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Should you leave the match if you disconnect at the start?


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I encounter matches where I get stuck at the loading screen for minutes and by the time I alt F4 to restart the game and enter the match, I'm already quite late.

My teammates usually get all angry and ask me to get the puppy out of the match because apparently I would drag down their rating with the match already lost.

Would you leave and not try to get back in the game if you disconnect or hang or get stuck in the loading screen?

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Situational. I feel some players can experience a sudden network and dc and that's ok, happens to all of us at some point, but I have no sympathies for players who knowingly queue up with shoddy connections and then use 'but I've been dc-ing all day, not my fault' as an excuse. I feel those aware of connection issues should be responsible and make the decision to not queue for ranked matches while having difficulties, decay doesn't start for 3 days for a reason.

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Depends. like if I can get back in very quick. like 30 secs or so, and it's early in the game or not a crucial moment that leads to a snowball i might consider coming back. Otherwise stay the fuck away. Like seriously hate it when some fucker DC's for a relatively long time but comes back at the end and right when the team is still eligble for rating loss. Like seriously either wait the 2 minutes or fuck off.

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