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[EU] [PvX] Thorin and Company [TAC] is looking for people to join us in adventures!


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**Who are we?** We are a friendly guild that existed since launch and for past 4 years we have maintained between 400-500 members. We are fairly casual and chill guild with not many rules and with idea to provide relaxed and friendly environment for our members. We are very international with members from all over Europe and rest of the world.

**Are you a PvE player?** Most of our members are focused on PvE and we do a lot of dungeons, fractals, open world stuff and have a raid team.

**Maybe WvW is what you prefer?** We are stationed on Gandara but we have some players playing on other servers. We don’t have organized WvW runs, just members who do it on their own regularly or occasionally.

**Or PvP?** Some of our members PvP regularly, some occasionally, but most never.

**Are you a new player?** You are very welcome to join us!


**What do we have to offer?**

* Fully upgraded guild hall. Currently we have Windswept Haven.

* Guild Missions

* Trivia nights with prizes

* Dungeons/Fractals nights

* Forum

* Discord

* Other periodic events

* About 250 members who log in every day.


**What is our policy?** We want our members to have fun and enjoy the game. We don’t require anything beside being nice to your fellow guildies and to be helpful. We don’t support any sort of elitism and asking for members on guild chat for stuff are obligating you to accept anyone who wants. This doesn't apply to raids and agony resistance due it’s mechanics. You are required to speak English in guild chat and to represent us 70% of the time.

**What are requirements to join**? If you read all this and it suits you that is all you need! You can be a new, old, returning player, pro or a noob.


**How do I join?** Send a mail or whisper in game to Ivienn.6354

If you have any other questions, you know how to find me!

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