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So i've been pvping on my teef and need help


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I did that on purpose.


Anyways point is:If i was that great at thief i wouldn't be asking for advice nor looking up stuff, which i am asking advice.I reacted this way cause i suck at S/D hardcore and not used to playing it at all.


I even asked for advice on naru channel, and someone said:Spam 3.

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I got a video here i made so you can see and judge and help me git gud and tell me where i went wrong(probably everything)




Obviously if you read the text, you will see someone said why don't you claim the point.I was a little lost.

I also might have been a bit too trigger happy and reacted too quickly.I'l happily admit i made quite a lot of errors.


I wasn't sure if with the new build if i should stay with team or go on my own.I was used to D/P capping and decapping.


How the heck are you supposed to survive necros and mesmers put together? someone kept pulling me into massive AOES and insta killing me over and over.Its literally impossible to survive and my terrible team wasn't helping me.


I kept trying to come to a point and groups of enemies kept jumping me nobody came to help.Its obscene how many condis a mesmer can put out with necro and you got no chance to survive.Is condi thief weak vs condi or something?


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I got a video here i made so you can see and judge and help me git gud and tell me where i went wrong(probably everything)


> https://youtu.be/wZXB5nbnC4U


> Obviously if you read the text, you will see someone said why don't you claim the point.I was a little lost.

> I also might have been a bit too trigger happy and reacted too quickly.I'l happily admit i made quite a lot of errors.


> I wasn't sure if with the new build if i should stay with team or go on my own.I was used to D/P capping and decapping.


> How the heck are you supposed to survive necros and mesmers put together? someone kept pulling me into massive AOES and insta killing me over and over.Its literally impossible to survive and my terrible team wasn't helping me.


> I kept trying to come to a point and groups of enemies kept jumping me nobody came to help.Its obscene how many condis a mesmer can put out with necro and you got no chance to survive.Is condi thief weak vs condi or something?



The video is lagging extremely, but it might be caused by my phone, so the only thing I can tell you so far is that you absolutely need to set custom Keybinds or you are not getting anywhere.

Also, theory from Forums won't help you anymore, you need to find someone to practice with in-game, but I guess you are on NA?

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > What exactly is the reason why dp isn't meta?

> > >

> > > I heard from a pvp thief:

> > >

> > > have fun killing any meta build with dp thief then, theres a reason why nobody plays it atm

> > > "ive used dp for a long time" sounds like you played it like some years ago with a entirely different meta, doesnt suprise me

> > >

> > > So i was curious why.

> > >

> > > Also i made a mistake:Its S/D that i was told to go for not S/P.

> > >

> >

> > D/P definitely _is_ Meta, only thief surprisingly has a choice to play two different Meta playstyles.

> > The reason S/D came to Meta is that stuff like Spellbreaker and Firebrand became almost un+1nable, but it has no stealth nor as strong Initial burst, so both sets profit from different equally important scenarios.

> > It can get a bit more complicated but very simply put:

> > S/D - for sustain dmg, boon rip/unblockable (allows for FB or SpB +1), allows 1v1 scenarios

> > D/P - better mobility, easier decaps (stealth), higher burst, very hard to 1v1 current Meta builds unless they are brain dead, so you shouldn't 1v1 at all.

> >

> > Just chose your playstyle.


> i dont think you know what meta means, dp thief is good, but it isnt meta, mostly because dp thief is very bad against the other meta builds, its only good against other thiefs, but thats it, in nearly every situation sdcore is better atm, which is why its meta and not dp


The thing about D/P is that it is not supposed to be Good against builds in the first place but good for decaps, stealth for mid at start, and +1 which it still can do very well only not against two professions. Only thing S/D is better at is for +1 FB and Scourge and for allowing the thief to actually 1v1, which basically means you ain't decaping nor +1ing which is the most essential part of playing Thief.

Thus in my opinion D/P absolutely is Meta, but I understand if it's just a point of view to you.



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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > I got a video here i made so you can see and judge and help me git gud and tell me where i went wrong(probably everything)

> >

> > https://youtu.be/wZXB5nbnC4U

> >

> > Obviously if you read the text, you will see someone said why don't you claim the point.I was a little lost.

> > I also might have been a bit too trigger happy and reacted too quickly.I'l happily admit i made quite a lot of errors.

> >

> > I wasn't sure if with the new build if i should stay with team or go on my own.I was used to D/P capping and decapping.

