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Is revenant viable with sword/sword staff ?


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I wanted to know if is there any possibility that i could play sword/sword and staff on revenant and be viable ? i leveled my revenant to 80 and rly liked playing it sword/sword staff, i hate mace and hate axe.


While leveling i ofc had no problem since any class can do the leveling with no problem, but for fractals and stuff like that would it be viable ?

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> @"Courvoisier.1268" said:

> i would like more of a dps since suport idk since im somewhat new to the game but seems like any mistake u make ppl will rage against u

"Most friendly MMO communit out there" ........yeah


Sword+Sword and Staff is mainly SPvP/ WvW roaming build. It should be ok for low tier fractals too but like you mentioned some PvE hamsters are too sensitive and will probably kick you out once they realize you are not Viper Renegade. Forget about raiding with that weapon setup as well.

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Depends where you spend most of your in-game time dude,



It's a solid weapon choice for roaming, Idk much about zerging but I would probably switch out sw/sw for hammer.



Rev in general is pretty trash in pvp but you can make it work with sw/sw staff as long as you know what you're doing. (I got to plat this season with sw/sw staff rev)



If you're just running around doing open world stuff its fine, you might run into some problems when it comes to high tier Fractals and Raids though.

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In terms of completing content Power rev can do all content just fine (I've done it all on power rev when it was worse than it is now).


In terms of player perception of you being "viable" to complete said content? Well that's another matter, but I was never kicked from any t4 or CM fractal groups for being a power rev. Most people just want you to know what you're doing in fractals more than they care about what your actual build is. Power rev (and condi rev can as well) brings a lot more high burst CC than most classes so can be really useful for breaking fast breakbars quickly that most other classes can't (i.e. Archdiviner's Hammer Smash attack) or guaranteeing high importance bars are broken (i.e. Siax CM, Chaos Fractal Boss, etc.)


Raids I wouldn't pug with a power rev simply due to kitten players. But also because condi renegade is just better and you'll save yourself the unnecessary drama. If you have a group you run with though they can work fine, just aren't amazing.

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Depends what you mean by 'viable'. As you have said, most things work for levelling, but if you party with considerate people who are in the game to have fun rather than insisting on everyone being 'meta' then you should be able to play whatever feels the most enjoyable, in whatever mode you want to. Sword/sword and staff are both perfectly decent weapons.

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