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Staff/Staff 34-41k on golem 8-14k in actual play.


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@"Karl McLain.5604" @"Robert Gee.9246"


I actually love staff/staff. It feels like playing axe, you combo around casting your 3... drop chaos storm off cd, like you would with prestige... weapon swapping, ambush spam and cool graphical effects.... and you get to stand *mostly* still while doing it. and with this change from last night, you *did* make it *better* than it was.



> Chaos Vortex: Instead of inflicting vulnerability, this attack now inflicts 1 stack of torment for 5 seconds.


now more damge is leaning on the ambush, which is good. and has a higher skill cap. And the auto attack when standing close to the golem, the bounces guarantee you very high dps.


problem? the bounce hits friendlies. always. boss - ally - ally. every time it can. this creates a situation where, in raids, you cant ever hit those dps numbers from the golem. not even close.


i do, however want to suggest a fix. simple (i think, but i dont code things) that keeps the flavor of the skill, but should make it work in pve.


**In Pve Only** keep the bounce in pvp


Winds of Chaos

Fire an orb of energy that randomly inflicts conditions to foes, then explodes granting random boons to a random number of allies.


Damage.png Damage: 121 (0.3)?

Bleeding.png Bleeding (7s): 154 Damage (1 or 2 stacks randomly)

Burning.png Burning (1s): 131 Damage (1 or 2 stacks randomly)

Torment.png Torment (5s): 110 Damage, 159 Damage if Moving(1 or 2 stacks randomly)

Miscellaneous effect.png Cause Chaos Boon.

Range.png Range: 1,200


Chaos Boon

...then explodes granting random boons to a random number of allies.


Fury.png Fury (2s): 20% Critical Chance (1 or 2 allies)

Might.png Might (5s): +30 Power, +30 Condition Damage (1 or 2 allies)

Range.png Range: 300



This way damage output on bosses is as though it **always ** catches half the bounces. Allies close to the target are buffed as though it *always bounces once*. the randomness still emulates the behavior of a bounce.


please consider this, it would be a huge deal.

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You should try to figure out what's causing the extra damage to happen sometimes. It's has nothing to do with extra "bounces".


It's Chaos Vortex that's hitting enemies multiple times, if they get hit by another Chaos Vortex while the first orb is still inside their hitbox.



It's a lot easier to abuse things when you know how they work.

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> @"Lotheap Mitty.6103" said:

> > @"Josa.5067" said:

> > It's Chaos Vortex that's hitting enemies multiple times, if they get hit by another Chaos Vortex while the first orb is still inside their hitbox.

> that sounds much more like a bug then feature.


That's because it is a bug =)

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anything that multi-hits a single target is a bug according to anet except for meteor shower.......

Its a lot easier to get interrupted while doing staff ambush than it is to do axe ambush due to the longer cast time. You also aren't able to track the target as good as the axe. All of this add up to lower DPS in real combat situation.


FFS anet just hurry up and make the axe great again.


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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> kitten anet just hurry up and make the axe great again.

I would very much like that since I just poofed 500g on unlocking astralaria IV..

however, what could happen is,

1: Anet change axe ambush (and other confusion stuff possibly) to [insert condition damage here].

2: people start complaining [insert condition damage here].

3: Anet axe [insert condition damage here] like how they axed axes.

4: repeat from stage 1 with a different condition.

I think they are onto something, are we seeing the downfall of the condi meta??



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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Wait, all the bosses in the game arent stationary enemies that do no attacks?

> >

> > I am *shocked*!


> Raid bosses confirmed smarter then PvP players.



Well actually considering pvp is a 50/50 ratio on KD on average, I wonder if bosses' KD is better or worse than players.

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