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GW2 Ranger Pets....bad


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Just throwing it out there, the OP isn't making the best cases for everything(no offense OP) but can everyone please remember that pets are the rangers class mechanic and acting like they. I also have no idea why so many people are throwing different sorts of implications at OP with little to no evidence, if you think OP sounds absurd in any of his claims when you speak like this it only makes me personally view you in the same light.


Also randomly don't use comments such as "Lol you're using insert pet name here? You don't use insert pet name here." it only shows there's a problem with pets if we're limited in our selection. I'm unsure as to where I stand on this personally, but just christ sake some of the things in this thread.

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> @"Xenash.1245" said:

> Just throwing it out there, the OP isn't making the best cases for everything(no offense OP) but can everyone please remember that pets are the rangers class mechanic and acting like they. I also have no idea why so many people are throwing different sorts of implications at OP with little to no evidence, if you think OP sounds absurd in any of his claims when you speak like this it only makes me personally view you in the same light.


> Also randomly don't use comments such as "Lol you're using insert pet name here? You don't use insert pet name here." it only shows there's a problem with pets if we're limited in our selection. I'm unsure as to where I stand on this personally, but just christ sake some of the things in this thread.


There's a limit in pet selection just like there's a limit in weapon selection. Most classes won't use several of their weapons, because outside of flavour, other weapons are more optimized.

Same thing with pets. Lynx is actually nice in PvE if you're playing Runes of the Krait and focusing on bleeding damage, since Lynx's F2 has the best application of bleeding damage of all land pets. And it's passive skills also have another bleed application.

In fact i ran Lynx and arctodus for a long time, when i was playing condi ranger (before getting tired of having my bleed stacks hijacked by power thieves and warriors, and moving to power LB ranger - which kinda stuck so far, might change to condi again when i start playing SB more often). But in PvP you don't use pets for damage, especially not melee damage. Because players will either disable your pet, and then focus on you, or just burst you, and ignore the pet entirely. So you need to use more CC oriented pets, or if you're in a big melee ranged aoe pets (like Carrion Devourer), single target melee pets are useless in PvP situations, especially WvW. Just like most single-target glassy builds aren't really very good in WvW.

And OP (despite claiming 11k hours of Ranger gameplay) still hasn't figured that out. Which makes his post entirely biased, and pretty much just wrong.

Sure there is some clankyness to pets, like them triggering their F2 skills before getting in range, which can be annoying. But it's nowhere as bad as OP makes it, and in 90% of his post he's just wrong.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Xenash.1245" said:

> > Just throwing it out there, the OP isn't making the best cases for everything(no offense OP) but can everyone please remember that pets are the rangers class mechanic and acting like they. I also have no idea why so many people are throwing different sorts of implications at OP with little to no evidence, if you think OP sounds absurd in any of his claims when you speak like this it only makes me personally view you in the same light.

> >

> > Also randomly don't use comments such as "Lol you're using insert pet name here? You don't use insert pet name here." it only shows there's a problem with pets if we're limited in our selection. I'm unsure as to where I stand on this personally, but just christ sake some of the things in this thread.


> There's a limit in pet selection just like there's a limit in weapon selection. Most classes won't use several of their weapons, because outside of flavour, other weapons are more optimized.

> Same thing with pets. Lynx is actually nice in PvE if you're playing Runes of the Krait and focusing on bleeding damage, since Lynx's F2 has the best application of bleeding damage of all land pets. And it's passive skills also have another bleed application.

> In fact i ran Lynx and arctodus for a long time, when i was playing condi ranger (before getting tired of having my bleed stacks hijacked by power thieves and warriors, and moving to power LB ranger - which kinda stuck so far, might change to condi again when i start playing SB more often). But in PvP you don't use pets for damage, especially not melee damage. Because players will either disable your pet, and then focus on you, or just burst you, and ignore the pet entirely. So you need to use more CC oriented pets, or if you're in a big melee ranged aoe pets (like Carrion Devourer), single target melee pets are useless in PvP situations, especially WvW. Just like most single-target glassy builds aren't really very good in WvW.

