mill gs rotation is

Gs 2 casted into a distortion/power-lock and you shatter and follow with gs 3


As a whole I wanna say that the burst takes about 2-3 seconds. Afterwards you disengage and reset or follow up if you can manage to secure the kill.



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Hmmm...Yesterday my clones often died in under 2 seconds. That's why I thought I had to finish a combo in 1 second to do well. It's hard for me to tell what was happening because the matchmaking system kept making me fight teams that were much stronger than mine. Most games were like 200 vs 500...I had a winning streak of more than a dozen games before the patch, so now the matchmaking system is punishing me. It's too early for me to draw any conclusions.

But what's the problem with torment? I know they could choose to stand still to avoid taking more damage, but it's a bad idea to stand still in group fights. Some dudes at Reddit said that they were doing well with axes in pvp after the Feb. 9 patch.

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> @"MyriadStars.5679" said:

> Hmmm...Yesterday my clones often died in under 2 seconds. It's hard for me to tell what was happening because the matchmaking system kept making me fight teams that were much stronger than mine. Most games were like 200 vs 500...

> But what's the problem with torment? I know they could choose to stand still to avoid taking more damage, but it's a bad idea to stand still in group fights. Some dudes at Reddit said that they were doing well with axes in pvp after the Feb. 9 patch.


Tbh without seeing you fight I’m not sure how much advice I could give you to help with cleave like that. In general though power Mesmer is played in a way that clones don’t have a window to be cleaved.


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> @"MyriadStars.5679" said:

> Oh, by the way, is the following power build the right one to use after the patch? Thanks.

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Power_Shatter


Tbh you can use a variety of power builds the only trait you need at the core is domination


Dueling and illusion can be swapped out


Mirage in general is better than chrono, the sword mobility lets you kite and disengage well. Plus em is outright op so that’s a plus.


Short answer yeah that’s probably your best bet

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> @"Kubelecer.8219" said:

> So is power the only way to go? I personally don't have good experience with it. Clones die fast as kitten and even then your burst combo seems incredibly easy to avoid or recover from, but I might just be bad. How's axe after the changes?


I'm putting sigil of Fallibility on both weapon sets (in addition to energy) to keep up at least one stack of constant vuln as a cover condition.


The problem with removing vuln from staff autos/ambush and removing confusion from axe is fewer variety of conditons making them easier to cleanse. Doesn't matter if I'm loading up 30+ torment, 20+ bleed and a bit of burn - that's only 3 conditions. Yeah the cripple on axe 2 is nice as a cover, and the vuln on staff 3, but neither are regular output, same with confusion.


This is using Wizard's amulet, adventurer runes and a chaos/duelling/mirage staff + axe/torch build. Of course swapping chaos for illusions is recommended for burst output, which I may resolve on at some point.

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Double MW with Ammo us not as OP as it looks. Phantasm are not shatter able anymore, so a double mind wrack with mirage takes longer then the count recharge of MW. Phantasms convert to clones roughly 3 seconds after skill use, so u could use MW a second time, but won't be able to have all clones up for the second burst. If you wait for the clones to spawn, it will take roughly 4 seconds to do the next shatter, which is a lot of time Jn pvp.

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