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verbal abuse reports

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I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?


Here's how I would formulate a report:


* PvP Match: Date and Time

* World Name

* Names of characters (with exact spelling)

* Your own character name (so the team can see where you were and match chat around you -- contextual reference)


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Zoom in, grab a screenie and send it after the match, then they can review the data, the chat log and the piccie then make a judgement call whether its worth breaking happy hour to deal with it or not... maybe :)


In all serious though, take a screenie then do a ticket via the support site after not just click the in game report tool.. add picture evidence as often as possible.

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> @"EthanLightheart.9168" said:

> Guys do you even ever review those? There is so much toxicity in pvp and you don't seem to care. It feeels like a joke reporting them and seeing no consequences ever. Thes ame people keep on insulting others.


Due to the privacy policy of ANet (and many other gaming companies), reporting a player does NOT mean that they'll rush to get back to you and give you a full analysis on if and exactly how that player has been punished. And rest assured that no one will be punished unless they "accumulate" a lot of reports from different players. Seeing them around for a while does not mean they haven't been punished at all, perhaps they received a 24-hour suspension or something. Or perhaps the reported incidents have not been reviewed yet. It takes a while. In a certain popular MOBA game, players got punished 2 months after their offense sometimes. Imagine thousands of players reporting hundreds of players each, every few minutes, every day. No gaming company has thousands of employees assigned to just reviewing reports. It takes time to investigate. Lastly, toxicity is not so simple to define. It's different to call someone a dork, and much much different to wish them to die from a certain disease. The first case is just a momentary burst of anger. The second clearly shows repetitive, immature toxicity; when one makes life-threatening comments, they have done it before, and will do it again until they get punished and forced to conform.


If other players' comments upset you, you can create a new chat tab and disable all visibility of the team and map chat. Play the game and enjoy your PvP and let the toxic players talk to your hand. And if they dare whisper you with malign comments, block them without even replying to them.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?


TBH, i highly doubt that ArenaNet's ban-policy is even remotely acceptable, useful or effective.


There is a certain player on Abaddon's Mouth who has spend the last couple of weeks/months insulting people in team-chat in wvw (or in EoTM if he happens to be there instead) for hours upon hours (and no, i'm not exaggerating - he literally keeps this up for hours). And we're not talking about the "usual" stuff like calling people "dumb", "noobs", "idiots" or similar - lets call them kindergarden-insults. We're talking more about an "advanced" level like "c*nt", "f**got", "p*nsy", "s*ut", etc., sometimes stuff that could be classified as "hate speech" and he has threaten to beat up people in RL.


And I know for a fact that this person was reported dozens of times through the in-game reporting tool. And I also know that tickets were created regarding that player, too.


He might have gotten some short bans (as he disappeared for a few days from time to time) but as I can see week after week, this hasn't changed his behaviour in the slightest. Whenever he is online, he **will** insult people.


And blocking might help me personally to not see the stuff he writes but it doesn't change the fact that he keeps insulting other players and they react to it.

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> @"whyme.1705" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?


> TBH, i highly doubt that ArenaNet's ban-policy is even remotely acceptable, useful or effective.


> There is a certain player on Abaddon's Mouth who has spend the last couple of weeks/months insulting people in team-chat in wvw (or in EoTM if he happens to be there instead) for hours upon hours (and no, i'm not exaggerating - he literally keeps this up for hours). And we're not talking about the "usual" stuff like calling people "dumb", "noobs", "idiots" or similar - lets call them kindergarden-insults. We're talking more about an "advanced" level like "c*nt", "f**got", "p*nsy", "s*ut", etc., sometimes stuff that could be classified as "hate speech" and he has threaten to beat up people in RL.


> And I know for a fact that this person was reported dozens of times through the in-game reporting tool. And I also know that tickets were created regarding that player, too.


> He might have gotten some short bans (as he disappeared for a few days from time to time) but as I can see week after week, this hasn't changed his behaviour in the slightest. Whenever he is online, he **will** insult people.


> And blocking might help me personally to not see the stuff he writes but it doesn't change the fact that he keeps insulting other players and they react to it.


Indeed. I think you guys at A-Net need to take a harder and less tolerant hand towards cheaters and people who say "advanced" hateful comments.


Permanent ban. Good riddance and never come back!


