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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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I am having the same issue. Just did the Sparking the Flame mission (1st one where you meet Balthazar's herald) and right at the end of the mission before I could get credit it disconnects. What gives? This keeps happening on other missions as well, almost every time? I have great internet, I never get disconnected from this game or any other game... clearly with the amount of people mentioning this issue this has to be a game client/server problem?

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I have this issue, it keeps happening on any storyline missions I do. I get to the end of the mission and it disconnects me. Please help, this is insane. I quit the game about 8 months ago in order to see if it had been fixed but it hasn't. Not sure how ArenaNet expects to keep this gaming going with such a glaring issue.

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On a hunch I tried something... So, I was using WiFi to play GW2 on my laptop. Is anyone else having this issue using a wireless connection?


Anyway, I tried using an ethernet (wired) connection instead of WiFi. Since I have swapped to ethernet, I haven't had any more disconnects after 2 storylines.


Update this post if you are using WiFi and switching to a wired ethernet connection fixed your disconnections.

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Just got back into the game after like many months, tried to get back with starting the living story, but what do you know, the same crashing garbage still hasn't been fixed. Got to the end of the mission and it crashes, so I have to repeat it, no thanks. This ridiculousness happened to me like 4 times fighting batlhazar in the story. Please fix this arenanet, it's unplayable. I don't even think the balthazar fight crash was fixed. Quitting this game once again until this is fixed.


> @"pureguava.9172" said:

> On a hunch I tried something... So, I was using WiFi to play GW2 on my laptop. Is anyone else having this issue using a wireless connection?


> Anyway, I tried using an ethernet (wired) connection instead of WiFi. Since I have swapped to ethernet, I haven't had any more disconnects after 2 storylines.


> Update this post if you are using WiFi and switching to a wired ethernet connection fixed your disconnections.



i'm always on a wired connection. and it happens to me.

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How is this still a thing? I come back to this game after a long hiatus and I'm trying to catch up on story things. Doing Heart of Thorns now and I just get dced right at the end of a long mission. I had this happen a few times during LSS2. This is killing my motivation to even bother with this game at the moment.

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It also happened to me after the Dragon Stand win cutscene. Often I DC but weirdly enough I'm still in the chat able to talk to party members who'll remark I DCed before I get really kicked. Also using an nVidia graphics card. I often DC at the end of stories, especially with cutscenes which is of course very frustrating. The bug was introduced sometime after HoT and really started to affect me strongly with PoF.

In PoF I was usually unable to finish The Departing and To Kill a God and had to move to another PC. But I have neither trouble with the internet (which can't be it since I'm still in the chat server usually) nor does anything seem out of place in any other game. I can usually play GW2 just fine, the DCs are my only problem.

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> @"Robin Da Poor.6281" said:

> Arenanet really needs to sort out the disconnects either during or at the end of most storylines. For many people they cant spend 6 hours just trying to get through one piece of the storyline. This should be near to the top of their agenda to patch or reconnect at the point you lost connection for most it is tiresome and frustrating. No doubt if it was an exploit, patch would be incoming asap


> 6 times today I have tried to complete 'The Departing' all connections lost very near to the end when about to open door to portal.I have tried reducing FPS, performance, quality and adding arenanet to the host file to no avail.


> Update I threw the last dice and deleted my Gw2 game cache in the Appdata folder and FINALLY was able to complete this part of the storyline :)


Same with me - just another storyline! VERY frustrating! ArenaNet You guys have to react!!!!

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Same issue here. Was stuck on Buried Insights for ages. Quit the game for a good year just come back and same issue. It actually crashed slightly later this time allowing me to complete the quest. Got to the next quest and game boots me out when i'm trying to free Logan from the pod. This is super frustrating. Last time i submit a support request they told me I was getting packet loss yet I have no issues with any other games and i'm not picking up any loss on ping test or traceroutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People play this game for various reasons (pve, pvp, exploration, story, to meet new friends, etc.) For me its the Story telling, i really like it!


But i Just lost an hour trying to complete "Victory or Death" with 2 toons, very frustrating!


How about allowing mods in this game, so the community can fix the game for you?


Congratulations! You just defeated my motivation (flawless victory) for this game for now.


Have a nice day


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Had it happen twice tonight while doing story missions, very long ones mind you. I want to play this game but if it's going to keep kicking me after every story mission so I can't complete them then what's the point? Luckily I had a friend help me with one so if I did dc I could come back, but I can't always have friends around to help me with these.

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Victory or Death disconnect, twice now. I don't have the will to do the story over again. Not DCing during cut scenes... both DCs have been when fighting the two dragons. So much time for nothing only to repeat again. Maybe in the near future I'll try it with a VPN, but I really hope that isn't the solution.


Edit: This is the first time I've encountered a DC during a story mission.

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Same thing happening on Forging The Pact. Got right to the final fight and disconnected. Started again, got as far as blasting the cave barracade and disconnected again. This has been happening for years, but is now at an all-time high, and is a serious blot on an otherwise fairly clean Anet copybook.

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> We have folks investigating this issue, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it. We're trying to determine what the commonality is between players that run into this issue. If you haven't already, please submit a bug when it happens so we can get more data points.


How should we report the bug if we suspect we're about to disconnect? You do know there's no "story" option, right? The closest is General PVE & Environment but then what? Living World Journal? Cinematics? Something else?


This has been happening to me since the very beginning, and I started with the second beta weekend. I've managed to finish Heart of Thorns with maybe 1 or 2 characters out of 10, the original Personal Story with MAYBE half of my characters.


There is no excuse for this. As I recall, Guild Wars 1 could even get you right back into missions and maintain your progress if you disconnected mid-mission. This may have only been if you were the only player or with a group, I forget, but I'm positive that at least if you were solo you didn't lose progress if you reconnected quickly enough. How does GW2 not have the same minimum reconnect capability that it's predecessor?

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