> And OP (despite claiming 11k hours of Ranger gameplay) still hasn't figured that out. Which makes his post entirely biased, and pretty much just wrong.

> Sure there is some clankyness to pets, like them triggering their F2 skills before getting in range, which can be annoying. But it's nowhere as bad as OP makes it, and in 90% of his post he's just wrong.


I could have said tiger,or bear..ALL these animals out run humans( or out fly)..no less in armor.

ALL the pets miss 9*% of the time

THATS what I said

Mostly because of bad pathing/slow speed


That simple

Xenash, the reason for the posts is these kids just troll,thats it. Not one has anything usefull to say,ever

tests clearly show pets miss almost always


pathing is not player related, it is code.

ALL our melee pets should move fast ®

Kids like Kane add nothing to any thread,

Done here )

No retort needed ( look that word up)

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People... he's not asking for pets to take over the job of the ranger, nor is he pointing out something that he hasn't tested. He's just saying that if a pet "defines" a ranger, shouldn't it HIT more than 10% of the time, use its skills within range of the target (there's even a AI option that helps a PC do it) and run at a better speed?


The OP has shown test results, and proof of his ability. He's correct. :pensive:


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I don't get the problem though ... he might be correct or not; that's not worth the argument. The point is that there is a solution; if he's convinced himself pets are broken, he doesn't need to use pets. I mean ... we have had pets in this state for 5+ years now ... if Anet is going to fix it, it's in the works. If not, then what's the point making all the fuss here when you don't have to use them? Nothing here is news to anyone; it's not like the OP has suddenly discovered something no one ever knew about, including Anet. How about people start applying some logic to their situations ay?

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>Pets should be able to reliably hit people with their attacks/abilities and chase them with better pathing




Every time with this place. What about when other specs come about that will still have you using pets anyway? What about base/druid which will continue to be plagued by that problem? I dont think continually agitating for a change to a profession's core mechanic to be improved to be a bad thing, especially if they're in the mood for sweeping reworks/changes as they did with Mesmers not long ago.


An unreliable companion due to poor AI shouldn't be a con when it comes to using any non-soulbeast build, nor soulbeast itself when unmerged.

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> People... he's not asking for pets to take over the job of the ranger, nor is he pointing out something that he hasn't tested. He's just saying that if a pet "defines" a ranger, shouldn't it HIT more than 10% of the time, use its skills within range of the target (there's even a AI option that helps a PC do it) and run at a better speed?


> The OP has shown test results, and proof of his ability. He's correct. :pensive:

> Z


A normal person

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Xenash.1245" said:

> > While the system that guild wars 2 had was arguably better, pets are an intrinsic part of the ranger class here. So yes talking about how to improve our classes mechanic is a good thing the same way it would be good to talk about problems with death shroud or shatters. Talking about how much we don't want pets isn't going to do anything for us since they're here to stay.


> Not only that but the fact is that Anet HAS given Rangers an alternative way to NOT have a pet to manage ... so the whole "I hate pets ... but I want to be a ranger" has already been addressed as much as it will be by Anet. They made a whole elite spec around the idea ... what else do people want? The thread is like someone never heard of Soulbeast before.


you're reply is like you've never heard of druid before.


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As a WvW player, I notice that spawns of any kind (mesmer, necro, ranger) are quite bad when it comes to large scale fights, simply because of the sheer numbers that are being thrown about and the importance of positioning (which they don't/can't do). On my ranger, I leave the the pet in passive mode while enjoying giant battles!

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dont even listen to this guy clicking all his skills with mouse and calls him self a baller player..


if u go on druid with bunker gear and expect people to fall over from you, try again u play a different game.

u play sustain vs w/e u just win fights based on sustaining not cus ur lacking dmg or w/e u chosen to sustain and thats how you win ur fights change ur play style and ull see ranger dmg is fine so is pet.


im wrecking people on ranger perfectly fine, yes pet isnt amazing help but i dont care im soulbeast never wanted a pet so i couldnt give a rats ass about it.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i do agree that for a pet user ranger is the worst in this game/mmo gonra for it right now. but for someone who just heals most of the time im ok with the stuff but would love to see some buffs to pet for more reliability.


