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[suggestion] Different "Depth of field"

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No I am hoping GW2 Dev team could alterize the game for us.

I know it can be made possible with third party programs...

Hence concidering the fact this game focusses on low cpu,

Reshade or GEMFX offer ways to add different kinds of 'anti-aliasing' that actually saves cpu.

I'm playing on normal shaders in settings with a nice reshade pipeline.

However it looks appealing it has terrible gameplay. Some toons show squary blurs and it's not perfect

This got my fps up from 60 to 65ish...

Though now its a bit low (40-50 fps) because I turned on some shaders with my custom build.

I mean... Lookie!!!



![](https://s14.postimg.org/7swhi5ky7/Gw2-64_2018-02-16_17-22-13.png "")

**_LIVE: When you zoom out the screen Depth of field adapts to you._**

![](https://s14.postimg.org/f8vr4a8r5/Gw2-64_2018-02-16_17-30-39.png "")

_**2/3th scrolled in**_

**_Version of Reshade ~ the pipeline_ {UPLOADING}**


- It would be increddible if the dev team can make the final touch of zooming in your character with a more blurry view,

Like I said before there are FXAA modes in anti-aliassing that are less heavy on your cpu.

- I'm working on my bloom and contrast now.. maybe there can be contests held who got the best coloring? (I heard woodenpotatoes is pretty familiar with reshade)

- Depth of blur _(make it a bit more 'kinky' plz)_

~Real GFXwear talking

I'm definately not offering anything if that is illegal or something...just showing my experience modding games.

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