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25k Worldly Impact

Matt H.6142

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Does anyone know the build for the 25k Worldly Impact hit? A couple of us felt this against us in PvP, even saw the person practicing it in the Mists. I know Sic' Em is a part of it.

I'd say it's OP, and doing it from stealth is just dirty, but when I predicted it the second time, and dodged it, I found him dying to desert shroud condis.

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OP, yet killed by condis ? Sounds balanced to me. 25K Wordly Impact out of stealth ? You're clearly exaggerating. Also, it means you're glassy too and you deserve it.


Maul (Buff) + Sick Em + Wordly Impact. There is no other combo if it's fresh out of stealth and even that, the person needs to do it quickly, because stealth (3 secs) is only from blasting Smokescale smoke field or Longbow Hunter's Shot, both should be a huge tell.


Wordly Impact has already a huuuuuuuge animation and Maul too. Maybe you should look after mesmer or thief burst out of stealth if you want something to cry about.


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> @"Matt H.6142" said:

> Watch yourself. I'll thank you for your answer though. What do animations matter when they are stealthed though and score a OHKO.


Unlike Mesmers and Thieves you can kinda get a rough idea of when worldly impact will connect due to it's animation, even if you can't see it. The ranger in question will probably be trying to pull this off as quickly as they can so you just need to count down the second in your head then dodge their one big blast.


But yes just to be clear here, compared to Mesmers and Thieves the ranger in this case power is only going to do so much to you from stealth unlike the former two classes which have more options. That's why it's easier to dodge in my humble opinion, even though I know it sucks to be pretty much one shot from stealth.

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I could see it hitting that hard in an extremely gimmicky one shot build. Yes its a strong skill with one shot potential. However for most builds it cant hit anywhere near that. And its telegraph and position locking make it so that it does infact NEED to hit hard for the majority of builds.


I imagine the people getting hit by it were full glass. Thats not an excuse or anything just reasoning. Sic Em + Moment of Clarity + a glass amulet + fury (damage multiplier for soulbeasts)+ a glass amulet and its a solid one shot build. But like you said it caves at the slightest pressure. ESPECIALLY if that pressure is condi based.


Im not saying this is good or bad here. Im a soulbeast main and as someone who ISN'T running a gimmicky build a nerf to worldly impact would hurt ALOT in pvp. I recognize that but also realize getting one shot SUCKS. But if your going to call for a nerf in this skill. Just be careful on what else it might affect. Whats hitting you isnt the norm. Its a meme build thats countered by reasonable toughness+protection and awareness of when the enemy goes into stealth. If they stealth. Back away. Worldly Impact locks the ranger in place for the animation. So once he starts he cant follow you. Meaning unless hes directly ontop of you you should be able to run out of the radius. Otherwise a panic dodge can probably help you as odds are they are gonna be using quickness to shorten the animation time. Its what I do after all.


Also as others mentioned. Being one shot/one rounded isn't rare in this game if your running a glass amulet. Every class can do it. EVERY CLASS. Except in an extremely specific scenario worldly impact isn't over-performing. Id ask that you adjust for the soulbeasts playstyle first. Once you learn how worldly impact functions it becomes far less of a threat. Its flashy and hits hard. But often I use as a deterrence skill to get someone to back off of me. Or a finisher to nail someone who is already almost dead. Not as a oneshot/opener.

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> @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> Also as others mentioned. Being one shot/one rounded isn't rare in this game if your running a glass amulet. Every class can do it. EVERY CLASS.


I think you are wrong. Atm only 1 class can rly do kill from one shot, meaning in 1 sec , maximum 2 sec, and that class is Mesmer. Other classes need more than 3-5 sec.

Mesmer is the only class who can hit you in 1-2 sec with more spells who will instantly kill you. Other classes need at least twice time. And like a mention, even with tank build, sometimes when you try to ress someone a mesmer can kill you with 1 shot ...

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@"Dragonzhunter.8506" if youl look I did also specify "one round" as in in a single combo. Mesmers technically don't one shot. They do so through the use of multiple forms of attack hitting at the same time. A TRUE one shot as far as I know doesn't exist in this game. What we have is one rounding. Taking someone out in a single combo/engagement. Even deadeyes are an example of this.


