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Illusionary Ambush: Phantasm Killer


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> Phantasms: Phantasms can no longer be shattered and no longer count toward your maximum illusion count. Phantasms are destroyed and then replaced by clones after completing their unique attack **or if their attack is interrupted.**


> Illusionary Ambush: You and all your illusions shadowstep to a random point around your target and gain Mirage Cloak. **Illusions' actions are interrupted** when they change focus to the targeted foe.


In other words, if you have a phantasm summoned and use Illusionary Ambush you destroy it _no matter what_. It doesn't matter if you are changing to another target or not. It doesn't matter if you have three clones or none. It doesn't matter if the phantasm is mid-cast or not. The instant you hit IA, any phantasms you have are instantly destroyed, meaning it is now a skill that can be detrimental to your dps.


And there is no reason for this. With the way phantasms work now, they _can't_ switch targets. You can test this with Axes of Symmetry which also causes illusions to retarget. Summon iWarlock, switch to axe, and use AoS. Your clones will switch targets like they are supposed to while the warlocks will complete their attack before despawning. (Swordsman seems to be the one exception I could find. The shadowstep seems to overwrite his leap, causing him to teleport near your target and complete his attack.) There's no reason for IA to interrupt phantasms.


It should be changed so it only interrupts clones and not phantasms.

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Mirage is a spec focused around clones, so its fine /s


I do agree that this is likely an oversight more than anything else. However, I don't want to see the trait just gutted by no longer affecting phantasms. I wonder if it could be balanced in a way similar to chronophantasma, wherein if you use it, once the phantasm finishes its attack it summons a second phantasm to attack the target that you cast IA on instead of turning into a clone, and then that second phantasm may or may not summon a clone when it performs its attack. This would keep the feel of the attack the same, and still allow for retargetting all of your illusions

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