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Music is one of the keys in being submerse in any mmo


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As stated, music is such as important role in any gaming experience and I feel that lot of the music there needs to be more variety of it and relative to the existing area, creating that atmosphere of key areas. I remember some great tracks from GW1 Festive of Lyssa at the Vabi palace...place...with carpet bridges..anyway it just match so perfectly that I would often just go back there to experience that genius loci of the area.


Some tracks on GW2 are great as well but since there is no specific area for it, it gets a bit lost (please note I don't have HoF yet so I dunno how the music works there)


also some dynamic weather could be nice as I sure every single plant should be dead in divinities reach as it has not rained there for about 6 years...

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I turn off the music in **every** game - even in Ori and the Blind Forest and got pushed to tears by the intro song when I turned it on once - because I find it unrealistic that music would randomly appear. The only game I have music on is DooM and DooM II, because I like FM music. I like to hear the sound effects of the game, which are very rich: My Noble Count outfit does quiet tinkle/rattle sounds due to the golden chains I wear, the bullet casings of my pistols sound different depending on what surface I stand on when they hit the ground and the drones (deep bass) in the caves do a good job. The only thing that interrupts the silence is the loud gunfire of my rifle.


But each to their own, eh?


There is dynamic weather, but the chances are so low. Just like the days that are longer on purpose. I'd like to have longer and darker nights. The game is too much driven to be in "perfect state". I've been in Orr once, doing some underwater fights and when I came back to the surface, it started to rain. I was in the ocean, near a steep cliff and the sun was shining trough the clouds. I could literally SMELL the moisture and salty water. That was like 2 years ago and I still remember that.

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> @"Damocles.4908" said:

> As stated, music is such as important role in any gaming experience and I feel that lot of the music there needs to be more variety of it and relative to the existing area, creating that atmosphere of key areas. I remember some great tracks from GW1 Festive of Lyssa at the Vabi palace...place...with carpet bridges..anyway it just match so perfectly that I would often just go back there to experience that genius loci of the area.


> Some tracks on GW2 are great as well but since there is no specific area for it, it gets a bit lost (please note I don't have HoF yet so I dunno how the music works there)


> also some dynamic weather could be nice as I sure every single plant should be dead in divinities reach as it has not rained there for about 6 years...


first thing I do when i have to reinstall this or setup on another PC for myself... SHUT OFF THE MUSIC.


I hate it and if on really just want to log off.


So I love your opinion about your desire and others like you but what about the rest of us who hate the game music?

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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Damocles.4908" said:

> > As stated, music is such as important role in any gaming experience and I feel that lot of the music there needs to be more variety of it and relative to the existing area, creating that atmosphere of key areas. I remember some great tracks from GW1 Festive of Lyssa at the Vabi palace...place...with carpet bridges..anyway it just match so perfectly that I would often just go back there to experience that genius loci of the area.

> >

> > Some tracks on GW2 are great as well but since there is no specific area for it, it gets a bit lost (please note I don't have HoF yet so I dunno how the music works there)

> >

> > also some dynamic weather could be nice as I sure every single plant should be dead in divinities reach as it has not rained there for about 6 years...


> first thing I do when i have to reinstall this or setup on another PC for myself... SHUT OFF THE MUSIC.


> I hate it and if on really just want to log off.


> So I love your opinion about your desire and others like you but what about the rest of us who hate the game music?


You said it yourself, just... Shut it off.


I like the music, but I usually have spotify running anyway, so it doesn't matter too much.


Edit: to add, I think Everquest was the only mmo that had truly immersive music for me, Gw2 is a little too ambient for my tastes.

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Usually I watch movies or listen to other stuff. After a while the ingame music gets a bit distracting. That's why I play most of the time without music.


So, while I can appreciate good ingame music I don't think that in MMORPGs that tend to be grind heavy, like fashion wars endgame is for example or that require extensive use of voice chat, music is really that important, at least not for long term players.

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Funny, I have the music on, but I drown it out with my own music playing at the same time...except for the first time new pieces come out, I listen to them once or twice and then back to what I usually listen to. Having said that, I do like the music in GW2, just too lazy to download it and add it to the GW1 music(which I have on CD's).

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I really enjoy MMO music. I love the feeling it gives to the world. That's a big part of why I don't have Discord on when I'm just overlanding, only for specific group content. And I don't listen to my own music either since having RL music while trying to play in and be a part of a different world seems ridiculous to me.

I've even gone back and logged into old games that I played years ago, and it's the music that brings back the flood of memories, remembering the grand adventures, and a kind of sadness that it's over and people have moved in.

There could be more variety in GW2 however, I agree. It seems to me there used to be, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.

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Iv played games all my life and game music really isn’t that important to me. Since gw2 is a pc game I just turn the music off and play my own when I’m not on discord. Honestly i mean some people think it’s key but then my side think music can be gone.


Now that my opinion is done however u don’t have to like it. Gw2 allows you to have your own music within the game. I hope you read on it. And you can change fighting music and intro music. Switch songs during within game etc. even though music could be better. You can put your own in which is awesome. I never got it going but there is a way you can. And you won’t get banned for it. So even though you might not like gw2 music. You can put your own playlist within the game

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Music is really important to me; however sooner or later in most games I turn it off and I never have the battle music play as it's often stressful and distracting.


When core Tyria levelling, I've occasionally put the BGM back on, but eventually flip it off again in favour of my own choices out of game.

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Hm, the thought of turning off the music actually never occurred to me... should give it a try!

On the other hand, I always get goosebumps when listening to "Fear not this Night" in the Grove (imagine the cleansing of Orr mission for me when all those undead swarm in and you get the illusion of being truly outmanned while "Fear not this Night" rolls) or get nostalgic when listening to the songs that made it over from GW1... makes me think of pre-searing Ascalon, hunting down those red iris flowers. Good times.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> On the other hand, I always get goosebumps when listening to "Fear not this Night" in the Grove (imagine the cleansing of Orr mission for me when all those undead swarm in and you get the illusion of being truly outmanned while "Fear not this Night" rolls) or get nostalgic when listening to the songs that made it over from GW1... makes me think of pre-searing Ascalon, hunting down those red iris flowers. Good times.

That part, when the music begins and all the sound effects are numb, and "his" excited but warm voice speaks to you... I always cry (and that's the main reason why I'd like to have the personal story re-playable). Also the Ascalonian area is fascinating, with that "A restored land" bgm that really tells you: this is a wasteland, but slowly recovering; sadness for the thousands of deads, but some hope for the future.

I could listening my own music everywhere, but binding the gameplay with its own music, adds some additional feeling. I still have such nostalgic feeling when I listen to the BGMs of the old MMOs that I played years ago. They remind me such a good times.



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I am okay with the ingame music as I don't find it too intrusive to annoy me (except for the New LA theme that keeps blaring into my ears). But like others said there are times when I listen to Spotify, podcasts or whatnot, and I turn it down then of course. It is all about what mood you are in. When I play through new LS content for the first time or play through the story I usually make it a point to have the default music on tho.


On the other hand, I don't mind having the GW2 OST playing in the background once in a while when working, reading or doing other stuff.

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