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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > ...what's wrong with people who complain when someone doesn't thank them, do they only pick you up for attention or what?

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > The word you're looking for is manners. They're exceedingly hard to come by online, alas.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > There are no good manners involved when someone picks you up and then complains that you didn't thank that someone. If you only help someone because you want him to be grateful towards you then there are no good manners involved either, it's called selfish.

> > > > > > > > > > Good manners would be to help anyone for the sake of helping.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Are you trying to say that picking someone up without expecting thanks is altruistic? That would be nonsense. In any case, yes, complaining isn't nice either, but it's a comparatively peripheral matter. The general manner of conversation is, after all, silence. Which is exactly the point: When there's no immediate danger, many, many people still don't take the time to acknowledge rendered help, even in the most simple of ways. _It's two letters._

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Picking someone up is pressing one letter.

> > > > > > > > > altruistic

> > > > > > > > > adjective

> > > > > > > > > showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

> > > > > > > > Yes, picking someone up without expecting them to say thanks is altruistic and no it's not nonsense.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I'm not saying people shouldn't say thanks, of course it's nice when someone thanks you for your help but it shouldn't be required - People who complain about others not saying thanks after beeing picked up are extremely obnoxious to me, that's like, imagine for example: you see me fighting some mob and it looks to you as if I was struggling (while I actually just really enjoy the challenge and feel good about myself because I manage to fight a strong mob alone) and you rush to help me and kill the mob for me, I'm a little disappointed and move on and mind my own buisness. Would you be upset if I didn't say thanks? Probably not but then why is pressing f something different to you?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So, are you enjoying the challenge of sunbathing on your backside?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The way I see it, if two(or more, usually more) people are fighting a common enemy, be it dungeons, meta or PvP, there's no need for "ty" since the resser has some stake in you not being dead or at a waypoint somewhere. Ig, however, you did something stupid and got yourself killed in the mmiddle of a map and some kind stranger picked you up from the floor, you should thank them. They have no pony in that race, in fact, they probably have kittens to feed and are taking time from whatever they are doing to save you that 1s(and who knows how much time, the creator of Tangled Depths can burn in hell, I'll provide the coal) if you were to waypoint. Showing some gratitude is not that difficult.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You're all acting as if I'm against saying thanks 4 rez, all I'm saying is that it isn't a big deal if someone doesn't say thanks...

> > > > > > I've said multiple times that saying thanks is a nice gesture but it is not a requirement for picking someone up. That would be like holding a door open for everyone just because you like it when people thank you. I'm holding doors open because I'm a nice person not because I want the attention, I don't care if people thank me or not - of course it makes me happy if someone does but if someone doesn't then what's the big deal? Some people here sound like they would rather wait for someone to beg for a rez and shower them with gratitude before they'd rez someone...

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody sounds like they expect begging or to be shower with gratitude. What we do expect are basic manners from others. It's a sign of a civilised society and most of us prefer to live in one. That's why you say "thanks" when your parent/partner brings you a glass of water, it's why you say "sorry" when you bump against somebody on the street, why you use specific grammar constructions when you order a coffee. Most people do not appreciate rudeness and not saying those little words -is- rude. When other people do nice things to you, you are supposed to acknowledge that and show the least bit of gratitude. You are not entitled to a glass of water or a resu or for a door to be held for you.

> > > >

> > > > But you are entitled to gratitude? That has nothing to do with "proper manners" or a "civilized society". When you ask someone for help and receive that help THEN you are supposed to say thank you. When someone holds the door for you it's a nice gesture, it's nice to say thanks but it's not a requirement, you sound like you would slam the door in someones face if he doesn't say thanks... But hey, it's your way of life! Do whatever YOU think is right, I'm going to keep helping others for the sake of helping - not in order to receive someones gratitude. And again, I'm happy when someone does show me gratitude, and most people do, but if someone doesn't it's all the same to me, I feel good about myself for helping others, not for receiving gratitude.

