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Confusion hits like a wet noodle in PvE now?


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Did you read the patch notes? Here is the part where they change how confusion works:

"Confusion: Heavily reweighted damage from this condition's base damage-over-time component to the damage-on-skill-use component. The condition-damage contribution has been removed from the damage-over-time component and redistributed into the damage-on-skill-use component. This condition remains split between PvE and PvP/WvW."


As you can see, confusion damage is redistributed into the damage-on-skill-use component. Confusion was too OP and still is too OP, now you get penalized for using skills and the "passive" confusion damage has been toned down but the damage is the same.

![](https://i.imgur.com/u4FVvYd.jpg "")

On this pic, the max damage i did on passive confusion was 300 and damage upon skill used was 1756. If we assume a linear relation then your damage of 491 transforms to 2874 upon skill usage.


On this other pic I was able to get 4k damage with confusion. And I am sure mesmer can do much much more confusion damage than 4K. Confusion is still OP.

![](https://i.imgur.com/2IJAlNV.jpg "")


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Sorry Hitman but Confusion is not OP in PvE. With the "skill use once every few seconds "from mobs, this condition now does much less damage overall on mobs. The passive damage of it is so weak now, its more or less deleted. And the "on skill use effect"? Unless a boss is attacking like mad and using skills as often as players there would be no use to it in PvE. In fact even the skill spamming of Cairn is not enough to make a difference. Some mirages reported a drop there from like 24k to 17k. If the damage overall would be the same, then this shouldn't be the case.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> Sorry Hitman but Confusion is not OP in PvE. With the "skill use once every few seconds "from mobs, this condition now does much less damage overall on mobs. The passive damage of it is so weak now, its more or less deleted. And the "on skill use effect"? Unless a boss is attacking like mad and using skills as often as players there would be no use to it in PvE. In fact even the skill spamming of Cairn is not enough to make a difference. Some mirages reported a drop there from like 24k to 17k. If the damage overall would be the same, then this shouldn't be the case.


It's really hard to test... I think it will probably be pretty good on some raid bosses and really bad on others. I was able to get 23k realistic buffs on the golem using my old untouched axe/clone build. Which is obviously a lot lower, but the golem also uses zero skills. I could see it still being good vs like matthias and desmina who attack a lot, but real bad vs the big, slow bosses like cairn and dhuum.


But then again, new staff shatter mirage is even better/more fun and power chrono is doing bonkers dps, so it's time to evolve.

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I don’t understand. I really don’t. They buffed Torment’s passive damage because PvE enemies didn’t move around enough to make it viable in PvE.


Makes no sense to have these changes to Confusion affect PvE as it goes against the design philosophy they displayed with Torment - it just doesn’t have the potential to work on mobs like it does against other players.


Why wasn’t this a PvP-exclusive change?


To me, they broke Confusion in PvE with this.

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I don't get this change, Anet did a skill-split for confusion becuz confusion was deeply unreliable in PvE, the skill-split was necessary. And now with this change, Anet is reverting back to a time when Confusion is deeply unreliable for PvE mode. Speaking of undoing all of those gains/progress !

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> on certain bosses confusion will be extreme now. on others it will suck. Still hoping this is unintended.


sorry, but no..... 17/18k average on CAIRN, yeah same cairn that spam attacks non stop the only boss in the game that spam that many AA in a short period of time, shows how bad it is right now.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Did you read the patch notes? Here is the part where they change how confusion works:

> "Confusion: Heavily reweighted damage from this condition's base damage-over-time component to the damage-on-skill-use component. The condition-damage contribution has been removed from the damage-over-time component and redistributed into the damage-on-skill-use component. This condition remains split between PvE and PvP/WvW."


> As you can see, confusion damage is redistributed into the damage-on-skill-use component. Confusion was too OP and still is too OP, now you get penalized for using skills and the "passive" confusion damage has been toned down but the damage is the same.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/u4FVvYd.jpg "")

> On this pic, the max damage i did on passive confusion was 300 and damage upon skill used was 1756. If we assume a linear relation then your damage of 491 transforms to 2874 upon skill usage.


> On this other pic I was able to get 4k damage with confusion. And I am sure mesmer can do much much more confusion damage than 4K. Confusion is still OP.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/2IJAlNV.jpg "")



I like videos and screenshots, too. But you should frame your argument with some context. The only way anything is "OP" is if it overperforms. Right now, axe is very clearly underperforming due entirely to the confusion nerf. Despite being the elite spec weapon unlock for mirage, the spec now deals better damage with staff. Where axe was competitive in raid DPS benchmarks prior to the patch, it is now not even close because the axe clone ambush build relies so heavily on confusion which is now completely broken in PvE.


Here's some more evidence for you to consider:


Following the 11/28/2017 patch: Mirage vs. Champion Chak Lobber


The same boss today:


Notice the first video I managed 7.4k DPS, while in the later video that number dropped to 5.6k. Also notice that confusion accounts for only about 15% of damage contribution, down from 32.5% in the first video! This strongly indicates what should be obvious, given the details of the nerf: 1) Confusion is dramatically weaker, and 2) This has resulted in a massive nerf to confusion-heavy builds (axe especially). Do you still believe confusion is OP?



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> @"musu.9205" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > on certain bosses confusion will be extreme now. on others it will suck. Still hoping this is unintended.


> not really people already did it on cairn the dps doesn't come close to what it used to be .


Cairn has a very slow attack though, so he'd fall into the "suck" category... I think it'd still be fine (possibly even better than before) vs other Mirage go-to encounters like Matt/SH. It's just people prefer to test against Cairn since he's easily accessible and is basically a dps golem.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"musu.9205" said:

> > > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > > on certain bosses confusion will be extreme now. on others it will suck. Still hoping this is unintended.

> >

> > not really people already did it on cairn the dps doesn't come close to what it used to be .


> Cairn has a very slow attack though, so he'd fall into the "suck" category... I think it'd still be fine (possibly even better than before) vs other Mirage go-to encounters like Matt/SH. It's just people prefer to test against Cairn since he's easily accessible and is basically a dps golem.


but thing is which raid boss has faster attack speed ? matt and maybe xera .so in order to get confusion mes / axe mirage relevant in pve again , we need to sell bloodstone to get every future raid boss on drugs .its time for 500 chief bloostone recipe guess

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IMO the discussion is moot. I did a few numbers in another thread, but the short of it is this: at 301 damage per action and an average of 30 sustained stacks, to make a 24k DPS build into a respectable 33k DPS build, you'll need to fight an enemy that attacks at a rate of once per second. To my knowledge, no such enemy exists, so comparing which raid boss attacks the fastest is like comparing which raid boss fails the least. At the end of the day it still comes up short.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> Always count on PvP whine to ruin the game for the vast majority of people who play PvE.


You realize that the only reason confusion became useable in PvE in the first place, and therefore extremely annoying in PvP, was because of PvE whiners?


This is a two way street, and Anet can't for the life of them split skills properly.

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