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Scrapper cant stomp bug?

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> @"madamred.1463" said:

> So i have been playing scrapper a lot but the gyro is bugged not only will it not work but you cant stomp at all and its not just me it is everyone i talk to


Okay, I did some testing in Heart of the Mist, and - the Function Gyro's stomp ability, Gyro Smash! [F], is now **TOTALLY BROKEN** and never executes when the player is prompted and presses the F key. However, I **can** get my Scrapper to do a stomp consistantly (sorta a work-around..see below).


Not only is the Gyro Smash [F] now totally broken, but the proximity check that GW2 used to do when deciding whether to have the F key display - "Finish Them [F]!" vs "Gyro Smash [F]" has been removed/changed when the Scrapper was around a downed player. And I think this is cause of the issue of the Gyro's stomp ability being bugged.


The way it used to work pre February patch:

If the Scrapper was within 180 units of a downed player, targeted or not, he would get the prompt, "Finish Them! [F]". And if the Scrapper was above 180 units but within 900 units and **had the downed player targeted**, he'd get the prompt "Gyro Smash! [F]."

Pressing F would _generally_ cause the expected reaction.


The way it's working now (as I experienced in my HotM testing):

If the Scrapper has the downed player targeted and within 900 units, he *ALWAYS* receives the prompt "Gyro Smash! [F]!" NOTE: Even if the Scrapper is right on top of the downed player, it still says - "Gyro Smash! [F]." But pressing "F" does absolutely nothing because the Function Gyro is broken/bugged.


And...you're going to love this... if the Scrapper **DOES NOT** have the downed player targeted, and is within 180 units, he will NOW get the prompt of - "Finish Them [F]!" and pressing F will allow the Scrapper to spike the downed player. (I was able to consistently spike downed players even after causing my Function Gyro to fail as described above.)


Conclusion: the removal or bugging of the proximity check of the Scrapper to the downed player has totally broken the Function Gyro's stomp ability (and probably the rez ability).



If you could please investigate this, the community would appreciate it.


Thank you! :smile:


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> @"Dristig.9678" said:

> This bug is still happening and is consistently repeatable. I've now managed to recreate it with another person so that any time ANYONE beats your Function gyro to the stomp you are unable to stomp or Res for the ENTIRE game. Previously I had only seen it if I got the stomp before my Gyro. But no. Anyone who beats the gyro completely screws you for the whole match.


Its not even about beating the gyro to the stomp, it can be attempting to stomp the same target at all afaik.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> Can confirm, if I try to stomp before my gyro reaches the target, I can’t stomp for the rest of the game.


> **This needs fixing ASAP**


> And could you please change the title to a more serious-looking one, it seems like you are not sure about the bug.


I agree here. Maybe the OP could change the thread title so we receive more attention from ANET.

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Yeah, been getting this bug too. It's highly annoying as once you get hit by the bug, the only way to reset it is if you die.


Dying or reinstance. In any case, impossible to keep a decent playtime with some friends at competitive level. Right now the scrapper has zero capability of stomping or rezing, turning one of its initial stomp/rez advantages (function gyro) into a nightmare. I have my scrapper taking a long rest since the BUG appeared.

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