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Over-powered Phantasms- Perhaps.


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This build has made me over 50 gold through just randomly queuing. My secret? Spam your Phantasms until you break all target limits and melt anyone.


Optional choices:

Harrier Amulet if you prefer healing more over critical chance. Not much of a difference, aside from healing.


Illusionary Defense can be uses too for a 25% damage reduction throughout combat. Though, Chaos Storm on Signet is nice for CC/Conditions.


*Have fun!*

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> @"Kelthien.8593" said:

> Nice! I definitely will check this out. I gave a similar build a quick try and had a blast. Summoning all those phantasms is fun, and I had no idea they did so much damage now. My iDisenchanter was cracking for 11k+. eesh!


Yea, iDisenchanter may have received a tad too much damage for an unblockable attack

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Heh, fun build. :D


> I'd imagine surely a damage nerf on things like the disenchanter will be done in the future.


I think that Anet was a bit scared of hurting our damage too much by making phantasms single attack constructs. They tried to compensate in various ways to keep the flavor of phantasms (doubling up on berserker with imagined burden, making warlock 2 phantasms by default, giving interrupt to mage, flat out increasing swordsman damage, damage increase capability for defender, and then disenchanter getting a very high base damage) unique from each other, and I like that a lot. But I don't believe disenchanter is supposed to be a huge damage dealing phantasm. It's always felt more like an AoE-ish boon strip and condi heal to me.

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> @"KEN.3709" said:

> I found this build really not working in spvp. once you get focused you are dead. no escape. no dmg burst.


I tried both this build and the power shatter mirage build and I have some thoughts.


This build suits a defensive play style better. It works better for those who play mesmers as spell casters. I like it a lot. The reason why I main both ele and mesmer is that I like playing spell casters.


The power shatter mirage build suits a more aggressive style. It works better if you play mesmers as assassins. You need to dash in and out rapidly to do fast nukes.


Before the path, the old confusion build worked for both styles. Now there is more diversity and I think it's a good thing. There are probably other builds that work, too.


I guess that people who do not play mesmers would likely complain more about the power shatter build, because it's easier to tell what killed them when playing against power shatter mesmers.

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> @"Exciton.8942" said:

> The amulet choice is extremely questionable. Giving up damage and sustain for boon duration is totally not worth it.


> Better choices include demolisher, paladin or avatar.


That's a fair question, I use Diviner's for near-permanent alacrity upkeep. You could say that you just need to CC more often, and I agree with that totally. But it's more fun to see yourself have all the boons in the game and share them constantly over ~3-4k more damage and an extreme loss of boon consistency. Of course, that's all a playstyle preference. :tongue:


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Im sorry i might be noob but i beleive your build is very weak on spvp, at least if you want to be a shatter if i assume correctly

Why not Dueling or domination? A Shatter mesmer doesnt need sustain or regen. He needs to stealth, burst shatter combo and stealth again if target is not dead to do another shatter.


I tested iDisenchanter and iDefender but i had much more sucess with Signet of Ilusions + GS 2 + GS 3 and Mirror Images

It generates 6 clones in total, and with the Illusion trait you can shatter your target twice! Or even Interrupt and Double Shatter. If i do the combo in the middle of a cap with Chrono's Elite the target is DEAD, doesnt matter if its a Scourge or a Druid, it just die because of the high damage.


But if your build is for more of a Bunker Chrono then forget everything i said. I just find it hard for iDisenchanter hits high because everybody has boons all the time

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> @"kybraga.7103" said:

> > @"Exciton.8942" said:

> > The amulet choice is extremely questionable. Giving up damage and sustain for boon duration is totally not worth it.

> >

> > Better choices include demolisher, paladin or avatar.


> That's a fair question, I use Diviner's for near-permanent alacrity upkeep. You could say that you just need to CC more often, and I agree with that totally. But it's more fun to see yourself have all the boons in the game and share them constantly over ~3-4k more damage and an extreme loss of boon consistency. Of course, that's all a playstyle preference. :tongue:



Interesting concept. So I guess you shatter mostly to maintain good alacrity uptime and let phantasms do the job. Since disenchanter does so much damage at the moment, other raw stats might not be as necessary.

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> @"kybraga.7103" said:

> Bingo! Phantasms break the max target limit- by summoning multiple instances of Warlocks, then you pretty much can use shatters to support your team and keep yourself alive. It's dirty but fun, to say the least. :tongue:


There is no limit for Phantasms? But clone do have 3 cap , right?

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> @"KEN.3709" said:

> > @"kybraga.7103" said:

> > Bingo! Phantasms break the max target limit- by summoning multiple instances of Warlocks, then you pretty much can use shatters to support your team and keep yourself alive. It's dirty but fun, to say the least. :tongue:


> There is no limit for Phantasms? But clone do have 3 cap , right?


Yes 3 cap clone limit. Which means as your phantasms turn into clones they overwrite the existing clones

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Heh, fun build. :D

> >

> > I'd imagine surely a damage nerf on things like the disenchanter will be done in the future.


