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[NA][PvE]Vabbian Aristocracy[Lyss]


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You need a guild? We’ve got a guild. Check out these sweet perks sucka:


* We use discord and sh*tpost in it


* No rep requirements (unless guild missions), but we got a pretty sweet lookin tag tho. just sayin.


* We run guild missions every Monday(mmmm commendations)


* We try our best to help each other. Need someone to run CoE with you? Just ask!


* Some of us PvP sometimes, if you’re into that thing. I don’t judge. We also have a cool dude in guild who organizes havoc runs on kaineng for WvW.


* We have a sweet hangout spot within the Lost Precipice, guild level 30 baby!


* 40+ members and growing!


* We don’t shun you for having a life or being in other guilds.


* **WE DO NOT HAVE STANDARDS**: We will not exclude you from doing stuff with us because “ur gear sux lol”. **HOWEVER**: this also means you can’t have standards either, haha.


* We are gonna try raiding soon, yay!


* We also dabble in games other than GW2. You are not required to join us on these excursions to worlds outside of GW2, but shenanigans are delicious. You know, that place with all the sh*t on the walls you like. Yeah, that.


Seriously though, we’re looking for people interested in whatever. Just be somewhat active and come chill out and talk with us. Like any good relationship though, I got some lines I’ve drawn out in the sand but it ain’t complicated. Check it out:


* **Please do not message if you are not 18+ years old.** I don’t wanna get into sh#t cause yo momma hear us talkin’ about something crazy and your 16 yo a** is suddenly grounded. I ain’t about that life.


* **We make jokes. Please like jokes.**


* **Discord is Required.** Most of the guild socializing is done there, and it is generally where we hang out. If you’re shy, just listen in and mute yourself.


Anyways, if you’re interested please leave us a letter on GW2.









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We are now guild level 33 and growing hella fast!! As always, we are always looking for new members. Please also keep in mind that we are NOT a safe space. However, we do not allow blatantly disrespectful behavior, and if you're acting like an a**, someone is bound to call you out on it.


with that being said, please feel free to contact me in game or on here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fun fact about Lyss we (myself mostly) are currently holding a lottery event, you need to be a member of the guild and be on the discord server (and tell someone you want to join the lottery) but you'll get a cool prize if you win, and i think i'll be holding it once a month

So join you butts

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