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Ranger Crafting Disciplines


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I recently returned and am trying both a Guardian and a Ranger out (playing one, then the other, then back again - waiting for one to really stick).


Can I get some advice on what would be good Crafting Disciplines for a Ranger? I understand that you can start with 2 and buy 2 more, right? So what would be a good first 2, and a good second 2.


Thanks in advance!

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It's default two. There are Black Lion upgrades that allow you to have more than two active disciplines, but you can train a single toon in more than two. My ranger is 500 Huntsman, Leatherworker, and Armoursmith. I just have to keep swapping one out for a small fee each time I want to access the one I don't have active.


So in direct response to your question: Huntsman and Leatherworker will get you by for the most part. Ranger does use Axes and Swords, which are Weaponsmith. However, for Torch, Shortbow and Longbow, Huntsman crafts those, and as an Adventurer tier profession, they wear Medium gear, which Leatherworker makes. As I said above, you can have two active Disciplines, but if you want more than that, it's Gems to buy additional Crafting Licenses.

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Leatherworker definitely for medium armour. Then either Huntsman for longbow, shortbow and torch or Weaponsmith for sword, dagger and axe, depending on which weapons you want to use. Or if you want to play a druid with a staff you'll need Artificer to craft one.


You can actually learn all the crafting disiplines on the same character, without having to buy anything from the gem store. But by default you can only have 2 'active' disiplines. When you want to add a 3rd (or 4th, 5th etc.) you'll have to choose one to make inactive which means you can't use it to craft anything. Then if you want to switch back to an inactive one you'll need to pay a fee in gold, which increases for more advanced crafts (but the maximum is 50 silver so it's never very expensive). You won't ever lose progress in a disipline by making it inactive - all the levels you've gained and recipes you've learned are saved, you just can't use them.


The gem store upgrade allows you to have more than two active disiplines at the same time. That's useful if you use them often, but it might be preferable to just keep switching them. Or learn 2 crafts on each character, if you have enough characters and you're confident you won't want to delete them.

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