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Also acceptable because I can imagine that there are an incredible number of reports like that and investigating all takes an incredible amount of work


Then maybe it would make sense to give 2 warning shots and then ban forever. Otherwise you get additional reports/work you have to do for the same person over and over again, like in the case mentioned in this thread. I'm not a friend of zero tolerance, but if you warned someone twice for obscene and insulting language, and they show up in reports when their ban was lifted for the very same thing, then maybe the right decision is to at least take away their right to use specific channels.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Also acceptable because I can imagine that there are an incredible number of reports like that and investigating all takes an incredible amount of work


> Then maybe it would make sense to give 2 warning shots and then ban forever. Otherwise you get additional reports/work you have to do for the same person over and over again, like in the case mentioned in this thread. I'm not a friend of zero tolerance, but if you warned someone twice for obscene and insulting language, and they show up in reports when their ban was lifted for the very same thing, then maybe the right decision is to at least take away their right to use specific channels.

I'm sorry but permabanning for verbal abuse would be ridiculous. And obviously counter-productive to Anet's business purposes.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > Also acceptable because I can imagine that there are an incredible number of reports like that and investigating all takes an incredible amount of work

> >

> > Then maybe it would make sense to give 2 warning shots and then ban forever. Otherwise you get additional reports/work you have to do for the same person over and over again, like in the case mentioned in this thread. I'm not a friend of zero tolerance, but if you warned someone twice for obscene and insulting language, and they show up in reports when their ban was lifted for the very same thing, then maybe the right decision is to at least take away their right to use specific channels.

> I'm sorry but permabanning for verbal abuse would be ridiculous. And obviously counter-productive to Anet's business purposes.


I advocate more for chat channel blocks, that could successfully keep the monkey's desire for attention in check. But on the other hand, try to go to an amusement park or other entertainment establishments and insult and scream at people, and throw out obscenities. You'll eventually get a permanent ban. Nobody wants someone who does that to their customers. They won't hand out ear plugs to those who are targeted by the perp, which is what the block feature does.

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Have you always been there at the beginning of an incident, though?


Otherwise, you could log on/enter game mode, see someone (apparently) being rude and not realise that they didn't start it.


I wouldn't want to see people being banned because other people are trying to bully them (and/or someone else) and they are just standing up for themselves (and/or the other person).


Not only that, but people do things wrong in these game modes, all the time - they win trade etc..


So, the "rude" person could have lost patience with all the things that go on.


It's very often not as simple as "rude player" starts being rude for absolutely no reason.


That is the problem.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I advocate more for chat channel blocks, that could successfully keep the monkey's desire for attention in check. But on the other hand, try to go to an amusement park or other entertainment establishments and insult and scream at people, and throw out obscenities. You'll eventually get a permanent ban. Nobody wants someone who does that to their customers. **They won't hand out ear plugs to those who are targeted by the perp, which is what the block feature does**.

That's the point and that's why Anet is not taking this seriously. You can always insta block people and your personal problem is solved.

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> @"Wilk.2965" said:

> I think there is some impunity with this issue because in the last few weeks I found a few homophobic and transfobic comments, as if it were something totally acceptable. I reported it but it gives me that nothing will happen.


You often see racist comments, too.


I normally try to reason with people like that - but, there is no doubt it is offensive and sometimes, if you try to talk to them (rather than ranting at them!), some people (especially people who weren't there at the start) think you agree with them.


You can't really win.

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> @"Tigaseye.2047" said:

> Have you always been there at the beginning of an incident, though?

> Otherwise, you could log on/enter game mode, see someone (apparently) being rude and not realise that they didn't start it.

> I wouldn't want to see people being banned because other people are trying to bully them (and/or someone else) and they are just standing up for themselves (and/or the other person).

> Not only that, but people do things wrong in these game modes, all the time - they win trade etc..

> So, the "rude" person could have lost patience with all the things that go on.

> It's very often not as simple as "rude player" starts being rude for absolutely no reason.

>That is the problem.



In fact it does not matter if he or she started it. If he or she is breaking the rules, it is still breaking the rules.


It's not what you say, but how you say it. If someone has to stand up by being verbally abusie and counter racial slurs with other racial slurs too, he deservers to be punished as well. This is what civilization is about. Let the real institutions handle it, not going berserk and vigilantism is never a solution in modern societies. In that matter, RIOT Games is actually doing kinda well. This would require a muting feature though.


I have been flamed by not reviving some abusive dude that happened to die in front of me and just ran past. He kept whispering me insults about my mother which I ignored. Do you think I suddenly had the right to lose my temper too just because I did not start it? What the heck?


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?


