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Why Did You Remove Power Firebrand?


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Core War & Holo are _officially_ better alternatives over Power Firebrand *&* core guard.... Forced to play FB Punching Bag builds.. utterly depressing for us Guardians.


There were a billion ways to balance Healbrand builds without touching our power specs.. I miss our PoF balance team..they at least didn't remove build diversity to this degree.

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> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> Core War & Holo are _officially_ better alternatives over Power Firebrand *&* core guard.... Forced to play FB Punching Bag builds.. utterly depressing for us Guardians.


> There were a billion ways to balance Healbrand builds without touching our power specs.. I miss our PoF balance team..they at least didn't remove build diversity to this degree.


All they had to do was decrease healing, increase cooldowns/recharges of mantra (to wit: Solace and Liberation), and give ToC #1 self-aegis only (and even that might have been too much but its better than what they did). Instead... they pushed FB into playing complete bunker in PvP and nothing else.


It's mind-boggling.

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Yeah, i agree that they overnerfed FB...another heal nerf, removal of Aegis on F3 #1, longer recharge on Mantras...all this without any buff to useless trait lines that could make a power/condi Fb compete with Holo or War...the funnier part were the "buffs" lol, spirit weapons lol and the new trait...reduce 1 sec cooldown on F3 everytime your Aegis block...lol how can this compete with the Meditation trait...

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Yeah, i agree that they overnerfed FB...another heal nerf, removal of Aegis on F3 #1, longer recharge on Mantras...all this without any buff to useless trait lines that could make a power/condi Fb compete with Holo or War...the funnier part were the "buffs" lol, spirit weapons lol and the new trait...reduce 1 sec cooldown on F3 everytime your Aegis block...lol how can this compete with the Meditation trait...

Firebrand did not get overnerfed, healing firebrand was the best support since s1 chronomancer. They could however nerf the healing more towards the healing power contribution to allow whatever builds you’re talking about to keep functioning.


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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Yeah, i agree that they overnerfed FB...another heal nerf, removal of Aegis on F3 #1, longer recharge on Mantras...all this without any buff to useless trait lines that could make a power/condi Fb compete with Holo or War...the funnier part were the "buffs" lol, spirit weapons lol and the new trait...reduce 1 sec cooldown on F3 everytime your Aegis block...lol how can this compete with the Meditation trait...

> Firebrand did not get overnerfed, healing firebrand was the best support since s1 chronomancer. They could however nerf the healing more towards the healing power contribution to allow whatever builds you’re talking about to keep functioning.



Guardian didnt get overnerfed??

Mantra of Solace: Reduced healing by 10% in PvP and WvW.

Mantra of Liberation: Increased the cast recharge from 15 seconds to 25 seconds.(this really hurts Radiance power FB)

Tome of Resolve: Reduced the base healing of all healing skills by 15% in PvP and WvW.

Tome of Courage—Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge: Removed the aegis granted by this skill.(this one is HUGE)

Tome of Courage—Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand: Reduced pulses from 4 to 3 in PvP and WvW.

Tome of Courage—Epilogue: Unbroken Lines: Reduced toughness by 33% in PvP and WvW.

Imbued Haste: Reduced the attribute gain in PvP and WvW from 250 to 150.(lol like FB are running around with 24/7 quickness)


Guardian got nothing but nerfs since PoF, this changes hurted much more other FB builds that werent even that competitive in the first place then it hurted support FB...FB was never a point holder he is not a bunker, power builds when played right could destroy a FB without much trouble, now without Aegis on F3 FB stand no chance at all, Firebrand(support) dont even can retaliete, since it does zero damage, he cant troll 1v3 points 24/7 like druid cause also have zero mobility and cant disengage fight at will...wouldnt complain if all specs received this treatment, but when I see that Druids are left untouched, Warrios even got a buff on Greatsword burst...Holosmith from what i see havent got his damage lowered, while condi Mirage got nerfed it seens that the power variation got somewhat buffed with the changes...while Guards on the other hand have the only meta build nerfed(again) but had no changes to other builds...this aint fair at all...and dont say Spirit Weapons lol

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Is this post forreal? All of the firebrand nerfs were aimed at its defensive utilities which is what made it the most busted spec prior to this patch and it is still even after all the nerfs 100% needed for every team comp competitively. Infact, they buffed the taunt on f3 which is what most "dps"(lolxd) firebrands spam and gave you aegis when you use it. So this post really makes no sense.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Is this post forreal? All of the firebrand nerfs were aimed at its defensive utilities which is what made it the most busted spec prior to this patch and it is still even after all the nerfs 100% needed for every team comp competitively. Infact, they buffed the taunt on f3 which is what most "dps"(lolxd) firebrands spam and gave you aegis when you use it. So this post really makes no sense.