> > >

> > > I don't think you understand the word "entitled". One can be entitled in two ways: by expecting things they didn't earn nor deserve on the merit of existing and by expecting things they have a right to or have earned. You are not entitled to people holding doors for you or ressing you when you do something stupid and die in a video game because you have no inherent right to those things nor have you done anything to deserve them. You also do not have an inherent right to gratitude just for existing however when you hold a door open or resu somebody, you perform an action that earns you gratitude points. You are doing something nice for somebody else and that person is expected, in a civilised society, to acknowledge that. It doesn't matter if you asked for the help or not, you still received it and the polite thing to do is to say "ty". If I were to hold a door open for you and you just fly past me without as much as a smile and a nod, you can bet your kitten that door is getting slammed in your face next time. Because the whole point of situations like that is to determine future interactions. If I hold the door and you bullet past me, I take that to mean you do not want me to hold the door as you did not react to it. Thus, next time, I don't need to hold the door as you've made it clear that it is not something you want. So, does one absolutely have to say "ty"after being ressed? No. Should that person get ressed again? No.

> > >

> > > Since you enjoy making assumptions and attempting personal attacks: YOU sound like the kind of person who pats himself on the back for pressing F next to piles of pixels because you think that makes you just so nice and helpful and you don't expect to be thanked because it's your good deed for the day and you feel even more altruistic if the other person isn't grateful because then you can claim you do it out of the goodness of your heart and not for the thanks. Get off your pony, it's not nearly big enough for the snarky remarks you keep making.

> >

> > If you felt like I personally attacked you then I am truly sorry, that was by no means my intention.

> > I'm not going to answer to the rest of your text as you clearly have a way different view of the world as I have and I'm not going to attempt to discuss who of us has the "right" opinion. I disagree with you but if you belief you're right then so be it. I'll keep helping people either way and I couldn't care less if they show gratitude for my help or not. And I hope you keep helping others too, whatever your reasons are.


> I think you are misunderstanding the fundamentals of my argument. I am not saying that people should only help for the 'ty". I'm saying that the "ty" is an acknowledgement of the received help. If we were to go back to your first example of you killing a mob and being proud then somebody else drops by and "helps you out", you would not say "ty" because you were not helped and what they did was neither wanted nor appreciated. If, however, you were struggling with a skill point and somebody helped you out, you should indicate that the help was needed by saying "ty". The same thing applies to ressing and holding doors open. If they don't say "ty", how do you know you even helped? Maybe that guy you just ressed wanted to be dead and you just messed up something for him. How can you even considered it help if the other side doesn't see it that way?


I don't care if they consider it help, I do it because I think it's the right thing to do, I've never met anyone who complained about getting rezzed or having a door held open. Which is weird because now I'm meeting people who complain about people not saying thanks. Why does it matter so much if someone says thanks or not? You've probably helped when you picked someone up why is it so important to get confimation? When someone actually helped me do something which I could not have done without him/her, then I'm going to thank that person from the bottom of my heart, when someone picks me up in Game then I appreciate it but unless it is in a rough situation I'll usually not say anything, to everyone out there who's picked me up and didn't receive a "ty" please know that your help was appreciated but not neccessary. Everyone who did receive a "ty", or more knows what their help meant to me.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> You know, sometimes I prefer it when people don't thank me when I res them, especially during a hectic battle. There are scenarios where the time it takes them to type even a simple ty is long enough to see them eating enough damage to be downed again, rendering my efforts fruitless. And of course, there are also times when you just see "t12aws6eqds0swd3621" written in the chat, which is when you know they tried to type something, realised they were in danger then began to wonder why their character wasn't moving or executing skills anymore. XD


This has happened to me many times, though not when I'm being resed. Normally it happens in PvP when you flame your team. LUL

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Are you in a team or not?

If you are in a team (be it fractal, raid or PvP), reviving is more or less expected as you standing is (hopefully!) a benefit to the team.

If you are not in a team (open world, solo roaming WvW, etc), then reviving you does not explicitly benefit the reviving party (and in some cases could endanger them)


In the first case, "thank you" if not really expected, unless you can type it while being revived, and thus not affect your performance in a raid/match. Even then it is not something I would do outside of PuGs - guildies hopefully know that I would do the same for them and that we are working as a team to the same goal.