Either way the mentality behind it still stands. The concept of being killed before you can react to a burst. Note that this is only possible usually if you are running a very glassy build as I specified in my earlier post. A successful oneshot/oneround takes alot of things going right. And yes every class DOES have that damage potential. But again as I said earlier. It requires a target to be full glass in a build with little access to defensive cooldowns. What most in PvP atleast would consider a bad build or a gimmick build. (Otherwise the only way to really one round someone is to hit someone whos cooldowns are used up)


What I was trying to say is that high damage output is incredibly common. And if you aren't running a build capable of handling it your going to get one rounded every now and then. Lets take the wordly impact for example. The OP and others who were "oneshot" by it were likely running a glass amulet. Lets assume beserkers at worst and marauders at best. The process of self buffing on a soulbeast is actually pretty obvious. It involves pet swapping, using we heal as one, and then merging AFTER generating might. This creates a very large stack of boons on the ranger. He would then stealth most likely move in purposely miss a merged maul for the attack of opportunity buff then cast sic em followed by wordly impact. This can all occur quite quickly but the preparations for it are very obvious if you know what to look for.


As for countering it. Stealth on a soulbeast has rather short duration. You can boost it by running sword warhorn/and with the proc from marksmanship. But for most setups you're gonna be required to move in for the kill quite quickly. Which means doubling back from a soulbeast who just stealthed isn't a bad option. In that case they have two options. One is to use smoke assault to close the distance. This causes them to lose there AOO buff. They can then try to hit you with takedown or attempt to roll into a hilt bash/worldly impact combo. The concept is pretty simple. They want to get you with a hard cc to prevent you from dodging WI. Wait out the smoke assault as long as you aren't low HP. Dodge the follow up CC. And get distance back. An aggressively set up soulbeast requires keeping you on the defensive or punishing you for going overly aggressive. It has the damage for both of that. But if you can completely disengage and get some terrain inbetween you they lose the ability to stick you quite as easily. Our mobility is set to chase but aside from smoke assault it can't handle differences in elevations or things that break like of sight like walls or columns.


And once you break this combo You only have to deal with the normal bursts until they can set up WI. WI is DEADLY. But so long as you know its there and are watching for the setups you can completely avoid the risk of getting hit by it. The soulbeast has to WORK to set up a high damage WI. If you break the combo it takes time before they can do it again.

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> @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" if youl look I did also specify "one round" as in in a single combo. Mesmers technically don't one shot. They do so through the use of multiple forms of attack hitting at the same time. A TRUE one shot as far as I know doesn't exist in this game. What we have is one rounding. Taking someone out in a single combo/engagement. Even deadeyes are an example of this.


Yes, you said one round :) . For me still the one shot is that action who kill you in 1 sec. Doesn't matter that Mesmer use multiply skills for that stupid burst, till all those skills are usable in the same second, all of them, because when that it's happen you can't dodge, like you can vs thief or ranger skills who took more than 3 sec and you have time/reaction to dodge, use defensive utility etc. Many times (or most of the times) even Stoneform didn't trigger in that second when a Mesmer hit you with everything he has (from stealth! another great thing ... at least Deadeye shots announced you that you are targeted, he got reveal before the bullet hit you etc).

But , you have right you said one shot/one rounded, just I want to mention that real one shot class in the game now is only Mesmer.

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Thanks for your comments. If it matters, I was in unranked on a scourge, probably with a sage amulet. My HP was 24,500. 25k was no exaggeration. I read it from the combat log. I'm quite casual in pvp, 5.5 years and only now coming up on rank 76. A teammate was hit by it and was calling it hacks. I was more accepting of it. I know the multiplier on worldly impact is high. Kudos to those who know how to game the game. I tried to prove it on the light golem, and maybe got 12k at most.

I will say OHKO won't encourage new players to stay in pvp, or try the leagues. The post is here. The devs have the stats. I think based on some of the responses, 25k is a surprise to many.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> What build for most damage-- something like this maybe


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA


Why not Beastly Warden over Zephyr's Speed? I would think the Taunt would make the Worldly Impact much more likely to actually land. Or does the taunt not happen at the start of the skill cast anymore?

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA


> Why not Beastly Warden over Zephyr's Speed? I would think the Taunt would make the Worldly Impact much more likely to actually land. Or does the taunt not happen at the start of the skill cast anymore?


Beastly Warden has never been at the start of the BM F3 cast. (along with a few other IIRC) It's been that way since PoF launch and is another one of those weird inconsistencies between pet F2 and SB F3.


Side note: I think Beastly Warden counts as a non-damaging attack. So if it _did_ happen at the start of cast (as it should) it might consume Attack of Opportunity. >_>

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA


> Why not Beastly Warden over Zephyr's Speed? I would think the Taunt would make the Worldly Impact much more likely to actually land. Or does the taunt not happen at the start of the skill cast anymore?


you see that part where I say, "Something like this maybe" ?



