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Can we let Dungeons Die please?


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dungeons do show their age by the bugs. lol.

although i wish anet remake dungeons for many reasons.

the dungeon currencies are still needed in some legendary collections and their dungeon skins aren't bad. plus, they tie to parts of the story so it's worthwhile to renew them. even if they do, i don't think they'd become the new fractals since fractals suppose to be "harder" contents with higher end gears, aka ascended. whereas you can run exotics or even rare in dungeons just fine.


i like dungeons and my guildies start to run them every other night now for easy golds. we also able to pull newbies every single time. there are a lot of new players want to run dungeons. they just don't know the mechanics that well or know what they're doing. so it's a nice teaching playground for everybody.

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