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New player looking for guild!


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Pretty new and been loving it. Looking for a guild to join to socialize and also maybe learn from. Working on finishing my first map clear tonight. Loving my Sylvari ranger! Just got all expansions and possibly get the living stories too!


I'm am a NA east coast player looking for a guild with families and players that have jobs etc. I guess something casual but do want to experience all the game had to offer. My playtimes are 9pm to midnight EST mostly week days and some weekends.

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Hello Raven, I am also a new player looking for friends to play with as well as a guild to run with and learn the ropes. I too am an east coast player as well. It would be cool to play with a newer player and learn the ropes together. I currently play on Darkhaven, however I wouldn't oppose to swapping servers. My playtimes also matches yours as well. Add me in game and we can link up, I also have a discord server as well if you like voice comms.

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Hello Raven and Shogunai!


I would like to invite you to check out the community I am a part of called Remnants of Hope. We are a multi game community with divisions in GW2 as well as WoW, ESO and Star Wars the old republic.


We are always recruiting New, existing and returning members. Our peak playtimes are between 7 and 10 EST. We usually average around 30 members online during those times. Not too big, not to small. We have very active team speak server with private rooms for special events. We also have an active forums for socializing and for scheduling of events.


We value committed mature members and as such we do have an application and trial process. The trial process lets us get to know you to be sure you are a good fit for our community. We recruit the person, not the player. We have no playtime requirements past the two week trial period. The trial is pretty simple, make some posts on the forums and participate in a few events.


We have members that lead in all areas of the game, PVE, PVP, Crafting and RP. Our main focus is PVE. We teach raiding and have patient members who will help you with gearing, skill rotations and raid mechanics.


For as structured as we are we are also very laid back. We want you to play the game the way you want.


If this sounds like something you would be interested in please check out our website to fill out the application you can do that ->[Here](http://www.remnantsofhope.com/boards/index.php?/topic/8550-how-to-join-remnants-of-hope-application/ "Here")<- You will need to register for our forums (use whatever screen name you would like) then fill our the application. We usually approve apps within 24 hours.

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> @"Shogunai.1083" said:

> Hello Raven, I am also a new player looking for friends to play with as well as a guild to run with and learn the ropes. I too am an east coast player as well. It would be cool to play with a newer player and learn the ropes together. I currently play on Darkhaven, however I wouldn't oppose to swapping servers. My playtimes also matches yours as well. Add me in game and we can link up, I also have a discord server as well if you like voice comms.


Servers are only relative to WvW if you plan on doing that and there are things in the works that will eliminate that issue. It's just a matter of when.

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hey o/ welcome to the game. this is my first MMO and so far has completely changed my view about MMOs in general.

we're pretty active after 9pm CST so i think your time would fit us nicely.

we used to be hard-core but now turn filthy casual and like to teach/mentor others so they could enjoy the game like we do too.

lots of us have families, some have small kids and still remain active most nights.

we have work/school during the day so Discord remains active, then it'll be voice chat from time to time at night. be warn if you're installed Discord on your phone, it may blow up your battery. lol.


here's the link to more info about us.

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