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A New Kind of Griefing?

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So, the first time I ran into this, I thought it was a bug or a fluke, but several times now, while waiting for the reset Tequatl, a guild has spawned him on top of the half formed group. No defenses organized, not near enough DPS to beat the timer, pretty much guaranteed fish head city. The guild in question isn't typically in evidence in the crowd, they seem to spawn and run without a word, only leaving a shiny banner announcing their sins to the map. I'm not sure if dumping a world boss on a unsuspecting group of players is actionable, but it certainly seems rude and anti-social to me.

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> @"Chyro.1462" said:

> Honestly? ... it sounds funny.

> 'Oh, you guys are waiting for dragon? Here, have a surprise dragon!'


If it were any one other than Teq, I'm not sure I'd care, but Teq, farmable as he is these days, still requires coordination to down. And makes the beach area uninhabitable if you don't.

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > Forcing a new map? You should ask for squad invite when they start arriving.


> There is no arriving. The guild(s) doing this aren't sticking around for the fight, they just drop a dragon bomb on people AFKing before the usual timer.


Three things:

* Send in a Support ticket, reporting the guild. Include a screenshot of the "shiny banner" and the instance IP (via `/ip`) and time/date.

* I'm unclear as to how they drop the Dragon Bomb. I thought it wasn't possible for a guild to trigger the event within 30 min of the scheduled start time. If it can be, I'd also report it as a bug.

* Feed not the trolls. The more we talk about this, the happier they will be (at least until/if ANet catches up with them). Report quietly and wait for a big /kick.

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > Forcing a new map? You should ask for squad invite when they start arriving.


> There is no arriving. The guild(s) doing this aren't sticking around for the fight, they just drop a dragon bomb on people AFKing before the usual timer.


If it's the guild I'm thinking of, they must have finally wised up. For a very long time, their tactic has been to pull/knock abominations into the zerg at the end of the fight, then stand around saying "F" and "huehuehue" when people die en masse. Finally everyone started watching them and keeping their own CC's handy to undo their mischief.


See what eating Tide Pods does to ya, folks? ;)

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> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> > @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > Forcing a new map? You should ask for squad invite when they start arriving.

> >

> > There is no arriving. The guild(s) doing this aren't sticking around for the fight, they just drop a dragon bomb on people AFKing before the usual timer.


> If it's the guild I'm thinking of, they must have finally wised up. For a very long time, their tactic has been to pull/knock abominations into the zerg at the end of the fight, then stand around saying "F" and "huehuehue" when people die en masse. Finally everyone started watching them and keeping their own CC's handy to undo their mischief.


> See what eating Tide Pods does to ya, folks? ;)


There's something in the water!!! It's TIDE PODS!!!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Three things:

> * Send in a Support ticket, reporting the guild. Include a screenshot of the "shiny banner" and the instance IP (via `/ip`) and time/date.

> * I'm unclear as to how they drop the Dragon Bomb. I thought it wasn't possible for a guild to trigger the event within 30 min of the scheduled start time. If it can be, I'd also report it as a bug.

> * Feed not the trolls. The more we talk about this, the happier they will be (at least until/if ANet catches up with them). Report quietly and wait for a big /kick.


They do it just before that 30 minute lockout. For most maps, it is irrelevant, but Teq maps will often be half full that far in advance. And, like I said, there's the fish head problem.

I've also seen it done as soon after regular Teq as possible, to mess with people sorting through the pile of loot in their bags.

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> They do it just before that 30 minute lockout. For most maps, it is irrelevant, but Teq maps will often be half full that far in advance. And, like I said, there's the fish head problem.

> I've also seen it done as soon after regular Teq as possible, to mess with people sorting through the pile of loot in their bags.


I have never experienced this and I did a lot of Tequatl events, enough to get 2 Hoards ^^


But if they do it more than 30 minutes before Tequatl spawns regularly, what's the problem? Just sit it out and wait for your spawn. And the rotten mouths vanish when Tequatl spawns, and since people are afk before the event, they should not step into them.


Anet has implemented an anti-griefing mechanics when they put the 30 minutes rule in place, and I think it works. 30 minutes is a long time waiting, the maps I am usually in start gathering 20 minutes before the regular spawn. Maybe that's the reason why I've never seen that happening.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


they sure do not only that but this is noting new at all ., been happen in this game for a very long time at least 3 or 4 years i would dare say.

some times i change maps and some times i just wait for the reset to happen and move on . and anet will not do any thing about it as it is like you said they just spawned a boss and did not kill it . not like its that big of a deal or any thing at all

or it will not spawn the boss again . heck any guild can do this

but the part that gets me with op,s post is he seams to think we care about DPS in PVE and we do not care about DPS in PVE


heck half the time half to 3./4th the map is AFK till it is time for the teq event any how .

myself i go half hour early to get on one of the first maps . and then go do other stuff till its time for the teq event to get going . band together get our 2 gold and drops and move back on to other PVE stuff

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> So, the first time I ran into this, I thought it was a bug or a fluke, but several times now, while waiting for the reset Tequatl, a guild has spawned him on top of the half formed group. No defenses organized, not near enough DPS to beat the timer, pretty much guaranteed fish head city. The guild in question isn't typically in evidence in the crowd, they seem to spawn and run without a word, only leaving a shiny banner announcing their sins to the map. I'm not sure if dumping a world boss on a unsuspecting group of players is actionable, but it certainly seems rude and anti-social to me.


