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Dragonball really stinks


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Dragonball absolutely stinks. You get in alone, with two people against you. You naturally get killed. Then, someone joins your party, but immediately leaves (because you are behind 20-0). Then they show up on the other team. You're down 3-1 now. How can that happen?


What is wrong with you, ANet? Please implement dishonor again. It worked amazingly well compared to this fiasco.

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Dragonball is like playing tic tac toe. It is fun, but also a gimmick. It is not always possible to win, and it is not always possible to prevent losing. As you pointed out, how it starts is very important.


This is not core pvp, why bother about a silly (but fun) festival game. And if you do not get the tic tac toe reference, feel free to fight me (and loose)

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Why? Because it's one of only a handful of ways to get envelopes. Dailies, once a day. Adventure, once a day. Races are a bit better, at 96 times a day, but for 3 envelopes?


But, the worst part about Dragonball is the rewards are pathetic. For the time spent, and considering how often people leave, it's just not worth playing.

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