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So, how do you start doing fractals?


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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Isnt ranger in gw2 hybrid class too then? He can be healer, dps and tank. He is not as good tank as sone other options here but i am sure when raids came in some groups druid was tanking.


Yes, and I like that and the overall concept here, that classes are flexible and not as much one trick ponies as in some other games. It really makes things look very messy and confusing at first when coming from game which has more "traditional" class paradigms. But the more I play, the less I am willing to go back. It has been a cultural shock and it has been hard to get rid of concepts and ideas you were using for years, but I think I'm making some progress here :) Honestly, of course, I miss those great times I had, but I think it is better to turn a new page.


> Also in gw2 anyone can be tank. It might be lazy design but to be fair its only few bosses. And your tank would still be tbe guy with mist toughness. Also in raids tank is pulling both mobs and boss so dps have easier job, control them with cc and blocks atacks for his subgroup. I am not saying that it is on same level as was your game but there is a diference between new tank and great one :D


Well, I might expressed things so that there are lots of room for misunderstandings. At the same time, (1) I have liked to play tank in my previous game, (2) I'm arguing against introducing trinity-like tank classes/traits in this game (as some suggest), and (3) I am making suggestions to implement tanking concept to instances (without messing class balance elsewhere) if instance designers find them to be a good tool to make more interesting encounters.

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Hello. :)


It's very easy, just jump right in and take your first step. I held back doing fractals for ages, and that was a mistake. Join your T1 games via LFG--Press Y--and slowly work your way up making sure each fractal is equal or above your personal fractal level. As you get higher make sure you have more agony, but plan ahead and do a few 15-25g/hr farming metas like SW or Istan so you can craft some missing pieces. Roughly a full set of popular DPS stat gear will be around 450g to craft - that's buying mats too no dailies. You can get a free piece of armor if you just do 1 round of SPVP season track too, also look up some achievements because there's a couple that are pretty easy and reward a box. Mind you, with just ascended trinkets and weapons+AR potion you can even do up to lower T4 without any armor, but of course your goal should be to hit 150 AR - and it's very easy these days.


That's about it. Learn the fractals, read wiki if you really want. Ask questions and most of all don't expect every game to be smooth. I would say 75% fractals are smooth with nice people, the others not. If a game is going nowhere, people are not nice or whatever reason you find yourself not having fun, leave and take a break then come back. But really, most of the stories you will here on the forums are exaggerated. You will fly through T1-T2. Tier 3 is probably the hardest because it's a high ramp up for T2 and you still have a lot of people not so experienced. T4 is actually really smooth for the most part, everyone knows what to do, have their pots+food and just fly through. Mind you SOME maps will give you headache like Twilight Oasis - but if you find yourself spending 1-2 hours on one map it's better to just leave it.


Set yourself some goals. My first goal was to infuse my rings+back, second goal was to hit 100--which took about 2 weeks--then my next goal was to get all the infinite potions. After that you will know the fractals at the back of your hand. Playing a build that's somewhat effective will be more enjoyable and help your group. I pugged all my fractal progression, but if you have a decent guild they could speed up the process for you. Fractals are extremely easy and pug friendly if you are willing to play it out and learn things decently.


Good luck!

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I play Fractals very thinly, i only do roughly 3 each day at best. You get some good chests with some sell-ables for bit of funds. I find it really easy to geti n a group, if you get stuck ask the party a question and every time i have done i get a decent helpful reply, not rude or anything and nothing is expected of me except to chip in with damage.


So in my opinion just join a group and get to know the tier 1's as its easy enough and quite fun

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You can satisfy your Holy Trinity appetite in the Raid (currently having 4 wings), which is the 10 players endgame content; your Mesmer will be the Tank, Dh/ FB to be the dpser/condis.


For Fractal, you will only need Holy Trinity in challenging mode Tier 4: level 99 &100 in order to obtain the so-called prestige title. Others levels are doable with any class.

What you need to do now is to learn the Fractal's mechanic from lower Tiers. As you play higher tiers, chances of getting ascended armors and weapon from Fractal Boxes are higher as well!


For world event, yes you are right. In fact, everyone is just smashing buttons and auto attacking xD. There really isn't any penalty even if you died because it is free to repair anyway. For sure you are welcome to gear up the Toughness+Vitality to get a few extra cushion of damage, but it will prove to be slightly useless for end game Raid content. Hence most are just targetting to gear up as Tank, Dpser/ Condis, Healing (Druid).


I would advise you to just play however you want and enjoy the game ya ;)



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DH is a great spec in fractals because the meta setup of greatsword/scepter+torch gives you high damage both in melee and at range, and DH has access to that great guardian toolkit of active defense - the only kind of defense worth anything in fractals. (You could run Nomad's gear and you would still get one-shotted by the majority of mechanics.)


Mesmer: if you go mirage you'll be accepted as a DPS spec, but if you go chrono you'll be expected to play boon support. You can still be a DPS chrono if you want, but unless you only run with friends, you'll have to explain and defend yourself constantly which looks rather tiresome.


Condi builds are still fine for fractals; they just post very low DPS on trash. But if you play well you can easily dominate the meter on bosses. OTOH a well-played power spec can dominate on trash AND bosses.


To get started: just open LFG! You can do most of T1 in full exotics with 0 AR, and T1 is mostly a friendly place full of fellow first-timers. Take your time, learn your way around, build up a little wealth with dailies and start on asc trinkets. Fractals are fun!

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