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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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UI suggestions:

-There is a ! on the WvW traits tab that indicates you have unspent trait points, it is there long after there is nothing left to spend traits on. It would be nice to have this not show up once you are fully traited.

-Allow ground targeting through UI components. The squad UI takes up a large portion of the screen sometime

-At the end of the current skirmish, the score bar at the top changes to give a recap. This covers up the only place on your UI that tells you how much supply you have.

-It would also be awesome if the people in your party within squad were a slightly different color dot, or if there was a box to check "show only party member dots"

I know you can turn off the grid, but sometimes these WvW squads get out of control big and it's really hard to track your own party.

-Allow hotkey squad marker/cycle squad marker target selection. An organized squad, broken into parties all have to target the squad target on their own.

-Allow a reward track (for pvp too) to be set as "Next track." This will let you select a track to be repeatable, or to queue up whatever track you would like to switch to next instead of letting the game select one for you.



-Emergency Waypoint, Invuln Walls, Chilling Fog, Airship should all be only pullable when the structure is actually contested.

-Free to play accounts should not be allowed to use tactivators



-5 minutes per tick, 5 bonus pips for Outmanned means the buff is basically worth 1 pip a minute. Would it be possible to award partial outmanned pips based on how many minutes you spent on an outmanned map? If I swapped to an Outmanned Blue Borderlands with 3:20 on the clock, could I earn 3 pips for being outmanned? This would allow maps to accurately display if they were outmanned (they do not right now, its only adjusted after the tick, so a large group can swap maps immediately after the tick and go undetected a while) and give players the chance to move maps without being punished by loss of pips. It also does not reward players for map swapping at the last moment to try to sneak an extra 5 pips they didn't deserve.



-Add downstate to keep and tower lords

-Smooth out the terrain around Stoic Rampart (garrison, red bl). The sandstorm effect makes walking around really annoying when the ground is covered in rocks and twigs that your character will get stuck on.


For the alliance rework:

-Allow players to select a single title from all their previous servers, instead of assigning them one based on their current server.



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> @"Kitta.3657" said:

> > @"hmsgoddess.3869" said:

> > Please no opn upgrades going back to costing something this was horrible before and doesn't need to return I spent so much in my WvW life when this was a thing please please do not being that back - badges of honor are a dead currancies is wrong, and you can already donate those to you guild go to your guild's wvw war room and spend badges of honor on badge of tribute for scribes to make guild siege.


> It was only terrible because it costed gold which made it non-rewarding for players that were investing in. Badges of Honor is completely a dead currency regardless of the fact that there are avenues to spend it, it's still not worth spending. I have thousands upon thousands sitting there with no use and I know majority of people do as well. And my suggestion for donating to your guild are for this specific use for upgrades and not for buying siege. Not everyone needs siege - especially with how it's thrown at you so much. The cost of siege has dropped so low because of that. I completely disagree with you, auto-upgrades are horrible and only helped relieve the gold cost while introducing issues we didn't need.


I was speaking of guild siege that is made from that which is better than using purple or blue siege, and is highly needed /wanted in most wvw guilds. Scribes need the badges in order to make guild siege.

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Agreed to title selection; while I would be fine with the current server as title, the one I really spent the bulk of my WvW time on would be a nice option.


A general Client Settings change, not UI (or WvW) per se: Alternate Effects Mode. Effects that tend to cover or overlay a target (such as the Guardian's Fire effect) would be replaced with an icon over the target instead. This would help toward _all_ game modes, by preventing 'tells' from being masked by your own class' mechanics... [An intermediate option in the Client for not rendering such effects would be a decent compromise.]

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Since I now have my legendary armor a very important matter came to my attention! I used to have different skins when changing gear, because, you know, Fashion Wars is a thing. But with the legendary armor thats not longer the case and makes me sad, cause changing skins now takes so much longer.


This is why it would be absolutely phenomenal, if you would implement costum outfits. A combination of armor skins can be saved and changed quickly with another set of skins. I would certainly love that! What does this have to do with WvW you say? Are you kidding me? Whats the point of killing or be killed if you are not able to show your superior fashion design skills? See, exactly!


The possibility to chance character while in queue would be nice, too, I guess.

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> @"zhonnika.1784" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Forgot one: **REMOVE** participation from repairing walls and gates. This would clear out otherwise AFK people from the maps, unless they actually went out and did stuff. This is not 'actively' playing WvW, and shouldn't be rewarded.



It would also clear out the rest of defense, there's got to be a better way to handle the afk problem. Repairing is a wvw mastery line, and should therefore count towards wvw participation.

