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Mai trin weird bug? or working as intended?


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So i did tier 2 fractals of mai trin and there are 2 obvious phases:


Phase one:Mai trin runs at you, and the pirate guy shoots you.

Phase 2:Both mai trin and the pirate guy ont he wall and shooting a bazooka at you.


There was no phase 2.Its a rather curious thing.Was something changed?

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When you have the purple diamond lookng thing on your character head .. you are fixtated and mai will follow you. You want to lure her to the electric field so she loose the shield stack so she takes damage better. If u hv the bomb on your head.. horrik shoot at you.. two aoes one is fire fields .. take tht away from group and second is electric field .. plant tht on mai.

This map is chrono and healer game ..

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So no more bombs? so it was changed? Not complaining i mean i didn't die once, i'm just surprised.Usually that bomb phase kills me.

Also funny enough that i didn't die either on chaos, and chaos can be tough.Somehow i even avoided those fire thingies by dodging and didn't die.

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Its still in two phases now, its just that it alternates between Horrik+Mai Trin and Horrik+adds+ship cannons, the big difference from before is that the cannon fire was toned down but everything else was made more dangerous, so its combat instead of running around like a headless chicken.


The previous design was bad for parties, people preferred to solo it or bring bunkers due to that phase.

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Nov 28th patch adjusted the phase transitions. Instead of the cannon barrage, your party has to damage Horrik to get Mai to come back out (also spawns veteran aetherblade pirates). New markers for when you're fixated by Mai (purple diamond), purple bomb icon when Horrik targets you with electric field (has jagged edges for the AoE indicator), orange/yellow bomb icon when Horrik targets you with regular cannon shot (smooth edges for the AoE indicator). Cannon fire is more frequent now and can occur while you're fighting Mai.

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