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Controling the griffon? Could use some help

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Just hit mastery level 2 with it, and half way to level 3 with it. And i'm having trouble figuring out how to even control it right.


Based on the description of mastery 2, it says I can use mount ability 2 to gain height, but i'm not even seeing the ability available. The only thing it can really do so far is long distance gliding with the ocasional wing flap for a minor bosot to height... Am I missing something? Or does mastery level 3 fix all these issues?

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Don't use S to go back up. Go into your keybinds ([picture](https://i.imgur.com/gvhv5EG.png)) and bind your mount ability 2 to something, it will function as the climb function for the griffon. The difference with S is that in normal flight S is your brake and will slow you down. So if you use S to climb but hold it too long, it will slow you down. Ability 2 will only climb, and no matter how long you hold it will never slow you down as S will.


Also, never use skill 1 to dive, use mount ability 1 to dive. Skill 1 (Swoop) is your dismount. You may think it looks like a regular dive, but it's different in two ways. First, if you get close enough to the ground you will be dismounted. Using mount ability 1 to dive will never dismount you (if you do touch the ground you will land, not dismount). Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, skill 1 will only allow you to dive for a minimum distance of one full 'dive animation', or more if you hold it longer. Mount ability 1, on the other hand, allows very precise control of your dive distance, and you can press it a very short time to only dive a minimal distance.


In short, don't use skill 1 (Swoop) or S to dive and climb, please bind mount abilities 1 and 2 and use those to dive and climb instead.


Edit: in fact, I would recommend checking the option "Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input" in the main options. This will also allow you for example to normally jump with the raptor instead of always using the far jump energy, and no longer accidentally port forward with the jackal.


Edit2: for your understanding, you can only gain height after diving down, you can't climb from a normal glide. You need to dive to make speed, and then you can climb back to the original height (slightly higher in fact, but you can't climb much higher than your original starting position, about the same distance as a normal standing jump and flap). The third mastery will allow you to make a boost during diving, giving you a great speed boost in your forward flight, but it won't allow you to climb higher.

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You have to be pretty high up to be able to regain some height. Go to lion's arch and jump to the top of the squid building. Jump off ,hold down v to dive, when you dive far enough hold down c to rise up. At the height of your ascent press spacebar to wing flap to get a little extra height. You should be a little higher then when you first started. The longer you dive the more height you will gain. Rinse and repeat.


You can dive at lower heights but since you won't gain height it's only really useful for a little speed boost. Hold down v to dive, then release to glide forward at tier 1 speed.


If you have a maxed out griffon when you dive with v, you can hold down space bar at the same time to do the wing flap. I hold both buttons down with my thumb for about a second to get the tier 2 speed boost. You can either fly forward or rise up.


With the recent griffon nerf if you want to do the tier 2 speed boost (hold v to dive while also holding down spacebar for wingflap) you have to be very very high up. This is because in addition to holding down these buttons for a second or so to build up speed for the wingflap, they added an additional wait time by forcing you to continue to dive towards the ground. This makes this move useless in 99 percent of situations where you can just use a raptor press leap twice and already be half way to the event or point of interest.


Allow me to shill my video testing out the griffon after the nerf :)

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> @"Dzjudz.9142" said:

> Don't use S to go back up. Go into your keybinds ([picture](https://i.imgur.com/gvhv5EG.png)) and bind your mount ability 2 to something, it will function as the climb function for the griffon. The difference with S is that in normal flight S is your brake and will slow you down. So if you use S to climb but hold it too long, it will slow you down. Ability 2 will only climb, and no matter how long you hold it will never slow you down as S will.


> Also, never use skill 1 to dive, use mount ability 1 to dive. Skill 1 (Swoop) is your dismount. You may think it looks like a regular dive, but it's different in two ways. First, if you get close enough to the ground you will be dismounted. Using mount ability 1 to dive will never dismount you (if you do touch the ground you will land, not dismount). Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, skill 1 will only allow you to dive for a minimum distance of one full 'dive animation', or more if you hold it longer. Mount ability 1, on the other hand, allows very precise control of your dive distance, and you can press it a very short time to only dive a minimal distance.


> In short, don't use skill 1 (Swoop) or S to dive and climb, please bind mount abilities 1 and 2 and use those to dive and climb instead.


> Edit: in fact, I would recommend checking the option "Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input" in the main options. This will also allow you for example to normally jump with the raptor instead of always using the far jump energy, and no longer accidentally port forward with the jackal.


> Edit2: for your understanding, you can only gain height after diving down, you can't climb from a normal glide. You need to dive to make speed, and then you can climb back to the original height (slightly higher in fact, but you can't climb much higher than your original starting position, about the same distance as a normal standing jump and flap). The third mastery will allow you to make a boost during diving, giving you a great speed boost in your forward flight, but it won't allow you to climb higher.


I only recently got my griffon and maxed my masteries. I'm going to follow your suggestion on key binds and practice my diving/climbing later. Thank you!

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> @"myjokeaccount.3807" said:

> You have to be pretty high up to be able to regain some height. Go to lion's arch and jump to the top of the squid building. Jump off ,hold down v to dive, when you dive far enough hold down c to rise up.

Playing one of the Expert Griffon races in PoF is also a good way to do some practice, since you'll automatically restart from the highest point as soon as you touch the ground.

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> @"myjokeaccount.3807" said:

> You have to be pretty high up to be able to regain some height. Go to lion's arch and jump to the top of the squid building. Jump off ,hold down v to dive, when you dive far enough hold down c to rise up. At the height of your ascent press spacebar to wing flap to get a little extra height. You should be a little higher then when you first started. The longer you dive the more height you will gain. Rinse and repeat.


> You can dive at lower heights but since you won't gain height it's only really useful for a little speed boost. Hold down v to dive, then release to glide forward at tier 1 speed.


> If you have a maxed out griffon when you dive with v, you can hold down space bar at the same time to do the wing flap. I hold both buttons down with my thumb for about a second to get the tier 2 speed boost. You can either fly forward or rise up.


> With the recent griffon nerf if you want to do the tier 2 speed boost (hold v to dive while also holding down spacebar for wingflap) you have to be very very high up. This is because in addition to holding down these buttons for a second or so to build up speed for the wingflap, they added an additional wait time by forcing you to continue to dive towards the ground. This makes this move useless in 99 percent of situations where you can just use a raptor press leap twice and already be half way to the event or point of interest.


> Allow me to shill my video testing out the griffon after the nerf :)


Bummer.. I was interested in viewing your video, but due to Sony owning the music, the video is not available in my country.. (U.S.A) :(

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