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A few more “pain points” for necro


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-Worst mobility and positioning skills in spvp and wvw pain point.


-Slow as all get out skill cast speeds pain point.


-Horrible melee weapon options for spvp and wvw pain point. Slow and drawn out GS reaper skills are not good.


-Revenant power build and warrior power build update to their pain points, but not necro.


-No 1,500 range pain point, combined with the worst “joy of movement” design in spvp and wvw.


-Too dependent on shroud for survival pain point.


-Poor shroud generation mechanics pain point.


-Poor access to stability and defensive buffs pain point.


...Maybe more pain point points to come!


Edit- Feel free to contribute your own “pain points”.

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Very random and unreliable condi cleansing for teammates pain point

No resistance despite being the profession that can inflict condies on self

Poor anti-burst options a.k.a. "Target necro first!"

Forward into the past with 2012 core necro death shroud

Reaper gutted with insane lf degen in exchange for still subpar power damage

Scourge a veritable mess balance wise. Yeah i know how to fix it, but hey, do they pay or even politely ask me about it? No? Their problem.

Scepter slower then a snail.....on marijuana



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