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Soulbeast Feedback *URGENT*

Pvt Frosty.6973

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Anyone else coming across a bug where beastmode cancels on its own just by running? seems to be happening with the rock gazelle a lot Also when I go to enter beast mode while moving it will attempt to meld then cancel a few seconds later I am 100% certain I am not pressing the cancel key for it I am literally just auto running half the time and it will cancel. I will test to see whether it happens with other pets or its just the rock gazelle the bug seems to be happening in PvE I havnt tested it in pvp yet

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As I have just tested it with different pets it seems to be happening a lot every few engagements beastmode self cancels soon as it cancels it goes on cool down there was a similar bug with druid celestial avatar form where it would self cancel but it was very rare this seems to be happening consistently...not to mention rather irritating considering I prefer the idea of a petless ranger

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> @Luciferior.4802 said:

> As I have just tested it with different pets it seems to be happening a lot every few engagements beastmode self cancels soon as it cancels it goes on cool down there was a similar bug with druid celestial avatar form where it would self cancel but it was very rare this seems to be happening consistently...not to mention rather irritating considering I prefer the idea of a petless ranger


Hasn't happened to me but I probably don;t have half the time on it as you do. Hope it gets fixed asap.

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Aside from just getting kicked from the game and denied logging back in figured id post my findings the bug seems to be PvE specific I tested in PvP I never got canceled once figured Id test it there to see if maybe 1 of my PvE shines might be causing it I am wearing the black poly refractor which is inactive in PvP even in the mists ill try to test in PvE without the refractor and see if it still happens or not ....Ofc I wouldn't need to wear my black poly refractor if I didn't have a constant fart cloud coming from my well groomed charr....

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