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Black Lion Garden Plot Deed Questions

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Right so I have gone through quite a few forum posts here and while there is reference to the fact that these garden plots are weird, explanation later it's not had any mention in patch notes, here on the forums or even the official bug tracker so can someone at anet set the record straight.


Things I have observed or heard of relating to the Black Lion Garden Plot

1. If the instance owner farms the plot they instantly become unavailable to anyone else for that day

2. if a player farms it before the instance owner they can harvest it however if they have a plot depending on whether it is plot 1 or 2 the equivalent nodes become unavailable

(For Example: after harvesting in person 1's instance person 2's Node becomes unavailable)

3. As of 02/06/2018 patch Nodes that are planted can no longer be replaced until you are holding a seed pouch

It would be nice if we could get a definitive nail in the coffin as to whether points 1 is intended


A Confused

Dapper Shark

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There were some bugs and oddities that were fixed shortly after it was released, so mostly it works as other nodes with the sole exception that... once you harvest _and leave the instance_, the specific node that you used will not be usable by guests.


> @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> 1. If the instance owner farms the plot they instantly become unavailable to anyone else for that day

Not "instantly." Only after exiting the instance. When they return, the nodes will not be harvestable by others.


This is a little unusual, but not entirely unprecedented. After all, you an only use the Enchanted Treasure Chest of your own home instance. It appear to be a side-effect of allow us to plant different items. In order for us to plant something new of the next day, the game has to ensure that the node is empty from today.


> 2. if a player farms it before the instance owner they can harvest it however if they have a plot depending on whether it is plot 1 or 2 the equivalent nodes become unavailable

> (For Example: after harvesting in person 1's instance person 2's Node becomes unavailable)

This is normal: we have never been able to farm nodes in two instances on the same day.

The reason this confuses some people is that the specific node might provide onion in my instance but garlic in someone else's. It doesn't change the fact that the rule is (and has always been): one harvest per node.


> 3. As of 02/06/2018 patch Nodes that are planted can no longer be replaced until there are no reachable nodes in that plot

I don't know what you mean by this.


> 4. I have not tested this but I have heard that some plots are linked while others are not. as an example, Kryta linked to black citadel

This was a problem when it launched; it was since fixed. What's planted in DR is what you get the next day in BC, etc.




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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There were some bugs and oddities that were fixed shortly after it was released, so mostly it works as other nodes with the sole exception that... once you harvest _and leave the instance_, the specific node that you used will not be usable by guests.


> > @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> > 1. If the instance owner farms the plot they instantly become unavailable to anyone else for that day

> Not "instantly." Only after exiting the instance. When they return, the nodes will not be harvestable by others.


> This is a little unusual, but not entirely unprecedented. After all, you an only use the Enchanted Treasure Chest of your own home instance. It appear to be a side-effect of allow us to plant different items. In order for us to plant something new of the next day, the game has to ensure that the node is empty from today.


Trust me when I say it instantly changes I did this earlier and yes while there is 3 different nodes that can only be farmed by you it's not the norm and I don't think something like this garden plot should be

> > 2. if a player farms it before the instance owner they can harvest it however if they have a plot depending on whether it is plot 1 or 2 the equivalent nodes become unavailable

> > (For Example: after harvesting in person 1's instance person 2's Node becomes unavailable)

> This is normal: we have never been able to farm nodes in two instances on the same day.

> The reason this confuses some people is that the specific node might provide onion in my instance but garlic in someone else's. It doesn't change the fact that the rule is (and has always been): one harvest per node.


Yeh its relatively simple rule and I haven't had too much of a quam with it but it does have some exploitable behaviors such as candy corn nodes technically having two variants thus making them harvestable on the same day this is what I expected with varying crops

> > 3. As of 02/06/2018 patch Nodes that are planted can no longer be replaced until there are no reachable nodes in that plot

> I don't know what you mean by this.


Patch Nodes: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27216/game-update-notes-february-6-2018#latest Near the bottom of the original post is what i was compressing

> > 4. I have not tested this but I have heard that some plots are linked while others are not. as an example, Kryta linked to black citadel

> This was a problem when it launched; it was since fixed. What's planted in DR is what you get the next day in BC, etc.


Good to know thanks for setting that straight updated the original post to reflect this update



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> Growing crops that are planted in Black Lion garden plots can no longer be removed unless the player has a seed pouch equipped in order to prevent players from accidentally uprooting crops while gathering


Is that what you mean? It only changes whether it's easy to accidental remove the previously-grown crop.


> Trust me when I say it instantly changes I did this earlier

Well the last time I tested was prior to the Lunar New Year patch, so I was going off of that.


> and yes while there is 3 different nodes that can only be farmed by you it's not the norm

As I said above, it's unusual, but not unprecedented.


> and I don't think something like this garden plot should be

I'd certainly prefer guests to be able farm the nodes at any time during the day, but I'm not sure it warrants the additional costs given that the primary functionality is that we can change the nodes daily. Some stuff in the home instance is easy to adjust for guests; some stuff won't be.

