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Can we have some proper tight pants for light armored females, please?


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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Bigger ears needs a bigger cranium, and a bigger cranium means a bigger brain. It is quite possible that in some base reproductive instinct, Asura actually feel attracted to big ears...


> But that's not the point of the thread: The point is the game needs more cloth variety, specifically more pants without covering: pants without "overskirt" for light and heavy armor, and short jackets for medium. There are models that do this, the problem is they are too few. We need more.


Alright, agreed! Less buttcapes on medium armor and more pants for the light armored females!

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> The reverse would also be nice - without a good range of skirts, dresses, high heels and the like (and with all the sexual dimorphism exhibited with the human-esque races more generally) it's hard to do crossdressing/drag male characters in this game. No idea if this is engine-feasible, but the ability to toggle between the trousered male and skirted female versions of various skins would be nice.


> @"sorudo.9054" May I ask where that photo is from? It looks like a sexed-up version of Charlie's Angels, a phenomena I did not think possible =)


just googled it:


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