> >

> > How the heck are you supposed to survive necros and mesmers put together? someone kept pulling me into massive AOES and insta killing me over and over.Its literally impossible to survive and my terrible team wasn't helping me.

> >

> > I kept trying to come to a point and groups of enemies kept jumping me nobody came to help.Its obscene how many condis a mesmer can put out with necro and you got no chance to survive.Is condi thief weak vs condi or something?

> >


> The video is lagging extremely, but it might be caused by my phone, so the only thing I can tell you so far is that you absolutely need to set custom Keybinds or you are not getting anywhere.

> Also, theory from Forums won't help you anymore, you need to find someone to practice with in-game, but I guess you are on NA?


I'm actually practicing with someone now called:Mist shadows, whoever that account belongs to.The personis teaching me a bunch.I'm not playing like i did with D/P and not sure if i'm supposed to do the same thing like:invis jump in attack or what, because not much invis in there.I do know that the number 2 offers evades that i have to practice more thoroughly it seems for evading warrior attacks, and other stuff.


I don't know about the macro stuff i mean i got 12345 67890 on my toolbar.


I'm used to clicking them, but i could press 1-5 6-0 i suppose, its just very very awkward for me.I'm left handed and i find that part kinda difficult because i always like to have my hand on the wsd trigger for walking, but i suppose i could use the up down left right keys, its just doesn't spin around perfectly.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> The thing about D/P is that it is not supposed to be Good against builds in the first place but good for decaps, stealth for mid at start, and +1 which it still can do very well only not against two professions. Only thing S/D is better at is for +1 FB and Scourge and for allowing the thief to actually 1v1, which basically means you ain't decaping nor +1ing which is the most essential part of playing Thief.

> Thus in my opinion D/P absolutely is Meta, but I understand if it's just a point of view to you.


thats not true, d/p is very good against more fragile builds and can better shut them down compared to sdcore

sdcore is meta because its not only good against fb/scourge in +1, but also against spellbreaker, druid, holo, pretty much every meta build


i dont know whats meta for you, but in plat1-2 i rarely every see a dp thief, 90% its sdcore, the only time i see dp is when a team has 2 thiefs, but outside of that i rarely see one, and i play dp thief myself


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > I got a video here i made so you can see and judge and help me git gud and tell me where i went wrong(probably everything)

> > >

> > > https://youtu.be/wZXB5nbnC4U

> > >

> > > Obviously if you read the text, you will see someone said why don't you claim the point.I was a little lost.

> > > I also might have been a bit too trigger happy and reacted too quickly.I'l happily admit i made quite a lot of errors.

> > >

> > > I wasn't sure if with the new build if i should stay with team or go on my own.I was used to D/P capping and decapping.

> > >

> > > How the heck are you supposed to survive necros and mesmers put together? someone kept pulling me into massive AOES and insta killing me over and over.Its literally impossible to survive and my terrible team wasn't helping me.

> > >

> > > I kept trying to come to a point and groups of enemies kept jumping me nobody came to help.Its obscene how many condis a mesmer can put out with necro and you got no chance to survive.Is condi thief weak vs condi or something?

> > >

> >

> > The video is lagging extremely, but it might be caused by my phone, so the only thing I can tell you so far is that you absolutely need to set custom Keybinds or you are not getting anywhere.

> > Also, theory from Forums won't help you anymore, you need to find someone to practice with in-game, but I guess you are on NA?


> I'm actually practicing with someone now called:Mist shadows, whoever that account belongs to.The personis teaching me a bunch.I'm not playing like i did with D/P and not sure if i'm supposed to do the same thing like:invis jump in attack or what, because not much invis in there.I do know that the number 2 offers evades that i have to practice more thoroughly it seems for evading warrior attacks, and other stuff.


> I don't know about the macro stuff i mean i got 12345 67890 on my toolbar.


> I'm used to clicking them, but i could press 1-5 6-0 i suppose, its just very very awkward for me.I'm left handed and i find that part kinda difficult because i always like to have my hand on the wsd trigger for walking, but i suppose i could use the up down left right keys, its just doesn't spin around perfectly.



But believe me, clicking will never ever work nowhere near as good as setting custom keybinds close to your fingers.

One of the essential parts of playing Thief in PvP is stowing weapons, but you can't click that too.

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > The thing about D/P is that it is not supposed to be Good against builds in the first place but good for decaps, stealth for mid at start, and +1 which it still can do very well only not against two professions. Only thing S/D is better at is for +1 FB and Scourge and for allowing the thief to actually 1v1, which basically means you ain't decaping nor +1ing which is the most essential part of playing Thief.