In the second case, "thank you" is common courtesy - person is spending their time and not benefiting from it.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > ...what's wrong with people who complain when someone doesn't thank them, do they only pick you up for attention or what?

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > The word you're looking for is manners. They're exceedingly hard to come by online, alas.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > There are no good manners involved when someone picks you up and then complains that you didn't thank that someone. If you only help someone because you want him to be grateful towards you then there are no good manners involved either, it's called selfish.

> > > > > > > > > > > Good manners would be to help anyone for the sake of helping.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Are you trying to say that picking someone up without expecting thanks is altruistic? That would be nonsense. In any case, yes, complaining isn't nice either, but it's a comparatively peripheral matter. The general manner of conversation is, after all, silence. Which is exactly the point: When there's no immediate danger, many, many people still don't take the time to acknowledge rendered help, even in the most simple of ways. _It's two letters._

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Picking someone up is pressing one letter.

> > > > > > > > > > altruistic

> > > > > > > > > > adjective

> > > > > > > > > > showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

> > > > > > > > > Yes, picking someone up without expecting them to say thanks is altruistic and no it's not nonsense.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I'm not saying people shouldn't say thanks, of course it's nice when someone thanks you for your help but it shouldn't be required - People who complain about others not saying thanks after beeing picked up are extremely obnoxious to me, that's like, imagine for example: you see me fighting some mob and it looks to you as if I was struggling (while I actually just really enjoy the challenge and feel good about myself because I manage to fight a strong mob alone) and you rush to help me and kill the mob for me, I'm a little disappointed and move on and mind my own buisness. Would you be upset if I didn't say thanks? Probably not but then why is pressing f something different to you?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So, are you enjoying the challenge of sunbathing on your backside?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The way I see it, if two(or more, usually more) people are fighting a common enemy, be it dungeons, meta or PvP, there's no need for "ty" since the resser has some stake in you not being dead or at a waypoint somewhere. Ig, however, you did something stupid and got yourself killed in the mmiddle of a map and some kind stranger picked you up from the floor, you should thank them. They have no pony in that race, in fact, they probably have kittens to feed and are taking time from whatever they are doing to save you that 1s(and who knows how much time, the creator of Tangled Depths can burn in hell, I'll provide the coal) if you were to waypoint. Showing some gratitude is not that difficult.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You're all acting as if I'm against saying thanks 4 rez, all I'm saying is that it isn't a big deal if someone doesn't say thanks...

> > > > > > > I've said multiple times that saying thanks is a nice gesture but it is not a requirement for picking someone up. That would be like holding a door open for everyone just because you like it when people thank you. I'm holding doors open because I'm a nice person not because I want the attention, I don't care if people thank me or not - of course it makes me happy if someone does but if someone doesn't then what's the big deal? Some people here sound like they would rather wait for someone to beg for a rez and shower them with gratitude before they'd rez someone...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody sounds like they expect begging or to be shower with gratitude. What we do expect are basic manners from others. It's a sign of a civilised society and most of us prefer to live in one. That's why you say "thanks" when your parent/partner brings you a glass of water, it's why you say "sorry" when you bump against somebody on the street, why you use specific grammar constructions when you order a coffee. Most people do not appreciate rudeness and not saying those little words -is- rude. When other people do nice things to you, you are supposed to acknowledge that and show the least bit of gratitude. You are not entitled to a glass of water or a resu or for a door to be held for you.

> > > > >

> > > > > But you are entitled to gratitude? That has nothing to do with "proper manners" or a "civilized society". When you ask someone for help and receive that help THEN you are supposed to say thank you. When someone holds the door for you it's a nice gesture, it's nice to say thanks but it's not a requirement, you sound like you would slam the door in someones face if he doesn't say thanks... But hey, it's your way of life! Do whatever YOU think is right, I'm going to keep helping others for the sake of helping - not in order to receive someones gratitude. And again, I'm happy when someone does show me gratitude, and most people do, but if someone doesn't it's all the same to me, I feel good about myself for helping others, not for receiving gratitude.

