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Why does Anet want everyone to have 25 Might in PvP?


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Damage is already way too high, why do they insist on making everyone be able to reach 25 might on their own?


Currently these can do it:

* Ranger (druid)

* Engi (core and holo)

* Revenant

* Mesmer (illusions or bunker)

* Warrior (core)

* Necro (spite)

* Thief (deadeye


The only classes that can't do it YET are guard and ele.


Some years ago cele ele had to be gutted because they were able to stack 25 might in like 20 seconds. Now most classes can just do the same passively in seconds without effort. Why?

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It comes from the way they balance stuff: they rarely nerf, always buff. There are too many boons/might stacks in PvP ? We just need to add more corrupts ...

Aaah the good old time where you were taking a warhorn as a warrior just to blast that extra fire field ... Pointless now, since auto-attacking with any weapon stacks better !

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Damage is already way too high, why do they insist on making everyone be able to reach 25 might on their own?


> Currently these can do it:

> * Ranger (druid)

> * Engi (core and holo)

> * Revenant

> * Mesmer (illusions or bunker)

> * Warrior (core)

> * Necro (spite)

> * Thief (deadeye


> The only classes that can't do it YET are guard and ele.


> Some years ago cele ele had to be gutted because they were able to stack 25 might in like 20 seconds. Now most classes can just do the same passively in seconds without effort. Why?


actually ele was the first to be able to do it ... (remember celestial core D/D?) but it got nerfed several times (like dozens of times)

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Damage is already way too high, why do they insist on making everyone be able to reach 25 might on their own?


> Currently these can do it:

> * Ranger (druid)

> * Engi (core and holo)

> * Revenant

> * Mesmer (illusions or bunker)

> * Warrior (core)

> * Necro (spite)

> * Thief (deadeye


> The only classes that can't do it YET are guard and ele.


> Some years ago cele ele had to be gutted because they were able to stack 25 might in like 20 seconds. Now most classes can just do the same passively in seconds without effort. Why?


Some of these classes are balanced around being able to stack 25 might... that’s the real reason rev was broken in the first place. Instead the might stayed and base damage nerfed so good luck playing power without herald.

But generally I said this a few times... pretty much at this point its unkillable bunker or 1 shot spike... or scourge. Things need nerfing. Everything.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Damage is already way too high, why do they insist on making everyone be able to reach 25 might on their own?


> Currently these can do it:

> * Ranger (druid)

> * Engi (core and holo)

> * Revenant

> * Mesmer (illusions or bunker)

> * Warrior (core)

> * Necro (spite)

> * Thief (deadeye


> The only classes that can't do it YET are guard and ele.


> Some years ago cele ele had to be gutted because they were able to stack 25 might in like 20 seconds. Now most classes can just do the same passively in seconds without effort. Why?


Because many classes with pressing ONE BUTTON can remove those might stacks immediately.

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Yeah, this stuff is pretty sad, atleast Cele Shoutbow/Ele have to do something to keep the might stacks, blasting fire field and constant weapon/attunement swap...all these new specs get 25 stacks extremely fast and completely passive! This need to change...also, even guard can have 25 stacks of might thanks to the reworked Radiance trait line, you dont build might as fast as these other specs and will need to keep retal up, but can be done.

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@"aelska.4609" said:

> It comes from the way they balance stuff: they rarely nerf, always buff.


Boon stacking is how they nerf classes.You both aren't thinking of the sigils/traits/trait lines/runes/amulets people could have taken if it were easier to achieve high uptime.


> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> From what I understand they took away ele's forte (self sustain, might stacking) and distributed it among other classes without compensation. Maybe the change in arcane fury was a failed attempt to correct that...


The forte still exist. Every Ele build has might stacking and self sustain, while only some builds on other classes can do that. The change to arcane fury was another celestial nerf so ele can't have high crit chance with water/arcane/weaver.


That build has to waste defensive slots/rotations to use Weaver's Superior Elements/Elemental Polyphony and the Signet of Fire for precision. Then combine that with the moderate fury uptime they can get with traits/runes that have negative triggers (being struck, having to heal/dodge) like Arcane's Elemental Contingency and Rune of the Pack.


Amulets that give concentration do not give any vitality or toughness so Weaver can't run them to get around the limitations.


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> @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

> Ele can do it.


> But seriously, I know what you mean, OP. The ability to stack 25 might should only be doable if you stack concentration. Skills and traits alone should not be capable of doing it, at least not for more than a few seconds.


Ele can't really do it in a viable way. Sure, you can say "you are restricted to sitting in a fire field and blasting multiple times over the course of 20s to keep them rolling! However, most specs just get 25 might handed to them passively, or through ability usage. There isn't anything like having to deliberately modify your actions. You just have a holo and do your thing and bam! 20-25 might appears for free! Anet handed out might to those who ontime didn't have it like candy, and made it so that those that had to build it deliberately are now left in the dust.


Its pointless to combo a fire field to stack might nowadays, because everyone does rediculous damage without them, or already passively stacked 25. Back in the day (before the initial trait rework), might was something that most builds could stack to maybe 10-12, so nobody was reaching 25 without help. Prot was also something that you had...maybe 30-40% uptime on (which was high). Now there are so many builds that just have perma-everything its disgusting. Power creep really turned something that was intersting (boons, combo fields) into something that many builds are just expected to have for free.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Ele and guard can both self stack 25 might, albeit not with pvp viable builds/rotations. And I agree with your point, stacking might has become incredibly trivial compared to how it used to be.


Might is Anet's favourite balancing tool. Weapons are only stronger if you run a specific build/rotation. That allows the same weapons to be used in multiple builds/rotations without becoming OP.


If Anet gives a strong traitline might it means they took something away.



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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Core engi stacking might in PvP.... hahahahahaha.


It's obviously not as popular as elite specs, but I guess you missed a couple of balance patches. Core engi can reach 25 might in a matter of seconds just spamming nades.


It does give us a good glimpse into the balance team's mindset though: "how do we make core viable? well just throw more damage at it lmao"


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I agree. It's irritating how trivial they have made mightstacking. The GotL change was terrible for PvP, for example. Stacking might to 25 should be reserved for group content or actually defining a build around it, not literally choosing one trait. The way ele stacks might is a lot healthier, as you actually have to focus your rotation around it, which can ultimately be a sacrifice to your actual success in a skirmish/fight.

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> @"Sunshine.5014" said:

> The old Ele could stack 25 mights only by abusing sigil of battle and sigil of energy for extra Dodge blast. Both of them have been nerfed.


> I challenge people to show me an Ele duel with any other class where you can stack 25 mights at the moment.


Yea, modern ele builds don't, I don't think anyone denies that. Ele was just one of the first builds that could stack to 25 on its own, but it made sacrifices in its actions to deliberately do that. Then HoT came out and builds got EZ 25 might without really having to modify their actions at all.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Damage is already way too high, why do they insist on making everyone be able to reach 25 might on their own?

> * Necro (spite)

You can't get 25 stack of might with just spite even if you spam shroud auto 24/7. Getting 25 stacks of might on a necro requires investing in might generating sigils, utilites, and runes, and even then it will be inconsistent.


Also worth pointing out that the major might generating traits in Spite have not changed since specializations update in June 2015. Oh and they actually got rid of the might generation from signets trait.


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