> I think that Anet was a bit scared of hurting our damage too much by making phantasms single attack constructs. They tried to compensate in various ways to keep the flavor of phantasms (doubling up on berserker with imagined burden, making warlock 2 phantasms by default, giving interrupt to mage, flat out increasing swordsman damage, damage increase capability for defender, and then disenchanter getting a very high base damage) unique from each other, and I like that a lot. But I don't believe disenchanter is supposed to be a huge damage dealing phantasm. It's always felt more like an AoE-ish boon strip and condi heal to me.


i don't think so

i think devs simply looked at how other power builds work (hint they all use utilities as damaging skill ) and did the math then they gave our utilities skill damage since we didn't really have any damage utility before patch (except that mantra which is meh ).its kinda fair for mesmer to reach meta level dps while sacrificinng at least 2 utilities slots .its not best design but move damage to utility is likely causing less pvp problem .since people used to only complain about power mesmer shatter burst .


they will still nerf those dmg in pvp , maybe add 3s cd between shatterstorm .but that's it i don't really see 1s cast timing with clear visual tell is anywhere op tbh

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> But I don't believe disenchanter is supposed to be a huge damage dealing phantasm. It's always felt more like an AoE-ish boon strip and condi heal to me.


Honestly, I like that they pushed it more towards damage. Disenchanter, Null Field, and Arcane Thievery are really stepping on each other's toes.


Null Field should be the dedicated AoE boon/condi strip. Arcane Thievery could use some buffs to make it the best choice against single targets. Reducing it to 20s cd would be a good start. I find it kind of absurd that disenchanter was the go-to skill for all boon strip needs, at least in pve. Even now, it removes at least 5 boons, which means a minimum of 10 with chronophantasma, and can be recharged with the signet. Why use Arcane Thievery? Sure, it's a steal, but the differnence is a bit too extreme, especially when you factor in disenchanter's high damage.


Disenchanter should be a hybrid skill, better damage but worse utility, something for dps chrono to provide, while the other two should be more appealing choices if you really need to get rid of boons.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > But I don't believe disenchanter is supposed to be a huge damage dealing phantasm. It's always felt more like an AoE-ish boon strip and condi heal to me.


> Honestly, I like that they pushed it more towards damage. Disenchanter, Null Field, and Arcane Thievery are really stepping on each other's toes.


> Null Field should be the dedicated AoE boon/condi strip. Arcane Thievery could use some buffs to make it the best choice against single targets. Reducing it to 20s cd would be a good start. I find it kind of absurd that disenchanter was the go-to skill for all boon strip needs, at least in pve. Even now, it removes at least 5 boons, which means a minimum of 10 with chronophantasma, and can be recharged with the signet. Why use Arcane Thievery? Sure, it's a steal, but the differnence is a bit too extreme, especially when you factor in disenchanter's high damage.


> Disenchanter should be a hybrid skill, better damage but worse utility, something for dps chrono to provide, while the other two should be more appealing choices if you really need to get rid of boons.


IMO arcane thievery's biggest weakness is that it generally misses and has had a long history of being very temperamental. It's at a point where I think most players have lost faith in even trying it, also it's only really useful when running master of manipulation as it brings the CD to a nice 20s for 3 condition cleanse and mirror. Even then the switcharoo is quite small due to boon/condi spam with null field and mantra of resolve/disenchanter essentially providing you with what you will need most of the time.


The sad part is, it's not arcane thievery's fault either, it's strong and worth using if you go chaos, it's just that power creep has left it behind and made it largely ineffective. I wouldn't want it buffing, more that boon/condition spam is reduced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"kybraga.7103" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8ensICVqhFqBGoBUrhlhjqOTD1R1MAWgG6sDygQD-jJxHAB7XGAgHCg47Po8VAAA


> This build has made me over 50 gold through just randomly queuing. My secret? Spam your Phantasms until you break all target limits and melt anyone.


> Optional choices:

> Harrier Amulet if you prefer healing more over critical chance. Not much of a difference, aside from healing.


> Illusionary Defense can be uses too for a 25% damage reduction throughout combat. Though, Chaos Storm on Signet is nice for CC/Conditions.


> *Have fun!*


any way you can upload a video using the build? or you are not using it anymore?

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> @"kventura.8356" said:

> > @"kybraga.7103" said:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8ensICVqhFqBGoBUrhlhjqOTD1R1MAWgG6sDygQD-jJxHAB7XGAgHCg47Po8VAAA

> >

> > This build has made me over 50 gold through just randomly queuing. My secret? Spam your Phantasms until you break all target limits and melt anyone.

> >

> > Optional choices:

> > Harrier Amulet if you prefer healing more over critical chance. Not much of a difference, aside from healing.

> >

> > Illusionary Defense can be uses too for a 25% damage reduction throughout combat. Though, Chaos Storm on Signet is nice for CC/Conditions.

> >

> > *Have fun!*


> any way you can upload a video using the build? or you are not using it anymore?


I'm afraid I do not have any videos currently. If I have time, I can make one.

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