This post made sense. Killing our HEALING and ToC made using tomes more of a liability than an asset. We have no way to recover if we are focused, so if you hop into ANY tome, you will be dead really fast (especially yo power builds). That's why these power "hybrid" builds were hurt more than the bunker builds. Before we could heal pretty good, support pretty good with aegis and still do SOME damage. Now we either go full or not firebrand at all. I don't think destroying build diversity is what I'd call "Balance."


Not to mention druid now does everything better than full support Fb anyway.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Is this post forreal? All of the firebrand nerfs were aimed at its defensive utilities which is what made it the most busted spec prior to this patch and it is still even after all the nerfs 100% needed for every team comp competitively.


If you were referring to Bunker Healbrand Punching Bag builds then i'd agree with you 100%... this post isn't about that at all. Read the title.


> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Infact, they buffed the taunt on f3 which is what most "dps"(lolxd) firebrands spam and gave you aegis when you use it. So this post really makes no sense.


No one spams ToC#2 for "dps"... you do that and you're *losing* damage by not "spaming" literally anything else for damage. We use ToC#2 for CC and it's not a "spam" either... we typically cast it once in the rotation. The "buff" is 1 single aegis... how in the world does this help power guards?? You make it look as if you have no idea what you're talking about.

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You're both missing my point. How else do you expect Anet to nerf a super overtuned "support" spec, without nerfing the support? That makes no sense. Your hybrid/power build or whatever you run got nerfed collaterally but that wasn't the intention. F2 healing was overtuned, so it got nerfed. F3 tome was extremely busted and literally could tank 1v3s in that tome without even losing HP if played properly, so why would they not nerf those things?


Also I can't take anyone seriously that thinks druid supports better than firebrand. Not even the same role bud.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> You're both missing my point. How else do you expect Anet to nerf a super overtuned "support" spec, without nerfing the support? That makes no sense. Your hybrid/power build or whatever you run got nerfed collaterally but that wasn't the intention. F2 healing was overtuned, so it got nerfed. F3 tome was extremely busted and literally could tank 1v3s in that tome without even losing HP if played properly, so why would they not nerf those things?


> Also I can't take anyone seriously that thinks druid supports better than firebrand. Not even the same role bud.


> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> You're both missing my point. How else do you expect Anet to nerf a super overtuned "support" spec, without nerfing the support? That makes no sense. Your hybrid/power build or whatever you run got nerfed collaterally but that wasn't the intention. F2 healing was overtuned, so it got nerfed. F3 tome was extremely busted and literally could tank 1v3s in that tome without even losing HP if played properly, so why would they not nerf those things?


> Also I can't take anyone seriously that thinks druid supports better than firebrand. Not even the same role bud.


I'm not even going to waste my time in typing a whole paragraph of items that would have help power FB builds while also nerfing the spamming ToC#1 Aegis skill... I'm not in any illusion that ToC#1 needed a change but they had 100 other ways to alter or added in zeal/radiance _alone_ that would have otherwise helped powerbrands. Instead of was a nerf to other power build variants....

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Dude everything you're saying makes no sense. Do you not understand that f2 and f3 tomes were the reason firebrand was so busted? Stop saying anet did it to kill your non-optimal ranked q meme build. Their goal was to nerf something that was extremely overtuned. Now if you're saying they should have buffed other aspects and other traits to give specific power builds an edge that would in no way buff support, sure why not but their main focus of this balance patch was the PoF specs. You worded your initial post saying "There were a billion ways to balance Healbrand builds without touching our power specs", but what I'm trying to tell you is Anet CANNOT nerf an overtuned support WITHOUT gutting F2 and F3 tomes. Re-read the patch notes again. The nerfs hit f2 tome(support), f3 tome(support), mantra heal(support), and recharge recovery of elite mantra(support). So my question to you is : How do you expect Anet to nerf a busted support spec without touching f2/f3 tomes and the mantras? Because a combination of those 3 things is what made it an unkillable tank with crazy heals and cleanse for everyone. Since you say there's a billion ways to nerf it i'll wait for you to list one but I won't hold my breath.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Dude everything you're saying makes no sense. Do you not understand that f2 and f3 tomes were the reason firebrand was so busted? Stop saying anet did it to kill your non-optimal ranked q meme build. Their goal was to nerf something that was extremely overtuned. Now if you're saying they should have buffed other aspects and other traits to give specific power builds an edge that would in no way buff support, sure why not but their main focus of this balance patch was the PoF specs. You worded your initial post saying "There were a billion ways to balance Healbrand builds without touching our power specs", but what I'm trying to tell you is Anet CANNOT nerf an overtuned support WITHOUT gutting F2 and F3 tomes. Re-read the patch notes again. The nerfs hit f2 tome(support), f3 tome(support), mantra heal(support), and recharge recovery of elite mantra(support). So my question to you is : How do you expect Anet to nerf a busted support spec without touching f2/f3 tomes and the mantras? Because a combination of those 3 things is what made it an unkillable tank with crazy heals and cleanse for everyone. Since you say there's a billion ways to nerf it i'll wait for you to list one but I won't hold my breath.