Sadly , Anet ONLY caters to Spvp suggestions.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get the problem though ... he might be correct or not; that's not worth the argument. The point is that there is a solution; if he's convinced himself pets are broken, he doesn't need to use pets. I mean ... we have had pets in this state for 5+ years now ... if Anet is going to fix it, it's in the works. If not, then what's the point making all the fuss here when you don't have to use them? Nothing here is news to anyone; it's not like the OP has suddenly discovered something no one ever knew about, including Anet. How about people start applying some logic to their situations ay?


You don't get the problem because you don't play in the game mode where the problem REALLY matters.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't get the problem though ... he might be correct or not; that's not worth the argument. The point is that there is a solution; if he's convinced himself pets are broken, he doesn't need to use pets. I mean ... we have had pets in this state for 5+ years now ... if Anet is going to fix it, it's in the works. If not, then what's the point making all the fuss here when you don't have to use them? Nothing here is news to anyone; it's not like the OP has suddenly discovered something no one ever knew about, including Anet. How about people start applying some logic to their situations ay?


> Do you play in the game mode where the problem matters?



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Xenash.1245" said:

> > While the system that guild wars 2 had was arguably better, pets are an intrinsic part of the ranger class here. So yes talking about how to improve our classes mechanic is a good thing the same way it would be good to talk about problems with death shroud or shatters. Talking about how much we don't want pets isn't going to do anything for us since they're here to stay.


> Not only that but the fact is that Anet HAS given Rangers an alternative way to NOT have a pet to manage ... so the whole "I hate pets ... but I want to be a ranger" has already been addressed as much as it will be by Anet. They made a whole elite spec around the idea ... what else do people want? The thread is like someone never heard of Soulbeast before.


let's start again.

What do people(ranger mains that pvp and wvw) want? They want pets to perform better.

Soulbeast doesn't solve that sollution.


No one said they hated pets.


>@"Obtena.7952" said: This thread continues to make no sense ... if you don't like pets, you don't have to use them anymore. Just make a choice already. I mean, you are CHOOSING to play this build and complaining about it when you have options to play something else ... that's ridiculous. Don't play it.


By that logic if something goes wrong with any class or isn't working well, just stop playing that class?


>@"Obtana.7952" said: I don't get the problem though ... he might be correct or not; that's not worth the argument. The point is that there is a solution; if he's convinced himself pets are broken, he doesn't need to use pets. I mean ... we have had pets in this state for 5+ years now ... if Anet is going to fix it, it's in the works. If not, then what's the point making all the fuss here when you don't have to use them? Nothing here is news to anyone; it's not like the OP has suddenly discovered something no one ever knew about, including Anet. How about people start applying some logic to their situations ay?


He, fastcar, didn't say pets were broken. He said they were bad. And speaking for all but a few, they are bad. They don't work as advertised.


Logic: Why would someone who doesn't need the pet in the environment they play in, like for instance, pve healers, decide to jump on this subject and act so put out?


>@"Obtana.7952" said: Right ... because my deaths and kills proves I know something OTHER than how to die and kill people ><. It's a good try guys, but I haven't said anything here that make more or less sense because I have some threshold of kills in PVP that satisfies your idea of who's opinion you should and shouldn't consider.


You play in a game mode that doesn't actively rely on the pet, namely a healer in pve Raids.

In PvP and in WvW it's crucial for success.

It will continue to get brought up till it's fixed.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't get the problem though ... he might be correct or not; that's not worth the argument. The point is that there is a solution; if he's convinced himself pets are broken, he doesn't need to use pets. I mean ... we have had pets in this state for 5+ years now ... if Anet is going to fix it, it's in the works. If not, then what's the point making all the fuss here when you don't have to use them? Nothing here is news to anyone; it's not like the OP has suddenly discovered something no one ever knew about, including Anet. How about people start applying some logic to their situations ay?


> You don't get the problem because you don't play in the game mode where the problem REALLY matters.


I 100% agree

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found a new pet bug.