> > > >

> > > > I don't think you understand the word "entitled". One can be entitled in two ways: by expecting things they didn't earn nor deserve on the merit of existing and by expecting things they have a right to or have earned. You are not entitled to people holding doors for you or ressing you when you do something stupid and die in a video game because you have no inherent right to those things nor have you done anything to deserve them. You also do not have an inherent right to gratitude just for existing however when you hold a door open or resu somebody, you perform an action that earns you gratitude points. You are doing something nice for somebody else and that person is expected, in a civilised society, to acknowledge that. It doesn't matter if you asked for the help or not, you still received it and the polite thing to do is to say "ty". If I were to hold a door open for you and you just fly past me without as much as a smile and a nod, you can bet your kitten that door is getting slammed in your face next time. Because the whole point of situations like that is to determine future interactions. If I hold the door and you bullet past me, I take that to mean you do not want me to hold the door as you did not react to it. Thus, next time, I don't need to hold the door as you've made it clear that it is not something you want. So, does one absolutely have to say "ty"after being ressed? No. Should that person get ressed again? No.

> > > >

> > > > Since you enjoy making assumptions and attempting personal attacks: YOU sound like the kind of person who pats himself on the back for pressing F next to piles of pixels because you think that makes you just so nice and helpful and you don't expect to be thanked because it's your good deed for the day and you feel even more altruistic if the other person isn't grateful because then you can claim you do it out of the goodness of your heart and not for the thanks. Get off your pony, it's not nearly big enough for the snarky remarks you keep making.

> > >

> > > If you felt like I personally attacked you then I am truly sorry, that was by no means my intention.

> > > I'm not going to answer to the rest of your text as you clearly have a way different view of the world as I have and I'm not going to attempt to discuss who of us has the "right" opinion. I disagree with you but if you belief you're right then so be it. I'll keep helping people either way and I couldn't care less if they show gratitude for my help or not. And I hope you keep helping others too, whatever your reasons are.

> >

> > I think you are misunderstanding the fundamentals of my argument. I am not saying that people should only help for the 'ty". I'm saying that the "ty" is an acknowledgement of the received help. If we were to go back to your first example of you killing a mob and being proud then somebody else drops by and "helps you out", you would not say "ty" because you were not helped and what they did was neither wanted nor appreciated. If, however, you were struggling with a skill point and somebody helped you out, you should indicate that the help was needed by saying "ty". The same thing applies to ressing and holding doors open. If they don't say "ty", how do you know you even helped? Maybe that guy you just ressed wanted to be dead and you just messed up something for him. How can you even considered it help if the other side doesn't see it that way?


> I don't care if they consider it help, I do it because I think it's the right thing to do, I've never met anyone who complained about getting rezzed or having a door held open. Which is weird because now I'm meeting people who complain about people not saying thanks. Why does it matter so much if someone says thanks or not? You've probably helped when you picked someone up why is it so important to get confimation? When someone actually helped me do something which I could not have done without him/her, then I'm going to thank that person from the bottom of my heart, when someone picks me up in Game then I appreciate it but unless it is in a rough situation I'll usually not say anything, to everyone out there who's picked me up and didn't receive a "ty" please know that your help was appreciated but not neccessary. Everyone who did receive a "ty", or more knows what their help meant to me.


So, you don't care if you are helping or harming, you do whatever makes YOU feel good regardless of the impact it might have on others. I guess that's why we can't reach any sort of agreement on the issue. When i help others, I do it for them and not for some "I'm a good person"-feeling that you seem to be driven by.

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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ...what's wrong with people who complain when someone doesn't thank them, do they only pick you up for attention or what?

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > The word you're looking for is manners. They're exceedingly hard to come by online, alas.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > There are no good manners involved when someone picks you up and then complains that you didn't thank that someone. If you only help someone because you want him to be grateful towards you then there are no good manners involved either, it's called selfish.

