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Warrior, known bugs.


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Most of this is PvP/WvW related, as I almost only play those gamemodes.

These are bugs known to me, that I will add to this list for either anet to know about, or others who read this ofcourse. If you know any more, do tell and I will add them to this list. Not all of them that I've added myself I have extensively tested, but are based on my own playing of the game.

_**Bugs and weird interactions:**_

_**Breaching strike**_ (Dagger burst skill/f1) Though unblockable, does not apply magebane tether(Spellbreaker grandmaster trait) to targets if they are blocking, and you hit them through their block. (Fullcounter is also unblockable, but I have not tested whether it applies magebane to a blocking foe)

_**Breaching strike**_ Applies swiftness twice in combination with the new Burst mastery(Discipline grandmaster trait). This is likely due to the boon removal on it seen as another "attack" And can probably be procced with other burst skills as well, if they either hit multiple times or work with Loss Aversion(boon removal does damage and gives adrenaline) in the Spellbreaker skilltree. Note that when Loss Aversion and Breaching strike are combined, it does not count as 3 procs, only as 2, and even without Loss Aversion, it will still count as 2. This is a fairly big deal considering you can actually maintain a decent amount of swiftness with Fullcounter as well, since it counts as a burst skill.

_**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack) _Note that it is unknown whether this is a bug or works as intended, I felt it was worth posting._

_**Stomp**_ (The utility skill) removes immobilize, but despite doing so, often does not allow you to stomp to target location, and instead of stomping to your location you will stomp in place.

_**Magebane Tether**_ the pull part of this trait is very valuable to warriors to combo with, and is still very irregular, sometimes pulling targets only slightly, instead of completely to the warrior. Worth a mention after extensive personal use.


I feel like warrior could use a lot of suggestions to either fix or change traits or traitlines completely (Cough arms/tactics), but I figure this would be a good place to start, and maybe bring some attention to others and mostly Anet.

Hope someone still reads these forums, and if anyone does, maybe you guys know some more.

Have a nice day.


The build I use: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAoeRnk6CtdgdhAmdAcigFiAzIAEB6Z4D5i8TW5LM92CA-jVyHABepPoHlfAcIAU+EA89RAY89H0T9nAeAAMpEczQAwkCYVlqq+SKgqUGB-w

(Sorry if it makes your eyes bleed)


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> _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)


Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

* Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

* The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

* On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.


I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.


There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.



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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)


> Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

> Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

> * Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

> * The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

> * On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.


> I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

> FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.


> There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.




can you explain what you mean with endure pain bug and how that would make you immune to rev?

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)


> Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

> Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

> * Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

> * The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

> * On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.


> I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

> FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.


> There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.




I am also unsure whether this is intended, I will note that in my previous post. Fullcounter does however have a benefit in completely ignoring a hit, and hits thereafter with the evade it provides. The description of Adrenal Health is a little vague in that respect. It says "Gain health on adrenaline spent", not if you hit with a burst skill, which I think it said previously. (Which is why Berserker mode doesn't give a stack seeing as you don't "spend" it I suppose)

Thank you for your input.


Also, with the Endure Pain bug, do you mean that revs can lifesteal through it with assassin's annihilation for example? Because I've never heard a warrior be completely immune to Rev damage.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)

> >

> > Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

> > Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

> > * Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

> > * The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

> > * On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.

> >

> > I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

> > FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.

> >

> > There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.

> >

> >


> can you explain what you mean with endure pain bug and how that would make you immune to rev?

I don't want to go in detail on how to use this bug to kill warriors because for obvious reasons people are going to use it since anet has not fixed it for a long time.

The bug consists on using [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) combined with [Enchanted daggers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchanted_Daggers) and some EXTRA STUFF I don't want to discuss here in the forums.


Anyway, if a warrior activates endure pain, a revenant can still deal EXTREME damage by siphoning life, thus rendering endure pain useless and making warrior completely immune to revenant attacks even when endure pain is active. The attacks deal massive damage and the warrior health bar can drop from 75% to 0% in a few attacks.


This bug is also noticeable when you are fighting in zerg fights of 60 vs 60 and the other zerg has many necros sharing the life siphoning buff. Endure pain is useless in large group fights like 60 vs 60.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > > _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)

> > >

> > > Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

> > > Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

> > > * Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

> > > * The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

> > > * On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.