They are doing it again? Not sure if it is the same group but there used to be a guild infamous for doing that (among other things). Spawn it soon before the normal timer then run.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


Thumbs down. Just because you CAN do something does not mean you have the right to do it. You CAN violate clauses of the TOS that have no physical way of stopping you but you probably will not get very far with arguing you had the right to do it.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


> Thumbs down. Just because you CAN do something does not mean you have the right to do it. You CAN violate clauses of the TOS that have no physical way of stopping you but you probably will not get very far with arguing you had the right to do it.


They upgraded their guild hall, they paid their currency to build guild event mission and they started it before 30 minute timeout happened. Your freedom within the game is no different than their freedom. Their guild, their currency, their event. It didn't break or failed regular tequatl spawn. The only consequence is that OP feels offended for some reason.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.

> >

> > Thumbs down. Just because you CAN do something does not mean you have the right to do it. You CAN violate clauses of the TOS that have no physical way of stopping you but you probably will not get very far with arguing you had the right to do it.


> They upgraded their guild hall, they paid their currency to build guild event mission and they started it before 30 minute timeout happened. Your freedom within the game is no different than their freedom. Their guild, their currency, their event. It didn't break or failed regular tequatl spawn. The only consequence is that OP feels offended for some reason.


But if they do it simply to troll the players waiting, then that's griefing. However, if there are no easily accessible chat records, proving intent is hard.


The only thing you can do is report when you see it and if it gets to be too often, then the reports will help show intent. You don't spawn it 30 minutes prior and have an emergency that keeps an entire guild from participating often.

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> There is no arriving. The guild(s) doing this aren't sticking around for the fight, they just drop a dragon bomb on people AFKing before the usual timer.

I know you won't like my answer, but frankly, the area isn't considered a safe zone. It is always up to the player to be aware of their surroundings.


Do I agree with said behavior? No. But getting killed by mobs is always the risk of afking in such an area.



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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.

> > >

> > > Thumbs down. Just because you CAN do something does not mean you have the right to do it. You CAN violate clauses of the TOS that have no physical way of stopping you but you probably will not get very far with arguing you had the right to do it.

> >

> > They upgraded their guild hall, they paid their currency to build guild event mission and they started it before 30 minute timeout happened. Your freedom within the game is no different than their freedom. Their guild, their currency, their event. It didn't break or failed regular tequatl spawn. The only consequence is that OP feels offended for some reason.


> But if they do it simply to troll the players waiting, then that's griefing. However, if there are no easily accessible chat records, proving intent is hard.


> The only thing you can do is report when you see it and if it gets to be too often, then the reports will help show intent. You don't spawn it 30 minutes prior and have an emergency that keeps an entire guild from participating often.


Except their "trolling" caused no harm. Didn't break the actual tequatl or made it impossible to complete.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


Actually I'm not sure this is true. If they're using in game mechanics SOLELY for the purpose of inconveniencing other players or ruining their experience, any reasonable person would see that as griefing and griefing is against the terms of service.


I'm relatively sure spawning a world boss and leaving is not intended play, even if the game allows them to do it. In the old days you could knock hero point NPCs far enough away from hero points to bug out the hero points. The game allows it. That doesn't mean it's not against the rules.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


> Actually I'm not sure this is true. If they're using in game mechanics SOLELY for the purpose of inconveniencing other players or ruining their experience, any reasonable person would see that as griefing and griefing is against the terms of service.


> I'm relatively sure spawning a world boss and leaving is not intended play, even if the game allows them to do it. In the old days you could knock hero point NPCs far enough away from hero points to bug out the hero points. The game allows it. That doesn't mean it's not against the rules.

> wwwqw


These players were afk waiting for regular tequatl spawn. It didn't interrupt their gameplay, there wasn't any. I think it's about time to stop acting serious about "my feelings were hurt" in the game. Tequatl spawn caused no harm to them. A random krait walking on the beach there could killed them. This is silly situation blown up over proportions here.


You example of HPs is irrelevant here. It was game breaking glitch. Tequatl spawn caused nothing like this. It's like spawning bounty on the desert and walking away. People do this every day. You want to punish them too?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.

> >

> > Actually I'm not sure this is true. If they're using in game mechanics SOLELY for the purpose of inconveniencing other players or ruining their experience, any reasonable person would see that as griefing and griefing is against the terms of service.

> >

> > I'm relatively sure spawning a world boss and leaving is not intended play, even if the game allows them to do it. In the old days you could knock hero point NPCs far enough away from hero points to bug out the hero points. The game allows it. That doesn't mean it's not against the rules.

> > wwwqw


> These players were afk waiting for regular tequatl spawn. It didn't interrupt their gameplay, there wasn't any. I think it's about time to stop acting serious about "my feelings were hurt" in the game. Tequatl spawn caused no harm to them. A random krait walking on the beach there could killed them. This is silly situation blown up over proportions here.


> You example of HPs is irrelevant here. It was game breaking glitch. Tequatl spawn caused nothing like this. It's like spawning bounty on the desert and walking away. People do this every day. You want to punish them too?


If a person spawns a bounty because they don't know better, that's not quite the same thing. The thing about griefing is at least in part intent. If people intend to grief, people should get punished. Not because it's a big deal. It's because it sets a precedent. You don't tolerate bad behavior that's intentionally bad, just because it's not "that" bad.


I agree it's not a big deal. But guys who do this, I'm pretty sure grief in other ways too. Either Anet sends a message that griefing isn't welcome here, or they don't.

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