> > > > > > > > > > > > Good manners would be to help anyone for the sake of helping.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Are you trying to say that picking someone up without expecting thanks is altruistic? That would be nonsense. In any case, yes, complaining isn't nice either, but it's a comparatively peripheral matter. The general manner of conversation is, after all, silence. Which is exactly the point: When there's no immediate danger, many, many people still don't take the time to acknowledge rendered help, even in the most simple of ways. _It's two letters._

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Picking someone up is pressing one letter.

> > > > > > > > > > > altruistic

> > > > > > > > > > > adjective

> > > > > > > > > > > showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

> > > > > > > > > > Yes, picking someone up without expecting them to say thanks is altruistic and no it's not nonsense.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > I'm not saying people shouldn't say thanks, of course it's nice when someone thanks you for your help but it shouldn't be required - People who complain about others not saying thanks after beeing picked up are extremely obnoxious to me, that's like, imagine for example: you see me fighting some mob and it looks to you as if I was struggling (while I actually just really enjoy the challenge and feel good about myself because I manage to fight a strong mob alone) and you rush to help me and kill the mob for me, I'm a little disappointed and move on and mind my own buisness. Would you be upset if I didn't say thanks? Probably not but then why is pressing f something different to you?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > So, are you enjoying the challenge of sunbathing on your backside?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The way I see it, if two(or more, usually more) people are fighting a common enemy, be it dungeons, meta or PvP, there's no need for "ty" since the resser has some stake in you not being dead or at a waypoint somewhere. Ig, however, you did something stupid and got yourself killed in the mmiddle of a map and some kind stranger picked you up from the floor, you should thank them. They have no pony in that race, in fact, they probably have kittens to feed and are taking time from whatever they are doing to save you that 1s(and who knows how much time, the creator of Tangled Depths can burn in hell, I'll provide the coal) if you were to waypoint. Showing some gratitude is not that difficult.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > You're all acting as if I'm against saying thanks 4 rez, all I'm saying is that it isn't a big deal if someone doesn't say thanks...

> > > > > > > > I've said multiple times that saying thanks is a nice gesture but it is not a requirement for picking someone up. That would be like holding a door open for everyone just because you like it when people thank you. I'm holding doors open because I'm a nice person not because I want the attention, I don't care if people thank me or not - of course it makes me happy if someone does but if someone doesn't then what's the big deal? Some people here sound like they would rather wait for someone to beg for a rez and shower them with gratitude before they'd rez someone...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Nobody sounds like they expect begging or to be shower with gratitude. What we do expect are basic manners from others. It's a sign of a civilised society and most of us prefer to live in one. That's why you say "thanks" when your parent/partner brings you a glass of water, it's why you say "sorry" when you bump against somebody on the street, why you use specific grammar constructions when you order a coffee. Most people do not appreciate rudeness and not saying those little words -is- rude. When other people do nice things to you, you are supposed to acknowledge that and show the least bit of gratitude. You are not entitled to a glass of water or a resu or for a door to be held for you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But you are entitled to gratitude? That has nothing to do with "proper manners" or a "civilized society". When you ask someone for help and receive that help THEN you are supposed to say thank you. When someone holds the door for you it's a nice gesture, it's nice to say thanks but it's not a requirement, you sound like you would slam the door in someones face if he doesn't say thanks... But hey, it's your way of life! Do whatever YOU think is right, I'm going to keep helping others for the sake of helping - not in order to receive someones gratitude. And again, I'm happy when someone does show me gratitude, and most people do, but if someone doesn't it's all the same to me, I feel good about myself for helping others, not for receiving gratitude.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think you understand the word "entitled". One can be entitled in two ways: by expecting things they didn't earn nor deserve on the merit of existing and by expecting things they have a right to or have earned. You are not entitled to people holding doors for you or ressing you when you do something stupid and die in a video game because you have no inherent right to those things nor have you done anything to deserve them. You also do not have an inherent right to gratitude just for existing however when you hold a door open or resu somebody, you perform an action that earns you gratitude points. You are doing something nice for somebody else and that person is expected, in a civilised society, to acknowledge that. It doesn't matter if you asked for the help or not, you still received it and the polite thing to do is to say "ty". If I were to hold a door open for you and you just fly past me without as much as a smile and a nod, you can bet your kitten that door is getting slammed in your face next time. Because the whole point of situations like that is to determine future interactions. If I hold the door and you bullet past me, I take that to mean you do not want me to hold the door as you did not react to it. Thus, next time, I don't need to hold the door as you've made it clear that it is not something you want. So, does one absolutely have to say "ty"after being ressed? No. Should that person get ressed again? No.