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For point 3, they just made it so you don't accidentally remove plants you meant to leave by clicking "Remove Plant" when you're expecting "Gather." Now you only get the "Remove Plant" prompt if you have equipped a seed packet and therefore presumably want to plant new things. As someone who had to replant an embarrassingly large number of of my plants due to after-dinner-autopilot node harvesting, I am very grateful for this change.

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> For point 3, they just made it so you don't accidentally remove plants you meant to leave by clicking "Remove Plant" when you're expecting "Gather." Now you only get the "Remove Plant" prompt if you have equipped a seed packet and therefore presumably want to plant new things. As someone who had to replant an embarrassingly large number of of my plants due to after-dinner-autopilot node harvesting, I am very grateful for this change.


I feel then mine might not be working as intended as if your meant to equip a seed pouch before you can remove nodes then mine is not working this way as I have observed that if you stand on the edge of the plot you can harvest 3 however it then prioritise removing plants before harvesting them however if you stand in the middle it just prioritises farming nodes before remove with or without a seed pouch

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> @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > For point 3, they just made it so you don't accidentally remove plants you meant to leave by clicking "Remove Plant" when you're expecting "Gather." Now you only get the "Remove Plant" prompt if you have equipped a seed packet and therefore presumably want to plant new things. As someone who had to replant an embarrassingly large number of of my plants due to after-dinner-autopilot node harvesting, I am very grateful for this change.


> I feel then mine might not be working as intended as if your meant to equip a seed pouch before you can remove nodes then mine is not working this way as I have observed that if you stand on the edge of the plot you can harvest 3 however it then prioritise removing plants before harvesting them however if you stand in the middle it just prioritises farming nodes before remove with or without a seed pouch


Those are two different mechanics. As you've noticed, some of the instances have the nodes positioned so you can harvest 4x without suffering a "remove" prompt and some do not.


What changed this week is that you can no longer actually remove the seeds anymore, _unless_ you have the new seeds equipped. Nothing was changed regarding whether or when we get that prompt, though.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> What changed this week is that you can no longer actually remove the seeds anymore, _unless_ you have the new seeds equipped. Nothing was changed regarding whether or when we get that prompt, though.


Oh, the prompt still shows, even though you can't use it? I must have gotten lucky with where I've been standing since the patch.


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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > What changed this week is that you can no longer actually remove the seeds anymore, _unless_ you have the new seeds equipped. Nothing was changed regarding whether or when we get that prompt, though.


> Oh, the prompt still shows, even though you can't use it? I must have gotten lucky with where I've been standing since the patch.



As i said it shows depending on where you are standing and is still usable

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> @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > What changed this week is that you can no longer actually remove the seeds anymore, _unless_ you have the new seeds equipped. Nothing was changed regarding whether or when we get that prompt, though.

> >

> > Oh, the prompt still shows, even though you can't use it? I must have gotten lucky with where I've been standing since the patch.

> >


> As i said it shows depending on where you are standing and is still usable


I'll do some tests after reset, and send a bug report if I also encounter this. Will report back either way.

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> @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > What changed this week is that you can no longer actually remove the seeds anymore, _unless_ you have the new seeds equipped. Nothing was changed regarding whether or when we get that prompt, though.

> >

> > Oh, the prompt still shows, even though you can't use it? I must have gotten lucky with where I've been standing since the patch.

> >


> As i said it shows depending on where you are standing


They didn't try to remove the prompt, so it's unsurprising that it still shows. (And, as it was prior to the patches, it depends on where you are standing relative to the the remaining harvestable nodes.)


> and is still usable

Not in my home instances. If I don't have replacement seeds, the game says, "please equip a seed pouch to remove growing crops."

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> Glad things are working properly for you, @"Dapper Shark.4958" . I was just popping back in to say that I tested both plots and while the Remove Plant prompt did show up, the both returned the "Please equip a seed pouch..." response and left my plants alone.


good to hear now only 1 question remains for me Is this whole fiasco with other players not being able to farm after you a bug or intended

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> @"Dapper Shark.4958" said:

> Is this whole fiasco with other players not being able to farm after you a bug or intended


It's neither: as noted above, it's an accident of the way in which the nodes work. It's only "intended" in the sense that they decided not to use a more complicated mechanic which would allow guests to harvest later on. Their goal was to give us a lot of seed choices that could be easily changed every day, not to reduce the value to others.


On a practical basis, ANet's all but said they this won't be changed (probably because it would be a lot of effort for a relatively minor benefit).

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  • 10 months later...

> @"MisterFox.4208" said:

> Question... Is it possible to change the type of plants that you have growing?



yes, if you have an empty plot you can just buy seeds and plant. if you have plants already in your plots then you need to buy a seed packet, remove the old plant to plant a new one. seems cumbersome but it was added this way so when harvesting you dont accidentally pull plants out.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Trust me when I say it instantly changes I did this earlier

> Well the last time I tested was prior to the Lunar New Year patch, so I was going off of that.


I've tested it since then (yesterday), and it works as you stated: you must leave the instance before the nodes become unavailable to guests.

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