All they had to do was make f3 #1 aegis self-only. Boom. Support is nerfed and power/hybrid FB is still viable.

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Lol I don't think you understand how firebrand works. Having such easy access to aegis was a big offender for firebrand being unkillable in 1vx situations. Not to mention, even if it was self aegis, they would still get healed from Pure of Heart trait giving them 1.5k health everytime they block, and on top of that the aegis they get from their heal. Its too much healing and self sustain is what I'm trying to explain to you. Every firebrand nerf that Anet has done this patch has been pretty calculated and I have yet to see a single valid suggestion from anyone in here. But then again you think druid is a better support than fb.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Lol I don't think you understand how firebrand works. Having such easy access to aegis was a big offender for firebrand being unkillable in 1vx situations. Not to mention, even if it was self aegis, they would still get healed from Pure of Heart trait giving them 1.5k health everytime they block, and on top of that the aegis they get from their heal. Its too much healing and self sustain is what I'm trying to explain to you. Every firebrand nerf that Anet has done this patch has been pretty calculated and I have yet to see a single valid suggestion from anyone in here. But then again you think druid is a better support than fb.


Just because you say stuff, doesn't make it so lol. I'm not here to convince you of the truth. If that were the case, I'd be asking if you've found Jesus.


It was a LAZY nerf in an attempt at balance, that was poorly thought through that killed build diversity. Not sure why you're trying to argue against that... since it's pretty obvious.

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> @"Flysofar.3182" said:

> Mr. Druid does more support than Bunker Firebrand is upset he has no valid points and is too stubborn to realize he has no understanding of the class.


That was just barely English. You sound like the sour one, here. I enjoy games with build diversity. You, for some reason, are against it.


There are any number of things they could have done to not keep Bunker FB decent and decimate hybrid FBs. But they are lazy and sad at balancing (try arguing with that). Why not give ACTUAL meaningful choices in trait lines that change how a build is played... so if I take one skill I do more damage and do less healing, etc. That way it's way easier to balance and supports build diversity. But nope... because GW2 players just all play meta builds anyways, why support build diversity?? Nah.

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I am in favor of some of Anet changes, but they clearly they have no knowledge of what the issues are or any idea how to fix them. Not every FB build is support, and the ones that are not, have essentially been killed.


Core build is so powercreeped. DH was bad even before PoF release. But no worry boys SW now has 1 sec CD!!!! What a fucking joke.

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**If they gave half the shit they give to launching new living world episodes to actual balance between specs the game wouldn't be this shit storm. **


**It's sad because to me it is so very clear that Arena Net is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. **The majority of the population wants living world episodes so I guess let's fart those like they are candy. They fail to realize that most of the community who gives a shit about balance is miles away from here. The competitive scene is miles away from here. And it is not because they don't care. It's because at some point there everything went to sh#t. And ArenaNet keeps adding sh#t on top of the sh#t and now we have nothing but a big pile of sh#it.


It is very simple: Quality = Money. They bring quality shining updates and maps and it brings in people who want to burn their money on that kind of stuff. They sh#t on top of BALANCE, people who care about that stuff will take their wallet and run away. Then it seems like investing on balance is not worth it. And i find it mesmerizing that they fail to see that that is not the case. HOW does a company not realize that? Or even better, why they CHOOSE to ignore it?


**Let's be honest. A proper balance team is WAY easier to come up with than Designers, Artists and all that staff you need in order to design new content. I'm not saying new content isn't important, im saying BALANCE IS JUST AS IMPORTANT.**


Classes being threated like memes on both PvP and PvE, situation of PvP Revenant and PvE Necromancer. So many classes being forced into one role. Mesmers being gods in both utility and dps on PvE and both Condi and Power spike damages on PvP. Honestly i feel do hopeless. Despair is the only feeling that i get when i think about the game now. Every profession feels like it has lost it's thematic. Guardians are nuke one trick ponies or straigth up punching bags??? Reaper is the glassiest shit in the realm??? Elementalists being tanks in PvP IN BOTH THEIR ELITE SPECS??? Mesmer specs for PvP feel like they all do the same thing. Either fart out condis from illusions or one shot builds. Berserker is... uh? Worse core warr, which is worse spellbreaker??? REVENANT DEAD? BAD AT EVERYTHING?


And oh god the silent threatment. Don't get me started on the silent threatment. Never knowing why they do what they do. Absurd changes being left without explanation. Things left unchecked without explanation. ABSOLUTELY NO EXPLANATION AS TO WHY REVENANT ISNT VIABLE.


In all honesty, the threatment they give us here, **makes me want to cry. ** As both, costumers and human beings.



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Dead powerbrand+ nerfed-but-still-good healbrand > Strong powerbrand + overpowered healbrand. The specialization was made for condi and healing, anet should balance the spec around that and balance DH*** or coreguard around power.

>b-but what about engi and war and druid and and mesmer???

All we can do is pray for anet to balance them properly in the next balance patch.

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