> > Thus in my opinion D/P absolutely is Meta, but I understand if it's just a point of view to you.


> thats not true, d/p is very good against more fragile builds and can better shut them down compared to sdcore

> sdcore is meta because its not only good against fb/scourge in +1, but also against spellbreaker, druid, holo, pretty much every meta build


> i dont know whats meta for you, but in plat1-2 i rarely every see a dp thief, 90% its sdcore, the only time i see dp is when a team has 2 thiefs, but outside of that i rarely see one, and i play dp thief myself



Again D/P can +1 all builds better than S/D except FB and Spellbreaker. (Scourge in the latest post was autofix)

And +1 is but one of other important stuff a Thief has to do. I see D/P often in high plat.

That "everyone" runs S/D doesn't mean it's the only Meta, it only means it's the first thing on top of a list that people see when they open metabattle.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > The thing about D/P is that it is not supposed to be Good against builds in the first place but good for decaps, stealth for mid at start, and +1 which it still can do very well only not against two professions. Only thing S/D is better at is for +1 FB and Scourge and for allowing the thief to actually 1v1, which basically means you ain't decaping nor +1ing which is the most essential part of playing Thief.

> > > Thus in my opinion D/P absolutely is Meta, but I understand if it's just a point of view to you.

> >

> > thats not true, d/p is very good against more fragile builds and can better shut them down compared to sdcore

> > sdcore is meta because its not only good against fb/scourge in +1, but also against spellbreaker, druid, holo, pretty much every meta build

> >

> > i dont know whats meta for you, but in plat1-2 i rarely every see a dp thief, 90% its sdcore, the only time i see dp is when a team has 2 thiefs, but outside of that i rarely see one, and i play dp thief myself

> >


> Again D/P can +1 all builds better than S/D except FB and Spellbreaker. (Scourge in the latest post was autofix)

> And +1 is but one of other important stuff a Thief has to do. I see D/P often in high plat.

> That "everyone" runs S/D doesn't mean it's the only Meta, it only means it's the first thing on top of a list that people see when they open metabattle.


If we thieves of spvp are going to need multiple builds then i would love if there was a auto build thnig where you save a different build in case of a different kinda enemy.This would mean like:IF i start seeing lotsa scourge FB i can switch to S/D and if i see tons of necros and others i can use D/P.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > The thing about D/P is that it is not supposed to be Good against builds in the first place but good for decaps, stealth for mid at start, and +1 which it still can do very well only not against two professions. Only thing S/D is better at is for +1 FB and Scourge and for allowing the thief to actually 1v1, which basically means you ain't decaping nor +1ing which is the most essential part of playing Thief.

> > > > Thus in my opinion D/P absolutely is Meta, but I understand if it's just a point of view to you.

> > >

> > > thats not true, d/p is very good against more fragile builds and can better shut them down compared to sdcore

> > > sdcore is meta because its not only good against fb/scourge in +1, but also against spellbreaker, druid, holo, pretty much every meta build

> > >

> > > i dont know whats meta for you, but in plat1-2 i rarely every see a dp thief, 90% its sdcore, the only time i see dp is when a team has 2 thiefs, but outside of that i rarely see one, and i play dp thief myself

> > >

> >

> > Again D/P can +1 all builds better than S/D except FB and Spellbreaker. (Scourge in the latest post was autofix)

> > And +1 is but one of other important stuff a Thief has to do. I see D/P often in high plat.

> > That "everyone" runs S/D doesn't mean it's the only Meta, it only means it's the first thing on top of a list that people see when they open metabattle.


> If we thieves of spvp are going to need multiple builds then i would love if there was a auto build thnig where you save a different build in case of a different kinda enemy.This would mean like:IF i start seeing lotsa scourge FB i can switch to S/D and if i see tons of necros and others i can use D/P.


You can do that Manualy before the match starts. There is plenty of time to analyze enemy Team comp and adapt. I do that too.

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Once again thank you for the help.


Once thing i noticed:Whats the strategy vs scourges as S/D?


I encountered a necro and someone put a bunch of boons on me, and scourge even though i didn't see anything on the floor rapidly feared me and put a gazillion condis while i was running away and i got wrecked in seconds.Every time i try to melee the necro, he rapidly corrupts boons, but i only died once because of it because i ran away first time and my boons were cleansed.


Also:I think whoever it was said it before:I think you are right that i should make macros for buttons for fast access to abilities from 1-10, that it might be less cumbersome than pressing it.

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