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What would you change about WvW?


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They'd focus on doing something about the **lag** if it was up to me. All of these issues are made a hundred times worse by lag. What is the point of removal skills when are not able to use any skills to begin with in big fights facing those condi squads people complain about so much.

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First and foremost i would recruit people who love, understand and most important play WvW as developers. That´s imho the biggest problem that Anet has never managed to understand what WvW means to people. Second, WvW is NOT PvE, this mindset has to change to go forward. Technical issues have to be solved, lag, fps drops, skill delay in large scale battles. Map design and map mechanics should be reworked so that zerging is not the only option to do something on the battle field. And last but not least balance between classes and build diversity, that does not apply exclusively to WvW, it is important in all game modes but Anet in the past used to be incredibly bad at this in creating every six months the next FOTM.

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I hope to see new maps, present maps are boring, just imagine wvw has BDO graphics !!!

need to see better dynamic weather, need to see rains and winds, storms, dark night, light day, etc

I play wvw for 4 years or more, and there is no big update for it, just 1 big desert map :-1:

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If the game and servers could handle it, I think having one large map would be ideal and would open up a lot more options for adding things to WvW.


As for realistic changes, I'd like to see a 3rd BL map so we can get more variety and I'd like to see increased server performance so we can have these large fights without waiting 5 seconds for an instant skill to go off.


And better balance with balance specifically targeted for WvW.

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