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**Here is my list:**

1. Siege blueprint wallet (currently blueprints take a lot of inventory space and it discourages to play alt characters. Your main character - obviously - has all sorts of siege blueprints a lot, but when you switch to an alt, you often notice that blueprints are missing when you need them)

2. Map chat limits for consecutive messages are too small and the resulting anti-spam cool down is way too long. Now after just 5 or so messages you cannot write any message to map chat for about 30 minutes. This has many times lead to lost objectives. I am often scouting or roaming, but not part of squad (nor welcome there, because not near the tag or in TS). I see enemy attack our objective or approach it with large numbers, but cannot tell it in chat.

3. Being at 100 % health and having disconnect or forced logout e.g. because of stuck inside a wall, shouldn't lead to death (currently if you for example are near a broken wall, enemy captures the keep/tower, you are stuck inside a wall. There is no way to get out of the wall except hope somebody kills you or log out. In latter case you are automatically die, even if you are at full health, nobody was attacking you for several minutes.. and worst of all you are sent back to queue)

3. We have way too many chests and bags to click open. Takes many hours per week to open them all. Remove a lot of useless items from reward tracks and replace with something of use e.g. Tome of Knowledge are abundant and become irrelevant. Give us reward tracks with testimonies of heroics instead. Some crafting materials are not found from any reward tracks, include the missing materials there, instead of forcing us to do fractals, pve or buy from trading post.

4. Replace Desert borderland with Alpine (most WvWvW players still hate DBL and it is the least played map, 3x Alpine would also be more balanced!)

5. Ability to queue the next reward track in advance before the current reward track is completed (instead of the game choosing some crappy reward track for you)

6. Make all armors from reward tracks salvageable. This should include the Desert armor boxes players have already accumulated.

7. Ability to convert WvWvW related currencies, such as badges of honor and testimonies of heroics, into new useful things besides the existing choices, which are getting limited / stale (once you already obtained all you need).

8. Show WXP rank with higher precision to squad and party members e.g. instead of showing ranks 1000-1999 as 1k, show them with 1 decimal accuracy e.g. 1.0k to 1.9k, round down

9. Fixing the lag and frequent disconnects should be TOP priority. This would probably need a big WvWvW skill and trait overhaul e.g. tone down tons of passive effects from traits and foods, tone down those common AoE skills which are known to be server side heavy on calculations e.g. skills affecting potentially tons of targets, corrupting boons, providing boons to many, single skills giving many conditions to multiple opponents at same time, removal of borderline bloodlust and so on. The less calculates on the server side = less lag = more smooth and fair game for all.

10. Ingame dedicated live representatives of Arenanet / referees to report hackers and other kind of abuse.


**Things I DON'T want to see:**

1. Eternal Battlegrounds or Alpine borderland map replaced by EotM, Desert BL or a new map. The new maps, including EotM, are game-play-wise much inferior and significantly less fun to play. I would rather see the limited WvWvW development resources aimed at quality of life changes and giving us far better skill and profession balance (the lack of profession and skill balance is by far #1 problem, certain professions and builds have been meta for ages, some core professions never been meta)

2. Too much graphical noise during combat.

3. More gimmicks, like the shrine mechanisms, jumping pads, annoying stone walls popping from ground, etc. trying to fix otherwise broken map, like Desert borderland. It is like playing on a broken map with bandaid plastered all over.

4. Annoying pve animals / monsters who attack you for no good reason (e.g. the ones on the Desert borderland, just make that map into a pve map)

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> @"Kitta.3657" said:

> > @"hmsgoddess.3869" said:

> > Please no opn upgrades going back to costing something this was horrible before and doesn't need to return I spent so much in my WvW life when this was a thing please please do not being that back - badges of honor are a dead currancies is wrong, and you can already donate those to you guild go to your guild's wvw war room and spend badges of honor on badge of tribute for scribes to make guild siege.


> It was only terrible because it costed gold which made it non-rewarding for players that were investing in. Badges of Honor is completely a dead currency regardless of the fact that there are avenues to spend it, it's still not worth spending. I have thousands upon thousands sitting there with no use and I know majority of people do as well. And my suggestion for donating to your guild are for this specific use for upgrades and not for buying siege. Not everyone needs siege - especially with how it's thrown at you so much. The cost of siege has dropped so low because of that. I completely disagree with you, auto-upgrades are horrible and only helped relieve the gold cost while introducing issues we didn't need.


hmm... badges of honor can be converted to badges of tribute and used by scribes to make guild siege at a relatively low cost. For those that use siege this is a good thing.