> > > > >

> > > > > Since you enjoy making assumptions and attempting personal attacks: YOU sound like the kind of person who pats himself on the back for pressing F next to piles of pixels because you think that makes you just so nice and helpful and you don't expect to be thanked because it's your good deed for the day and you feel even more altruistic if the other person isn't grateful because then you can claim you do it out of the goodness of your heart and not for the thanks. Get off your pony, it's not nearly big enough for the snarky remarks you keep making.

> > > >

> > > > If you felt like I personally attacked you then I am truly sorry, that was by no means my intention.

> > > > I'm not going to answer to the rest of your text as you clearly have a way different view of the world as I have and I'm not going to attempt to discuss who of us has the "right" opinion. I disagree with you but if you belief you're right then so be it. I'll keep helping people either way and I couldn't care less if they show gratitude for my help or not. And I hope you keep helping others too, whatever your reasons are.

> > >

> > > I think you are misunderstanding the fundamentals of my argument. I am not saying that people should only help for the 'ty". I'm saying that the "ty" is an acknowledgement of the received help. If we were to go back to your first example of you killing a mob and being proud then somebody else drops by and "helps you out", you would not say "ty" because you were not helped and what they did was neither wanted nor appreciated. If, however, you were struggling with a skill point and somebody helped you out, you should indicate that the help was needed by saying "ty". The same thing applies to ressing and holding doors open. If they don't say "ty", how do you know you even helped? Maybe that guy you just ressed wanted to be dead and you just messed up something for him. How can you even considered it help if the other side doesn't see it that way?

> >

> > I don't care if they consider it help, I do it because I think it's the right thing to do, I've never met anyone who complained about getting rezzed or having a door held open. Which is weird because now I'm meeting people who complain about people not saying thanks. Why does it matter so much if someone says thanks or not? You've probably helped when you picked someone up why is it so important to get confimation? When someone actually helped me do something which I could not have done without him/her, then I'm going to thank that person from the bottom of my heart, when someone picks me up in Game then I appreciate it but unless it is in a rough situation I'll usually not say anything, to everyone out there who's picked me up and didn't receive a "ty" please know that your help was appreciated but not neccessary. Everyone who did receive a "ty", or more knows what their help meant to me.


> So, you don't care if you are helping or harming, you do whatever makes YOU feel good regardless of the impact it might have on others. I guess that's why we can't reach any sort of agreement on the issue. When i help others, I do it for them and not for some "I'm a good person"-feeling that you seem to be driven by.



So do you ask people first if they want your help? Probably not, we're both the same, we see someone who needs help and we help them, the only difference is that you get upset if they don't thank you and I don't.


Anyway, I'm done here and you're right we don't seem to reach any sort of agreement.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> I always love the opposite kind of people that'll pick you up but then complain if you don't thank them...

> I usually pick up everyone I can even if I have to fight off enemies first but I do it because I think it's the right thing to do, not because I seek appreciation, what's wrong with people who complain when someone doesn't thank them, do they only pick you up for attention or what?


^ I think some people doesn't fully understand the whole point of ress'ing. It's not like I res you because I feel bad or I'm just being kind, although this is sometimes true, but it's mainly because res is simply part of the game's mechanics that you need to know when and when not to use. An example of this is me resurrecting a druid not because I feel sorry or that I like him but because I need his heals. Other times I just ignore their dying bodies if the enemy is about to die too anyway, or if they have consistently died way too many times already that it would be inefficient for anyone to keep ress'sing. Probably why I don't thank them as much as I used to, eventually people would just understand that ress'ing isn't purely done for kind/sympathetic reasons but for combat reasons that benefits everyone to begin with.


