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Recommended team for raiding.


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For the most part, you can complete all raids with just about any team. However, having a meta team (such as 2 chrono for alacrity/quickness, 2 druid for heals/might/rangerbuffs, 1 warrior for banner buffs, 5 dps) increases your overall performance relative to everyone running selfish builds and in the case of the healers is almost necessary on some fights.


Additionally, raid bosses will have mechanics that you can assign to specific people who can handle them easier, such as Cairn's red circles you want to have at least 3-4 people who have relatively self-sufficient builds that you can keep out of group. Or for fights with a lot of additional enemies to kill such as Slothasor, having people who can either pull those in on the group for easy cleave, like a chrono or dragonhunter, or who don't have to sacrifice much dps to kill them, like a necromancer with epidemic, will make for a much easier fight than trying to assign someone with ranged damage to try to target them all down or just hoping incidental cleave kills them.


So while there's not usually a specific composition needed for raids, and you could probably get by with having just 1 composition for every single raid, you might have to adjust your strategy for certain bosses if you lack one of the classes that is especially good at handling their mechanics.

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With the "standard" composition of 2 chronos, 1 druid, another healer, a banner slave and 5 dps, you can do pretty much whatever you want. Maybe you'll need a dps to switch to hand kiter for Deimos (never played that role), but apart from him I can't think of any other encounter with special comp requirements. Certain classes will make certain encounters easier, but aren't strictly required.

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