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Level 80, a bit lost


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I recently reached level 80 and i fell a bit lost now. It seems like there is so much to do but I don't what I should start by doing and what I should aim for now. I most play alone and I feel like I know some basics.

Where should I go?

What could be my possible goals far from now, what are the different things i can do?

Any advice? Thank you.

(i have some exotic gear and expansion)

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Well not to state the obvious, but play the expansion stories. You have you the core game story and could purchase any living world stories if that interests you (it's all one chronological story across the 3 games and living world episodes.)


Other than that, try PvP and WvW. Some people like end-game PvE like raids and fractals as well. Dungeons are fun mid-level PvE.


For solo stuff, world completion and achievement hunting, or legendaries, etc. (blinging out your account).

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I know you said you mostly play alone, but if your looking for more guidance and support and think you've only scratched the surface maybe consider joining a good guild. Assuming you get a good one you gain a valuable and free resource in other helpful players who can assist you in learning new content, setting goals, showing you strategies and builds, and joining you when you need a hand. It's certainly possible to play with more of a solo approach but I think you'll get a lot more out of the game with a good group.

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The way I like to think of it is that at level 80 the game basically becomes free roaming. There's very little you need to do, but lots of things you can do if you want and which ones you do are up to you.


One good thing to do first, if you haven't already, is get a full set of level 80 exotic equipment. You can buy it from the trading post with gold, from the temples in Orr with karma, from WvW merchants with badges of honour, or from the dungeon merchant with dungeon tokens. Or you can mix and match pieces from different sources if you don't have enough of one currency. That gives you good enough stats for the vast majority of the game, including the expansions, so you won't need to worry about upgrading unless you want to.


Here's some other things you might want to do, in no particular order:

* Collect skins you like to dress up your character.

* Finish your Personal story and play the other storylines. If you want to do them all in order it goes: Personal Story > Season 1 recap > Season 2 > HoT > Season 3 > PoF > Season 4. But you don't have to play them in that order if you don't want to. (And if you need to buy the living story seasons remember you can convert gold to gems to get them.)

* Carry on with map completion and exploration.

* Do the dungeons

* Start doing Fractals - which is like mini dungeons which interlink.

* Work on your masteries - you'll need to get XP to train the masteries and mastery points from achievements to unlock them.

* Get ascended equipment - you can craft it, get it from achievements or get it as (rare) drops in places like Fractals, raids and WvW

* Start making a legendary weapon if there's one you like.

* Get into raids - join a guild that trains raiders and start working on getting a build together for them.


I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting too.

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Firstly i would try to get better gear, you can either buy it from trading post for few gold or get it from dungeons (like citadel of flame). Then i would continue the story (expansion maps are harder, tjats why you want exotic(orange) gear first). Then you might want to unloc your elite specialization. If you like open world play you can try to kill some world boss, you can find in lfg-open world-world bosses or some meta event (auric basin, dragon stand, chack gereth,istan) If you want to try 5 man content try some dungeons or start fractals. You can always just do map completion or try wvw/pvp


good luck and i hope you enjoy it

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Just completing all the zones, including HoT and PoF should keep you busy for a while. Along the way you'll find out what you like and don't. I love to endlessly run RIBA SW, any and all the HoT metas and pony farms in Lake Doric - anything that strikes a nice balance between casual, challenging and rewarding. Do all the dailies. Craft ascended stuff or a HoT legendary. Or join the army of complaining that is PvP ;-) This is THE MMO for just kittening around doing random stuff you run into, getting constantly side-tracked. Maybe raiding is your thing, or fractal grinding. Try alting (I have nine characters and I usually hate alting). Go do all the dives and JP's. The list goes on.

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