I will be cryptic so every person is not exploiting this.

I have reported it to Anet.


Again, cryptic:

If a druid or core ranger fights a Soulbeast...the Soulbeast can make the other persons pet run away FAR, like 2500+ range far..and just stand still bugged till you log or(maybe) zone


Guy did it to me 3x in a row, could have been rare bug in that exact area I was in.(happened during duels) EB


We just want decent pet pathing and usefull speed, Anet.

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The damage from a ranger's pet are calculated as part of the professions DPS potential.


For simplicity's sake, if all professions had a baseline potential of inflicting 100 damage

Mesmer: 100 damage

Warrior: 100 damage



Then a Ranger would look something like this:

Ranger: 80 damage

Pet: 20 damage


I don't know the actual %'s, just trying to explain how (I believe) this works.


The pet then doesn't 'add' to a Ranger's DPS, but is simply a part of it. This presents an issue then if the pet is ineffective in doing its job, which ultimately translates to a DPS reduction for the ranger. If you have your pet on passive for example, then baselines would look like this:


Mesmer: 100 damage

Warrior: 100 damage

Ranger: 80 damage


That's an obvious problem worthy of raising an objection.


As has been stated, Soulbeast removes this issue by removing the pet from the equation. Even in the OPs post, he mentioned that Beastmastery is lackluster, but in Soulbeast, that spec provides many enhancements to the player; whether they are worth more than using another spec is a debate, but for SB Beastmastery isn't useless.


But that leaves Druid and Core Ranger out in the cold, as their damage output is supposed to be a combination of the player + pet. (same argument applies for utility / support builds)



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> The damage from a ranger's pet are calculated as part of the professions DPS potential.


> For simplicity's sake, if all professions had a baseline potential of inflicting 100 damage

> Mesmer: 100 damage

> Warrior: 100 damage

> etc,


> Then a Ranger would look something like this:

> Ranger: 80 damage

> Pet: 20 damage


> I don't know the actual %'s, just trying to explain how (I believe) this works.


> The pet then doesn't 'add' to a Ranger's DPS, but is simply a part of it. This presents an issue then if the pet is ineffective in doing its job, which ultimately translates to a DPS reduction for the ranger. If you have your pet on passive for example, then baselines would look like this:


> Mesmer: 100 damage

> Warrior: 100 damage

> Ranger: 80 damage


> That's an obvious problem worthy of raising an objection.


> As has been stated, Soulbeast removes this issue by removing the pet from the equation. Even in the OPs post, he mentioned that Beastmastery is lackluster, but in Soulbeast, that spec provides many enhancements to the player; whether they are worth more than using another spec is a debate, but for SB Beastmastery isn't useless.


> But that leaves Druid and Core Ranger out in the cold, as their damage output is supposed to be a combination of the player + pet. (same argument applies for utility / support builds)




!00% correct

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> @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> Yeah, basically you are asking for an cheap way to deal damage with no RISK to you at all. People don't like having to fight opponents that hide behind AI controlled pets in PVP. I actually find pets pretty strong with their skills and utilities. They should be useful but not the source for damage.


Yes thats a fair point, but the F2 abbilities are lack luster as hell on core pets.

In addition to that they are slow hitters and they hit unreliable. Atleast the speed of the pet could be improved and their critical chance calculations brought on par with eachother.

I mean bristleback has low precision but crits more often than a wolf, just because they have different equations to determine crit chance.

Bring them on par to exclude stupid confuaion.

Give pets the abbility to be able to be affected by quickness.



These 3 general changes on all pets:


Make them faster: Improves hit reliability, annoyens factor in PvP. The pet always dies first so you can atleast use it to annoy ppl or distract them


Streamline Precision equation: Its unreliable atm and is different for each pet family. Streamline it and give some pets like porcine better crit chance.


Pets should be affected by quickness: Only a fraction of pets are affected by quickness and this should be addressed. It would give rangers more dmg in PvE and faster hits in PvP although it would not be that strong. Only would give the bugged pets (pretty much all core) more use.



And changes for pet F2 specifically are there too but this would go way beyond atm.

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