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A New Kind of Griefing?

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > They have every right to use guild event boss spawn and not completing it. They did it before the lock-out was present. Nothing it going to happen to them. This is no different than you "accidentaly" spawning a bounty and not killing it.


> Actually I'm not sure this is true. If they're using in game mechanics SOLELY for the purpose of inconveniencing other players or ruining their experience, any reasonable person would see that as griefing and griefing is against the terms of service.


> I'm relatively sure spawning a world boss and leaving is not intended play, even if the game allows them to do it. In the old days you could knock hero point NPCs far enough away from hero points to bug out the hero points. The game allows it. That doesn't mean it's not against the rules.

> wwwqw


It's like standing at a pedestrian crossing that allows you to trigger the green light (yeah, I know they are fake ^^) and pushing the button to make the cars stop, and then not crossing the street. The only intention was to bother the drivers. Or hitting several buttons in an elevator before leaving it. It's just childish dicking around, not even a well thought out prank or trolling. I as a troll feel offended that triggering Tequatl is called trolling here. Especially since the really easy fix people can apply without Anet's help is gathering 29 minutes before the event starts. There you go, you have taken away the basis for this behaviour.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> MMOs are social games. You don't punish people for non-harmful pranks IRL, you won't punish them in game.

Try to be that annoying on purpose to people you don't know in RL, and at some point someone will send you to hospital. That's why people don't generally act that way in RL - because there _are_ consequences.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > MMOs are social games. You don't punish people for non-harmful pranks IRL, you won't punish them in game.

> Try to be that annoying on purpose to people you don't know in RL, and at some point someone will send you to hospital. That's why people don't generally act that way in RL - because there _are_ consequences.




Let's see. I'm going to push all the buttons on the elevator while you're riding with me. You hit me. I call police. You get punished, I go home suing you for compensation.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > MMOs are social games. You don't punish people for non-harmful pranks IRL, you won't punish them in game.

> > Try to be that annoying on purpose to people you don't know in RL, and at some point someone will send you to hospital. That's why people don't generally act that way in RL - because there _are_ consequences.

> >

> >


> Let's see. I'm going to push all the buttons on the elevator while you're riding with me. You hit me. I call police. You get punished, I go home suing you for compensation.


Lol not where I live. You would go home with a bleeding nose and nothing else would happen. I would not act violently in such a case though. But in real life, you never know how crazy a stranger is. There are probably places where you risk getting stabbed for doing this.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > MMOs are social games. You don't punish people for non-harmful pranks IRL, you won't punish them in game.

> > Try to be that annoying on purpose to people you don't know in RL, and at some point someone will send you to hospital. That's why people don't generally act that way in RL - because there _are_ consequences.

> >

> >


> Let's see. I'm going to push all the buttons on the elevator while you're riding with me. You hit me. I call police. You get punished, I go home suing you for compensation.

You may go away with doing that once. Keep pushing the buttons on all the people however and someone will call the police on you, and you will be "kindly" asked to stop. Or fined.

No, that's not hypothetical, i knew people that got fined for exactly this kind of behaviour of their child. I also know cases where the "prankster" ended up with a bloody nose and nobody did anything.


And if you annoy a really wrong person, then you really may end up in a hospital, or even a morgue. And that the one that did it to you may get punished for it (assuming there will be any witnesses) won't reverse the damage to you. And for a normal griefer, it's funny only if there's no consequences to you.


And don't tell me things like that do not happen, because they do. And because they do, the amount of griefers in real life is much, much smaller than on internet. On 'net people think it's safe, but in RL they know it's not.


In general, intentionally annoying people is not something our society considers to be an acceptable behaviour.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > MMOs are social games. You don't punish people for non-harmful pranks IRL, you won't punish them in game.

> > > Try to be that annoying on purpose to people you don't know in RL, and at some point someone will send you to hospital. That's why people don't generally act that way in RL - because there _are_ consequences.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Let's see. I'm going to push all the buttons on the elevator while you're riding with me. You hit me. I call police. You get punished, I go home suing you for compensation.

> You may go away with doing that once. Keep pushing the buttons on all the people however and someone will call the police on you, and you will be "kindly" asked to stop. Or fined.

> No, that's not hypothetical, i knew people that got fined for exactly this kind of behaviour of their child. I also know cases where the "prankster" ended up with a bloody nose and nobody did anything.


> And if you annoy a really wrong person, then you really may end up in a hospital, or even a morgue. And that the one that did it to you may get punished for it (assuming there will be any witnesses) won't reverse the damage to you. And for a normal griefer, it's funny only if there's no consequences to you.


> And don't tell me things like that do not happen, because they do. And because they do, the amount of griefers in real life is much, much smaller than on internet. On 'net people think it's safe, but in RL they know it's not.