Secondly, it's not a thing. No one is running this. I dont give a flying rat fuck what the author claims.

So, check this out, I had a bad first 10 games and climbed from high silver to gold 3 and I've never, ever ever ever been hit by a one shot Worldly impact build.


This is not a thing.

This is not a thing.

This is not a thing.

This is not a thing.


You know what is a thing? Rifle thiefs and PP thiefs.

Is a thing. Will melt your face from stealth.



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> @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> > >

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA

> >

> > Why not Beastly Warden over Zephyr's Speed? I would think the Taunt would make the Worldly Impact much more likely to actually land. Or does the taunt not happen at the start of the skill cast anymore?


> Beastly Warden has never been at the start of the BM F3 cast. (along with a few other IIRC) It's been that way since PoF launch and is another one of those weird inconsistencies between pet F2 and SB F3.


> Side note: I think Beastly Warden counts as a non-damaging attack. So if it _did_ happen at the start of cast (as it should) it might consume Attack of Opportunity. >_>


So you are partially right with Beastly warden casting when F3 is finished casting. HOWEVER there are a few details that you are missing here.

Beastly warden and live furiously **proc after completion of the cast but technically BEFORE the damage**. You can test this with Moment of Clarity, live fast and Opening strike+remorseless. Hit an enemy to remove opening strike. Hit F3. Even with zero crit chance, it'll be a guaranteed crit and opening strike icon won't show up on your bar. Similarly, although more difficult to test, time F3 to interrupt something with MoC traited. I recommend something like a boar or moa in PvE to test this. The icon will likewise not appear because F3 will use up the AoO from MoC.


Those are two hefty damage multipliers 25% and 50% on top of Sic'Em's 40%.


While harder to test these, in theory the above also applies to the following affecting a well timed worldy impact: Furious strength (7%) Twice as vicious (5%) Sigil of opportunity (5% with alpha strike cripple) and Sigil of Ruthlessness might on crit. Oppressive Superiority, Rune of Scholar and Valkyrie amulet added in there and you get this:


Last thing to talk about is vulnerability from opening strike/lb 2.

The "rotation" was lb2, sic'em, lb3, F3.


That's a 20k and 19.8k crit. Keep in mind this is missing a HUGE multiplier of 50% and bonus might from interrupts as a golem doesn't attack. That would bring it up to 30k.


@"EnderzShadow.2506" So technically it is a thing. I have somewhat "cheesed" it with vulnerability but lose the 10% vuln from LB2, add the MoC proc and it'll still be an actual 1 shot from stealth. After checking the math, I'm amused enough that I might go troll people with this now. Highly impractical but a thing nonetheless. You can also interrupt without beastly warden and drop BM but then it's not from stealth. I also have zero might when that happened. Valk amulet was proof of concept but other amulets would probably be better.




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Lol if I tried to make a video of this it would take a long time to get the footage of enough actual 25k crits to make something worthwhile. To get enough footage of actual fights instead of 3 second clips of 1 shots would be impossible. Between weakness, toughness, protection, defensive traits, easily losing the scholar/oppressive superiority bonus super easily in real situations, the number is hard enough to hit as is. Stability negates the AoO assuming you time it perfectly and of course people can block, dodge or accidently walk away. "Average" crits vs glassy enemies were closer to 10-15k. 3-5k vs beefier enemies.


That being said, I crit an unlucky fresh air ele for 24k.


So yeah it's possible and now there are 2 of us hunting ppl in unranked ^^


To the OP, I have 1 condi clear in the entire build and it's my heal skill. Scourges wrecked me. Super gimmick builds like this can be easily countered by focus fire.


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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > > > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> > > >

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA

> > >

> > > Why not Beastly Warden over Zephyr's Speed? I would think the Taunt would make the Worldly Impact much more likely to actually land. Or does the taunt not happen at the start of the skill cast anymore?

> >

> > Beastly Warden has never been at the start of the BM F3 cast. (along with a few other IIRC) It's been that way since PoF launch and is another one of those weird inconsistencies between pet F2 and SB F3.

> >

> > Side note: I think Beastly Warden counts as a non-damaging attack. So if it _did_ happen at the start of cast (as it should) it might consume Attack of Opportunity. >_>


> So you are partially right with Beastly warden casting when F3 is finished casting. HOWEVER there are a few details that you are missing here.

