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Impossible Odds, Revenant

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The new version of *Impossible Odds* on the class *Revenant* from February 6, 2017 has inconsistencies when applying the Superspeed element. These small time gaps of not having Superspeed seem to happen because the next new instance of it being reapplied with each new pulse of Impossible Odds starts with a tiny delay.

This wasn't the case before February 6.



Used to be much much smoother, that one only second of Superspeed on each pulse used to be enough to refresh it and have a 100% uptime of it.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to point out this is still in game and not fixed.

Maybe it has to do with lag, maybe the timing of superspeed reapplication is not consistent who knows. A quick and simple fix could be to increase the superspeed duration from 1s to 1,5s or something like that. make it last longer than the reapp interval and it should be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I came here to post this bug, but found this thread. I noticed the exact same thing, and I have a video to demonstrate it.




A few things:

- You can tell the buff does not last consistently because the superspeed icon disappears for a split second, then reappears at the beginning of the bar of buff icons

- You can also tell by the flickering of the superspeed icon

- I run at 3 different speeds during this. Actual superspeed, "in combat" speed, and "chilled in combat" speed. And no I'm not toggling RP walk lol.


The whole point of superspeed is to ignore things like chill and cripple. This has some pretty negative consequences in WvW because the skill is unpredictable in its application of superspeed. Sometimes I get constant superspeed, other times I still get chilled/cripped movespeed. I really hope this gets some attention.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posting again so maybe a dev sees this. It's still happening and it seemed really bad today. The lapses in superspeed seem to last for a relatively long time (like half a second, even though the skill is draining energy constantly)

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Was another thread as well, and others I am sure. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/396345


Problem I see with the video is the times you get chilled etc., but since it's so easy to check I wouldn't think a video would actually be needed. It might be something that is only occurring on Live, that has happened before, but since some devs play the game, at least some should still see this.

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You have a point, though, and I wasn't considering that. Apparently Anet also changed that as well. Not only does it not keep you consistently under superspeed when it reapplies it, it also changed how it works with conditions, etc.


I have thought for a long time that chill should be one thing or another, instead of this rather strong cripple/anti-alacrity extended duration thing, anyways. I guess it's now applying chill after superspeed instead of before.

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