> In general, intentionally annoying people is not something our society considers to be an acceptable behaviour.


This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.


But the people in the elevator are also save, what does that have to do with the intent of bothering people?

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.


> But the people in the elevator are also save, what does that have to do with the intent of bothering people?


Slowing down the elevator causes them to delay. Tequatl spawn caused no consequences for players.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.

> >

> > But the people in the elevator are also save, what does that have to do with the intent of bothering people?


> Slowing down the elevator causes them to delay. Tequatl spawn caused no consequences for players.

It causes them to get annoyed and thus lowers the fun value they get out of the play. And that exactly is the griefer's intention - _to make the game less fun for others_.

The people getting griefers do lose something. It doesn't matter if it's something subjective that can't be quantified easily.


But oh, hey, instead of pressing buttons, start making obscene gestures to random people you meet in RL. You should be perfectly okay, no harm done, you don't delay them and they don't lose anything, right?

Let's see how good will that end for you

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.

> > >

> > > But the people in the elevator are also save, what does that have to do with the intent of bothering people?

> >

> > Slowing down the elevator causes them to delay. Tequatl spawn caused no consequences for players.

> It causes them to get annoyed and thus lowers the fun value they get out of the play. And that exactly is the griefer's intention - _to make the game less fun for others_.

> The people getting griefers do lose something. It doesn't matter if it's something subjective that can't be quantified easily.


> But oh, hey, instead of pressing buttons, start making obscene gestures to random people you meet in RL. You should be perfectly okay, no harm done, you don't delay them and they don't lose anything, right?

> Let's see how good will that end for you


They were afk waiting for Tequatl. I'm not going to run circles with this conversation again. Believe whatever you want to believe. You're not going to change my mind on this. Which is irrelevant as whatever we think about this, we are not here to be GW2 police. This thread is redundant. If OP feels offended, he should report players in game. Forum crew is not here to solve in-game issues.

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Just to be clear - I'm guilty of this -

for over a year now durring certain events - i'll Guild spawn Teq or the Karka events either 30mins beforehand (cause thats the only time you can ) and within 1 min of ending first main event- In truth- Its funny as heck. I do it for the reactions and to be honest - its totally worth it . Now as far as the griefing - Not one time in the last year of doing this and i mean 100s of times - Not one PERSON has complained and the map generally does not complain. now if you feel seighted by this or overly senstive to this - i appologize. We offen need reminders that not all people have the ability to not take stuff so seriously . Thank you for that .

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > This is because such behaviour IRL may cause real harm. Meanwhile, we are talking about spawning tequatl 30 minutes before timer. Nothing happened to those players. They are safe, always have been.

> > >

> > > But the people in the elevator are also save, what does that have to do with the intent of bothering people?

> >

> > Slowing down the elevator causes them to delay. Tequatl spawn caused no consequences for players.

> It causes them to get annoyed and thus lowers the fun value they get out of the play. And that exactly is the griefer's intention - _to make the game less fun for others_.

> The people getting griefers do lose something. It doesn't matter if it's something subjective that can't be quantified easily.


> But oh, hey, instead of pressing buttons, start making obscene gestures to random people you meet in RL. You should be perfectly okay, no harm done, you don't delay them and they don't lose anything, right?

> Let's see how good will that end for you


Look at fun as a semi-finite resource. You can either work with others to mine more of it (participate in a group activity), gobble up unclaimed fun (solo things), or take it from others. In all 3 cases you are increasing your fun, depending on what you consider enjoyable. The only question is are you helping others garner that resource as well (group activities), not affecting their gathering (soloing), or taking it from them (griefing). Society basically looks well on the first 2 but disapproves of the 3rd option.

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> @"Ethan Mccloud.3218" said:

> Just to be clear - I'm guilty of this -

> for over a year now durring certain events - i'll Guild spawn Teq or the Karka events either 30mins beforehand (cause thats the only time you can ) and within 1 min of ending first main event- In truth- Its funny as heck. I do it for the reactions and to be honest - its totally worth it . Now as far as the griefing - Not one time in the last year of doing this and i mean 100s of times - Not one PERSON has complained and the map generally does not complain. now if you feel seighted by this or overly senstive to this - i appologize. We offen need reminders that not all people have the ability to not take stuff so seriously . Thank you for that .


I do believe you have done and multiple times and I can only image the Karka one. I am also curious about Triple trouble and wonder how that will go XD. But you aren't in the guild he is talking about unless you mange to get his map once.

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No, slowing the elevator _does_ have consequences if you're in a place of business and you're late for work. All I'm saying is this: It _is_ an inconvenience, perhaps not full on griefing (although in my opinion it is.), but you're still acting like a Grade A Poppy-Nozzle.


Edit: Jeez I'm stupid. Lol.

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