> > >

> > > I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

> > > FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.

> > >

> > > There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > can you explain what you mean with endure pain bug and how that would make you immune to rev?

> I don't want to go in detail on how to use this bug to kill warriors because for obvious reasons people are going to use it since anet has not fixed it for a long time.

> The bug consists on using [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) combined with [Enchanted daggers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchanted_Daggers) and some EXTRA STUFF I don't want to discuss here in the forums.


> Anyway, if a warrior activates endure pain, a revenant can still deal EXTREME damage by siphoning life, thus rendering endure pain useless and making warrior completely immune to revenant attacks even when endure pain is active. The attacks deal massive damage and the warrior health bar can drop from 75% to 0% in a few attacks.


> This bug is also noticeable when you are fighting in zerg fights of 60 vs 60 and the other zerg has many necros sharing the life siphoning buff. Endure pain is useless in large group fights like 60 vs 60.


you are using the word immune wrong, it confused me, because being immune to something means, that it cant harm you, so a warrior being immune to rev would mean, that the rev wouldnt be able to harm the warrior....and in my opinion endure pain in large zergs is stillg good and usefull, because necro life siphon is like 30dmg a hit, and if you stand that long there, you are doing something wrong

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > > > _**Fullcounter**_ when combined with adrenal health applies a stack of adrenal health, even when it doesn't actually damage an opponent, so long as it is "procced" and your character performs the action of fullcounter after activating it and being hit. This is a good addition to Spellbreaker's sustain, as adrenal health plas a huge part in that, having little counterplay even if your opponent dodges the attack part of the fullcounter. This is possibly intentional, but I figured I would mention it anyway, since fullcounter is already a very strong ability, and it seems unfair to me atleast. (By this logic going into Berserk mode should also give 1 adrenal health stack)

> > > >

> > > > Fullcounter adrenal health is not a bug. I think anet designed this skill knowing well that if FC did not give any benefit upon hit, then it would be a useless skill.

> > > > Comparing FC with Berserk mode is not even close. For starters:

> > > > * Berserker mode does not activate upon hit

> > > > * The user has compete control on Berserk mode, you can activate it at any point you want

> > > > * On the other hand, FC activates on hit and it is mostly dependent on your enemy to activate it.

> > > >

> > > > I often duel warriors in WvW and I know exactly when they are going to use FC, so guess what I do? I stop attacking and deny them FC.

> > > > FC does not need any more nerfing to appease the skill spammers that get beaten by this predictable skill.

> > > >

> > > > There are some serious bugs that need to be addressed, one of them is [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) which makes warrior completely immune against revenants.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > can you explain what you mean with endure pain bug and how that would make you immune to rev?

> > I don't want to go in detail on how to use this bug to kill warriors because for obvious reasons people are going to use it since anet has not fixed it for a long time.

> > The bug consists on using [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) combined with [Enchanted daggers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchanted_Daggers) and some EXTRA STUFF I don't want to discuss here in the forums.

> >

> > Anyway, if a warrior activates endure pain, a revenant can still deal EXTREME damage by siphoning life, thus rendering endure pain useless and making warrior completely immune to revenant attacks even when endure pain is active. The attacks deal massive damage and the warrior health bar can drop from 75% to 0% in a few attacks.

> >

> > This bug is also noticeable when you are fighting in zerg fights of 60 vs 60 and the other zerg has many necros sharing the life siphoning buff. Endure pain is useless in large group fights like 60 vs 60.


> you are using the word immune wrong, it confused me, because being immune to something means, that it cant harm you, so a warrior being immune to rev would mean, that the rev wouldnt be able to harm the warrior....and in my opinion endure pain in large zergs is stillg good and usefull, because necro life siphon is like 30dmg a hit, and if you stand that long there, you are doing something wrong


Oh yeah English is not my first language and the word "immune" is similar to the one we use. The word that best describes this bug is "susceptible or invulnerable to damage."


As for necro life siphon being 30 damage or so, it is not a big deal if you fight one, but if you fight in zerg fights where they can share the life siphon buff with others.

In any case, the bug consists of endure pain being vulnerable and susceptible to damage.

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