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Purpose behind last balance patch?!?


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Well. I like the balance patch.


Not for what anet did to necro. Basically removing them from any pve engame content completely.




i like what they can do now. If you read the description of core necromancer, it says that it strenghtens and heal allies.


So i assume we really might get a rework like mesmer did. Or at least, huge changes to traits and some skills.


By removing some of the support potential, which moved scourge from a bad support, to maybe the worst support in the game.

The path is free to give core necro traits more groupplay.


Cause right now the only viable way of playing necro is going afk farm with minions.

I tested ot yesterday. I ran around, not using a single skill, and let minions do everything. It took some time at certain mobs, but it works perfectly fine.


Is this the way to go? Stand somewhere letting minions kill all the mobs around you. I dont think so. I even guess its forbidden.


So some more interactive play would be nice.

Just give necro something to get back into pve engame content.


And pls. Not something that marginal like vampiric presence.


Playing scourge right now feels more like im lagging hard. Thats not the reason i bought a new pc to play guildwars on.


And playing necro in general feels more like playing a meme. Only good at a very very very very very small niche

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