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Mount Skins and gemstore release patterns in general


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As much as I love mount skins, I hope history doesn't repeat itself. Here's what I mean: when HoT launched and glider skins became a thing, mail carriers and finishers dropped off to almost nothing in two years (I would like to praise anet however for going back with new finishers recently). When PoF launched, I was worried the same would happen to glider skins - that is, something old being abandoned for something new. Now I'm not saying glider skins or finishers or mail carriers need to come as fast as they used to, just that they don't get abandoned. For the first few months, gliders were still coming in at a slightly slower pace, a good pace for them from now on IMO. But there hasn't been a new one in well over a month, so I thought it would be time to discuss this. As I've said, I do think mount skins should overtake glider skins in terms of frequency, let's be clear that is nkt the problem. What are your thoughts about older types of items being phased out for newer things?

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> there hasn't been a new one in well over a month,


I don't think a month is anything close to enough time to establish a gem shop pattern. Sometimes they have a bunch of BL weapons skins release within 4-6 weeks, sometimes it's several months. It depends on what else the designers need to work on, unexpected delays, fixing bugs, and whether there's a sudden need for a change on something for some reason.


Each time ANet adds a new skin type, it's going to necessarily reduce the frequency of the other types. There's only so many artists that the game can have working on the game and they can only get so much done. So if/when Expansion #3/LS5 launch, we'll see some other sort of thing that can be reskinned and that will mean fewer mail carriers, fewer glider skins, fewer finishers, and yeah, fewer mountfits, too.


Plus, as consumers, we get saturated, It's possible to be offered too much choice, which leads to people postponing decisions on purchasing _anything_, because they aren't sure if another, cooler thing will show up next month.


I'd recommend waiting to see what happens and then making specific requests or make plain what sort of balance among skins you'd like to see.


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