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Sometimes it happens that I'm already looking for the nearest waypoint on the map, or that I finished my quest there and I want to go to another map, when I read "a noble soul is ressing you". Then, even if the waypoint is very very close or in a completely different map, I just stay there 'cause teleporting during the ressing seems rude...


Lmao, this happens a lot during the end of every fractal boss. Sometimes when I am the one doing the res I'm like "Wouldn't he want to go to the checkpoint instead? I mean I don't mind if he does, but I think he might think that I'd think it's rude. So should I tell him to just go to the checkpoint since I don't mind? Wait, he might think I just don't want to res asadkjbfksnld"

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I'll go out of my way to rez a downed person in Open world. Fully dead people, not so much.

A lot of it has to do with the zone I'm in. If someone is downed or dead in a newbie zone, I find it worth it to rez them, and then wait to see what they choose to do next.

People who are new are just figuring out the game, and may not understand the chat system right off the bat, and it might take a few seconds for them to say thanks and maybe ask a question.

Most other zones, I see no loss on my part to rez someone that is downed. Maybe they got hit by a fish head after a failed Teq fight. Maybe they killed a champ, but the conditions applied before the champion died caused them to go down. Doesn't matter. It's a few seconds of my time in game.

I'll fully rez a dead person if their location is just outside the range of a waypoint, simply because they may be trying to get to that waypoint. Temple of Grenth is a good example in Cursed Shore. You may need to be level 80, and thus have some experience, to get around in that zone, but that waypoint can be frustrating to get to if you're not in an active map instance. I'm usually only in that area to do map completion or similar, so it's no inconvenience to do so.

If they don't thank me? :shrug: whatever. It's not going to stop me from doing it.

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Don't waste time thanking me during an event/boss/wvw fight, thank me when I swoop in on a griffon from halfway across the map to save your ass from the vet or elite that just kicked it. Seriously I'll go way out of my way to help someone when I see them dowed off in the distance and get nothing. Other times I'll save someone in a boss fight and they'll thank me just to die in some aoe half a second later. I'll still help people for sure but you should know when to say it and when the situation allows for it even a little "ty" is nice to see.

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I usually expect people to thank me for reviving them, cause that’s what I do. However, during a difficult fight that takes lot of focus or if they seem to be afk, then I don’t.


I find it especially rude when someone dies trying to get a hero point and then just lay there waiting for you to kill the enemy and when you’ve done so either wp directly or let you res them and then run away, without saying thanks. This happens mostly in HOT maps.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> You know, sometimes I prefer it when people don't thank me when I res them, especially during a hectic battle. There are scenarios where the time it takes them to type even a simple ty is long enough to see them eating enough damage to be downed again, rendering my efforts fruitless.


Of course. I would never thank a rez in PvP, because I need to be ready for fight - even w/o rez, because you get rallied if some enemy dies. Same of course in fractals or anywhere where you are teamed and fighting. But in open world PvE, sure, I thank for people. They do not need to know if it was necessary or not, I still say short thanks to them. Sometimes, I might have killed very close to unopened waypoint, in which case I would need to take the tour all over again. Sometimes I will teleport to the waypoint I was going to right after the rez. Still, I dont teleport during rez, and I say thanks.


> @"crashburntoo.7431" said:

> I'm always grateful for a res, and I very, very rarely pass by anyone who's been downed/defeated. It would have to be special circumstances for that. I don't expect a "ty", but I always appreciate them. I try to toss out "ty"'s for any assistance - res, JP port, bounty, HP, etc. Helping, whether providing or receiving, is something that brings me a great deal of joy.


Same. It really does not hurt my fingertips to write few letters to chat channel :)


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Sometimes it happens that I'm already looking for the nearest waypoint on the map, or that I finished my quest there and I want to go to another map, when I read "a noble soul is ressing you". Then, even if the waypoint is very very close or in a completely different map, I just stay there 'cause teleporting during the ressing seems rude... Happened to anyone? :)


Definitely yes :D

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