> Beastly warden and live furiously **proc after completion of the cast but technically BEFORE the damage**. You can test this with Moment of Clarity, live fast and Opening strike+remorseless. Hit an enemy to remove opening strike. Hit F3. Even with zero crit chance, it'll be a guaranteed crit and opening strike icon won't show up on your bar. Similarly, although more difficult to test, time F3 to interrupt something with MoC traited. I recommend something like a boar or moa in PvE to test this. The icon will likewise not appear because F3 will use up the AoO from MoC.


> Those are two hefty damage multipliers 25% and 50% on top of Sic'Em's 40%.


That's... unusual behavior but I stand corrected. I'll keep it in mind.



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  • 4 months later...

> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> What build for most damage-- something like this maybe


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/441569501234987008/468099144049885186/image-3.jpg here is your screenshot

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> > Also as others mentioned. Being one shot/one rounded isn't rare in this game if your running a glass amulet. Every class can do it. EVERY CLASS.


> I think you are wrong. Atm only 1 class can rly do kill from one shot, meaning in 1 sec , maximum 2 sec, and that class is Mesmer. Other classes need more than 3-5 sec.

> Mesmer is the only class who can hit you in 1-2 sec with more spells who will instantly kill you. Other classes need at least twice time. And like a mention, even with tank build, sometimes when you try to ress someone a mesmer can kill you with 1 shot ...


full berserker warrior, eviscerate,change weapon 2hs#3 , you are dead.


BTW , people should stop using berserker only to be 1 shoted or killed in 1sec and then came to the forums wanting to know how could be posible that damage......

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> @"Loboranto.1698" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA


> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/441569501234987008/468099144049885186/image-3.jpg here is your screenshot


Since POF hit i kept saying that Soulbeast is broken. Everybody laughed then. Well, nobody is laughing now. Nobody laugh at 57k hit.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Loboranto.1698" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> > >

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA

> >

> > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/441569501234987008/468099144049885186/image-3.jpg here is your screenshot


> Since POF hit i kept saying that Soulbeast is broken. Everybody laughed then. Well, nobody is laughing now. Nobody laugh at 57k hit.


Then pray tell why has soulbeast not been meta since PoF. Pray tell why no one has been able to replicate that 57k hit.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"Loboranto.1698" said:

> > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > 25k? Eh, hard to believe. Screenshot?

> > > > What build for most damage-- something like this maybe

> > > >

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnEqAd8iVsAuCCctglEB7JAsCmZ5R3qb31p0dsadnw63SD-jJhIABHVGg7HAAAXAAd2fAA

> > >

> > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/441569501234987008/468099144049885186/image-3.jpg here is your screenshot

> >

> > Since POF hit i kept saying that Soulbeast is broken. Everybody laughed then. Well, nobody is laughing now. Nobody laugh at 57k hit.


> Then pray tell why has soulbeast not been meta since PoF. Pray tell why no one has been able to replicate that 57k hit.


Don't know. I personally don't play soulbeast because i don't like OP broken stuff. Why anybody else play or don't play soulbeast is a mystery for me. And by "no one has been able to replicate that" [you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?](https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy "you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?")

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Don't know. I personally don't play soulbeast because i don't like OP broken stuff. Why anybody else play or don't play soulbeast is a mystery for me. And by "no one has been able to replicate that" [you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?](https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy "you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?")


That's a poor excuse. You have a clear bias for ranger, and let me quote you; *Delete it. Outright just delete it.* You have no clue how ranger even works, *Infinite healing, infinite damage, infinite CC.* (there are these things called 'cooldowns', idk if you're familiar with them. Not to mention you have said *Still require a very good player to shine.* Backtracking much?


I am not speaking of 25k-30k hits. I know people have managed those. I'm speaking of the single instance of a 57k hit, which you mentioned in your original comment. This is an anomaly no one has been able to replicate.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Don't know. I personally don't play soulbeast because i don't like OP broken stuff. Why anybody else play or don't play soulbeast is a mystery for me. And by "no one has been able to replicate that" [you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?](https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy "you mean how there are hundreds of videos and screenshots of soulbeasts one-shoting people over and over again?")

Best thing you know what? That 26K came from a maul, no wordly impact, as it is show in the log. =)

Probably stealth, smoke from pet, Gs2, GS3 for stealth, swap weapons, wordly impact. We have to give it to the ranger, that combo is not easy to pull off.


I agree soulbeast is becoming a meme but all classes are becoming one at this point.



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