I totally agree with hmsgoddess though.. managing camps and yaks seems a lot more "active" than running in and out of a structure and spending silver and gold to upgrade it. Gets people out in the field defending those lumbering beasts. To me it's a better system. :)

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> @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

> We need an unopened chest/box gobbler that takes all unopened reward track boxes in your inventory, automatically opens them (and any nested boxes) and sells the contents on the trading post.


oh nooooo... lol.... what if it opened up an exotic that you didn't have but probably really wanted... BAM it's gone! I'm not sure about you but even with having max chests available in my inv with tons of slots I fill them up during a wvw run. Opening all PLUS the nested chests would plug them up big time ;)

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

> > We need an unopened chest/box gobbler that takes all unopened reward track boxes in your inventory, automatically opens them (and any nested boxes) and sells the contents on the trading post.


> oh nooooo... lol.... what if it opened up an exotic that you didn't have but probably really wanted... BAM it's gone! I'm not sure about you but even with having max chests available in my inv with tons of slots I fill them up during a wvw run. Opening all PLUS the nested chests would plug them up big time ;)


Lol if thats what you want then you don't have to use it. My inv gets filled multiple times a night and the next day it seems like I always spend about 20 mins opening boxes and boxes within boxes only to get 99.99999% things I don't have the slightest care about.

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> @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

> > > We need an unopened chest/box gobbler that takes all unopened reward track boxes in your inventory, automatically opens them (and any nested boxes) and sells the contents on the trading post.

> >

> > oh nooooo... lol.... what if it opened up an exotic that you didn't have but probably really wanted... BAM it's gone! I'm not sure about you but even with having max chests available in my inv with tons of slots I fill them up during a wvw run. Opening all PLUS the nested chests would plug them up big time ;)


> Lol if thats what you want then you don't have to use it. My inv gets filled multiple times a night and the next day it seems like I always spend about 20 mins opening boxes and boxes within boxes only to get 99.99999% things I don't have the slightest care about.


That’s true!

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Hey Ben and Team, thanks for asking us for our preferences out in WvW. Here are a few of mine:


Items already mentioned in several other posts, but I think they're worth reiterating:

- Build Templates

- Squad-Only commander tag. Best idea ever. Especially for those of us who want to run our guild missions (or simply squad up) without pulling pugs from the main tags.

- Someone mentioned the AoE circles and changing the color of them when in battle. I can never see where my circles are in the sea of red circles.

- WvW Lobby, complete with crafting stations, merchants, guild bank access and guild tavern/buffs access and mystic toilet.

- Can we turn siege a bit faster? Maybe make that an added ability to put points in. I hate when you finally get that treb turned and the battle is over. #WvWfail

- Give us the ability to queue Reward Tracks and/or mark them so that they repeat over and over.

- Ability to see how many supplies are in an objective when you click on it. Even enemy objectives.

- Make it so that the claiming guild can mark certain tactics as "only activate when an objective is contested" i.e.: Emergency WP, Invulnerable Walls, Chilling Fog


My Own Two Cents:

- Give commanders the ability to name or designate the type of squad. So that when a player hovers over the tag, they see "XXX Guild Missions" or "Pug Squad" or "Scouts Squad" underneath the tags name.

- **WHEN THERE IS A QUEUE**, reduce the amount of time before inactive players get booted from WvW. _I know some people are going to hate me, but here in T1 we always have map queues, especially in NA prime._ Maybe these people get mapped to the WvW Lobby everyone is asking for.

- Much like the craftman's or equipment bag, can we have a WvW only inventory bag? Have it store siege blueprints, skirmish chest, WvW potions, etc...

- Remove the icons over pets and minions, and remove their dots on the mini map.

- Give **maxed guilds** the ability to claim both a Keep _or _Tower **_AND_** a camp. Maybe this could be a War Room upgrade...

- New Trap idea: Sentry trap. Much like the supply removal trap, but it marks all foes within a certain distance once a player trips it. Could also be a War Room Upgrade.

- New siege blueprints: let us build our own mortars and cannons. Also a potential War Room Upgrade.

- Bring back the Oasis event on the red borderland map (or some version of it).

- Mounts in WvW: Choose 1 type of mount for players to use or 'rent' for a small fee. Only usable in owned territories (like gliding). Mounts do not have special skills or ability and are use for travel only. Once in combat, player is immediately dismounted; cannot mount when in combat.

- New Map to replace one of the Alpine maps. Maybe a version of one of the HoT maps? However, let's not make it as huge at the red borderland, unless you give us the ability to use mounts.

- Reward players for camping at camps. Maybe award them WXP for yaks arriving at their designation. (?)


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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"adammantium.8031" said:

> > 4. Remove regular siege from loot tables. It doesn't get used, is basically worthless, and takes up space.

> They are still needed for **Superior** and **Guild Blueprints**. Getting them via loot is a good thing to gather them and build **Guild sieges**.


What if they removed it from the loot table and cut all sieges npcs prices by 50%?

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While it may not be a QoL request, some of us were discussing Pocket Raptors last night - a suggestion was made to bring them back to their former glory, but I have a better idea.