> Here's how I would formulate a report:


> * PvP Match: Date and Time

> * World Name

> * Names of characters (with exact spelling)

> * Your own character name (so the team can see where you were and match chat around you -- contextual reference)



Sorry Gaile, but if I report using the report function in the specific chat ( with the incriminating word ) isn't the support able to read the phrease i chose to report?

If not, why don't you implement something like this?


Reporting a player is currently a waste of time ( not because no action would be taken, but just because you lose 5/10 secons to make the report ), but thinking to add everything you said is kinda ridiculous ( 1 min per report more or less ).


Knowing this, i will stop report anybody from now on, until a proper report system will be introduced ( right click > end ).

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There are profanity filters, use them. If they are still being rude, just block the person and don't worry about others being bothered by them. I happen to block rude people all the time that aren't even being rude to me, it's no biggie. You have a choice in life, sweating the small stuff (this) or blocking them and going about and enjoying your game. Once the bully isn't getting the attention they want, they will stop or go to another game to try and bully people there. Every game I have played has had this problem but you can't be called a c*nt if you use the filter, that is why it is there. Even if you don't want to use the ignore feature, just do what many moms do when kids throw a tantrum, we just ignore it even when it's in our face.

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I guess it would be a good idea to put a donkey helmet or an icon on his head (so we could all know that player has insulted several times by chat) and block him on all chat channels temporarily. We could even add them all to a server where all these are together without being able to communicate temporarily. This would be funny lol

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"Tigaseye.2047" said:

> > Have you always been there at the beginning of an incident, though?

> > Otherwise, you could log on/enter game mode, see someone (apparently) being rude and not realise that they didn't start it.

> > I wouldn't want to see people being banned because other people are trying to bully them (and/or someone else) and they are just standing up for themselves (and/or the other person).

> > Not only that, but people do things wrong in these game modes, all the time - they win trade etc..

> > So, the "rude" person could have lost patience with all the things that go on.

> > It's very often not as simple as "rude player" starts being rude for absolutely no reason.

> >That is the problem.


> Excelsior.

> In fact it does not matter if he or she started it. If he or she is breaking the rules, it is still breaking the rules.


> It's not what you say, but how you say it. If someone has to stand up by being verbally abusie and counter racial slurs with other racial slurs too, he deservers to be punished as well. This is what civilization is about. Let the real institutions handle it, not going berserk and vigilantism is never a solution in modern societies. In that matter, RIOT Games is actually doing kinda well. This would require a muting feature though.


> I have been flamed by not reviving some abusive dude that happened to die in front of me and just ran past. He kept whispering me insults about my mother which I ignored. Do you think I suddenly had the right to lose my temper too just because I did not start it? What the heck?



Well, I didn't say it's ideal to be rude, just because someone else has been rude (or otherwise offensive) first.


I'm just saying that it is often hard for Anet (or for us!) to ascertain who started what.


So, banning someone, when they may not have been the original offender (especially if you didn't ban the other person, or people) would be unfair.


In your example, even if you had lost your temper and started responding in kind (and someone had reported you), I would hope they wouldn't have banned you.


Also, emotions often run high in these game modes, so people may end up saying (rude) things they otherwise wouldn't.


To me, casual prejudice is far more worrying, as they don't even have the excuse of being angry.

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> @"Chungo.3169" said:

> I guess it would be a good idea to put a donkey helmet or an icon on his head (so we could all know that player has insulted several times by chat) and block him on all chat channels temporarily. We could even add them all to a server where all these are together without being able to communicate temporarily. This would be funny lol


I can see certain people, intentionally, going for the donkey helmet, lol.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?

> >

> > Here's how I would formulate a report:

> >

> > * PvP Match: Date and Time

> > * World Name

> > * Names of characters (with exact spelling)

> > * Your own character name (so the team can see where you were and match chat around you -- contextual reference)

> >


> Sorry Gaile, but if I report using the report function in the specific chat ( with the incriminating word ) isn't the support able to read the phrease i chose to report?

> If not, why don't you implement something like this?


> Reporting a player is currently a waste of time ( not because no action would be taken, but just because you lose 5/10 secons to make the report ), but thinking to add everything you said is kinda ridiculous ( 1 min per report more or less ).


> Knowing this, i will stop report anybody from now on, until a proper report system will be introduced ( right click > end ).


She said you could send in a ticket with that information in it. Hence the need for time and date information. The external ticket system like you would use if you forgot your password and couldn't log into the game at all.

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