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Could Shatter Storm be a mistake?


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Shatter Storm: This trait takes the place of Compounding Power in the major adept tier and causes Mind Wrack to become a skill with 2 ammo.


Shouldn’t “Cry Of Frustration” be getting the ammo treatment?


Illusions is our condition line? They just made a big change to confusion making it a “burst” condition. So having 2-CoF’s would make more sense.


I know Maim is already there(little redundant) but having 2-MW in any trait line seems a bit over the top?


I’d love a similar 2-Diversions trait in Domination!

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2 Diversion sounds hawt

+1 for that


not sure about Shatter Storm

it's stupid strong

but meanwhile, if you were running condi and illusions, you'd already take The Pledge anyway, most likely

or at least, they "want" you to


i think that's what they're going for

i'm not agreeing with them, but i just think their idea is to try to even some things out and try to mix power/condi things everywhere so you can get into some grandmasters for each type of build

like how everything they used to showcase to us it'd be in celestial gear because they really like hybrids?

i dunno


again.... i don't...... fully agree or disagree with that type of decision, it's just an observation of what it seems like



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Even in a "condition" trait line, it is possible to build power mesmer with this trait for two shot stealth opener which in itself is absurd.


I'm not sure why this trait exists. I mean it's cool and I'm happy to have some good opening burst potential for my hybrid play, but I can't see it being easy to balance.

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