*Pocket Raptor Patrol Pack Tactic!*

Think about it. Chilling Fog is already a great tactic to throw down in a lot of cases because it slows enemy assaults and retreats. Just imagine a tactic that spawned a set number of pocket raptor packs (say 1 pack of 10 for small towers, 3 packs of 10 for keeps, 5 of 10 for garrisons, 10 of 10 for SMC) to patrol the area for a set time and harass any enemy players there! Cripples, tackles, loads more targets to diffuse enemy AoEs on (and, sadly, to let them rally on probably, but it'd be worth it).


For serious though, when was the last update/change to Tactics? There needs to be some more variety.

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Can we finally get a fix for the silly overlap with the WvW Reward Track button in the corner of the minimap and the first popup chest? That abomination has been in the game for **years **now. We've been waiting for the next major WvW patch to fix this frustrating UI problem to no avail. Would be fantastic to finally get this fixed so players don't accidentally get trolled when they're just trying to click on the dumb popup chest :P

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A further glance through mentioned the maps. Two more items that may be useful in some respects; one should be easy, one not so much:


-> Under the new system, server groups will reform regularly. In that case, I would suggest rotating the 'primary' map twice during each 'season' - at the beginning and at mid-point. (This will make more sense with the second item implemented as well.)

-> Replace one of the current Alpine Borderlands with the *original* (water-based/Quaggan) one, after cleaning it up for current mechanics. Re-instate the Orb Capture mechanic to enable Bloodlust on this map. That gives WvW three different maps (or at least different mechanics) to rotate with on a regular basis. Between this and EB there should be more variety to choose from on map mechanics, which puts all of the normal WvW set on par with the Edge map. (This is also a turnaround to my original feelings about rotating Edge and EB; I no longer feel that's needed, as Edge has become its own niche with its own fixes needed, and swapping maps would only disrupt all groups involved.)


On a somewhat related note:

-> Outnumbered re-work suggestion: Reduce or remove Karma from the maps (or reduce from the normal maps and remove from Edge). The original levels would be re-instated if the Outnumbered icon is in play. You could choose something else to reduce, but Karma is usually the safest as you're practically giving it out like candy during PvE holiday events anyway. This reduction could be balanced out by a slight bump to pip gains, which is more important now for dedicated WvW play.

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Team(world) chat across all PvE maps

WvW Tonic Vendors

Hacker report option(and quick resolution)

Map bug report option (screen shot or video submission with text explanation)

WvW specific inventory slots (options to automatically manage whites/blues/greens/yellows)

WvW skills balance team after world restructuring


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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:


> hmm... badges of honor can be converted to badges of tribute and used by scribes to make guild siege at a relatively low cost. For those that use siege this is a good thing.


> I totally agree with hmsgoddess though.. managing camps and yaks seems a lot more "active" than running in and out of a structure and spending silver and gold to upgrade it. Gets people out in the field defending those lumbering beasts. To me it's a better system. :)


> @"hmsgoddess.3869" said:

> I was speaking of guild siege that is made from that which is better than using purple or blue siege, and is highly needed /wanted in most wvw guilds. Scribes need the badges in order to make guild siege.


You realize that you still have to manage yaks/camps/supplies on both what I am suggesting and what the older system was? You still needed supply for your upgrades which was actually something you would see complaints about all the time because of supply trolls who would drain or use it on stupid stuff when they needed it. So I am saying; remove the auto upgrade part, give it a cost of badges of honor and still have the time requirements through supply line. I am not saying making it so you can insta upgrade your objectives with badges of honor, just that now there is an investment required from the players and a sink for badges of honor. In the current system, once an objective is captured it will simply proceed to upgrade itself overtime unless it's been captured by another server. I want that gone. I want the player involvement back to being a necessity for a keep to become tier 3 without reintroducing the gold cost and the best alternative is Badges of Honor.


Saying that you can use your badges of honor to get the scribe stuff ignores how people sit on so much badges of honor (stuff like 20k+!) and the majority of the players who play WvW have not enough ways to spend these.

I think you're not really looking at the bigger picture when you're telling me about the siege. Majority of guilds I am involved with (Fight oriented guilds) don't give a fuck about siege, they're swimming in it and if they need something like a guild catapult they just buy it from the trading post. Anet has introduced more Badges of Honor sink for a while but nothing that has been substantial enough. Seriously, the majority of the WvW players I know sit **at the very least** on 10k badges because there isn't anything worth them spending it on. You could argue they could simply raise the prices of items but that would be a terrible rebalancing of cost/value of items that would affect a lot of people negatively meanwhile my solution doesn't. I welcome counter-arguments to my suggestion and I hope someone can find a flaw to my idea that would make me reconsider but it seems you guys aren't actually reading what I'm saying...

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