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WvW roamer build I can't test


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I cut a tendon in a finger, so I can't finish testing this idea. It's definitely not as durable or good against multiple foes as the old condi chrono build, but it feels like it has potential.



I'm sure many players would prefer mainhand sword, but I've never gotten good with it. Scepter2 lets you move while blocking/evading, and the goal of the build is not to lock down the opponent for a huge shatter. Plus scepter skills scale nicely with power.


The idea is to leverage a steady supply of might stacks to have hard-hitting phantasms and some hard-hitting weapon skills as well. Shatters and phantasm casts get rid of condis.


I think the right strategy is to open with greatsword then switch to scepter - shield. If you can get one clone from mirror blade, one from phantasmal berskerker, and one from scepter 2, then you're ready for a burst sequence right after you get into scepter-shield. I think the right burst is probably: F5 - F4 - disenchanter - gravity well - tides of time - scepter 3. (This is the part I didn't test - I don't know how the timing works with the swiftness.) Then after continuum split ends, you can repeat that sequence and just use shield 4 when you want.


Anyway, if someone feels like testing, I'd love to hear or see the results. I should be able to play again in a couple months. Thx!

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Sorry, there are two mistakes in the link above. This should be better



You want Sympathetic Visage for condi removal and Inspiring Illusions for might in Inspirations.


And you want Phantasmal Force in Illusions because you have a lot of might stacks



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Thx for the well wishes - surgery went well to repair it. But rehab takes 3+ months


The reason to do the F4 shatter inside the F5 is to give a couple seconds of uninterrupted casting. If you do F5 with 3 clones, the Illusionary Reversion trait means you'll have at least one clone for an immediate F4. I find that a lot of players go for immediate CC as soon as the continuum rift goes down, and you're trying to chain several skills in that window.




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