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verbal abuse reports

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> @"aandiarie.7195" said:

> You also have to see that this is mainly a game for adults so we are allowed some smack talk in wvw. ^^


Smack talk is one thing; racial slurs, threats of sexual violence or other violence, and stuff like that is something completely different. Adults can engage in some fun smack talk without engaging in actual verbal abuse.

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True Rose, I was just saying that some smack talk or trolling goes on. Like people don't mean some of it or it's a joke/or sarcasm. But you do bring up a good point about people who may take it too far. To me, well I just ignore it or take it all as a joke. I haven't really seen it too bad though as you describe it. I don't see people do the things you describe really. So either i'm not on the wvw server you are where that is happening or I'm not in pvp where you are.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Honestly I think it's pretty low priority especially compared to hackers, cheaters, AFK-ers etc. This is sad in a way, but this is like that in pretty much every game. Also acceptable because I can imagine that there are an incredible number of reports like that and investigating all takes an incredible amount of work


The thing is.. if ANET were to take in game offences more seriously and actually perma ban players like others have said, then their is a pretty good chance others will take note of it and we will see less of it happening in game.

Actions speak louder than words... unfortunately to date too many toothless words and overlooks are dragging down the in game experience for some of us.

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> @"aandiarie.7195" said:

> True Rose, I was just saying that some smack talk or trolling goes on. Like people don't mean some of it or it's a joke/or sarcasm. But you do bring up a good point about people who may take it too far. To me, well I just ignore it or take it all as a joke. I haven't really seen it too bad though as you describe it. I don't see people do the things you describe really. So either i'm not on the wvw server you are where that is happening or I'm not in pvp where you are.


Was in LA a little while ago.. players spurting out racism, calling players who dare to ask them to keep chat hate out of game please all manner of disgusting names. Then of course the sexual stuff hit the scene, one in particular talking about his own sisters genitalia etc..

There is one guy .. Vla*** the Dr**** (NAMING HIDDEN FOR OBVIOUS REASONS).. This player loves nothing more than create toxicity in LA most days.. racism, religious hate, sexual intolerances.. the list goes on and no matter how many reports are put in, nothing changes.

Sure blocking hides the problem for us individually but it doesn't solve the issue and like most maptrash talking.. it quickly spreads to other players who either attack back or join in the cycle of trash.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Or you can block the person. If they aren't helping you, why listen to them correct?


> You people act like you can't take a moment to right click and block, and be done. No one is gonna listen to them or care, so the fact people are responding to said person is more of an issue.


That can actually end up being a problem in WvW. We just got paired with a new server and one of their players constantly streams abuse in chat. Unfortunately, he also provides a lot of scouting in-between insults. We ended up losing part of our area because people were blocking/ignoring him.

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Just a couple days ago, I had to report a WvW player twice in a minute, for DIFFERENT violations (first spamming and then verbal abuse). I suspect he has a nice "timeout" going on now. (In fact, the spamming came so quickly, I almost reported him for botting as well, but I suspect ANet can figure that part out on their own.)

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Oh such a lame topic. Have a cup of gravox and harden the puppies up! There is a block feature, use it. **Its absolutely crazy that people would moan about something like this. ** You don't like what someone says to you so you want to get the player banned.. seriously?! Just block them you keyboard heroes!

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Or you can block the person. If they aren't helping you, why listen to them correct?

> >

> > You people act like you can't take a moment to right click and block, and be done. No one is gonna listen to them or care, so the fact people are responding to said person is more of an issue.


> That can actually end up being a problem in WvW. We just got paired with a new server and one of their players constantly streams abuse in chat. Unfortunately, he also provides a lot of scouting in-between insults. We ended up losing part of our area because people were blocking/ignoring him.


I see your problem... so you want the person to change just for you. If you all report the said player, and he gets banned, no scouting reports from him anyway. Block/report may lead to the same result. Block/change profanity filter/harden up.. the world is a big place and it's not filled with fairies and leprechauns with pots of gold.

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@those who say just block and move on. That is just a workaround for yourself, it doesn't help anyone else. If you play WvW for a while and just block every toxic person, you'll soon have a long list. Imagine you get a friend join you in WvW to try it out. After the first two days, he decides to quit. You ask him why, he says the whole server is full of toxic players who insult and shout at each other all the time, and nobody seems to care. You have no idea what he's talking about because you didn't notice anything.


Same goes with fractals or raids, and in a bigger scheme in open world, although there are so many players and zones, it's hardly noticable. I won't mention PvP, I actually like that it exists as a pool for toxic players. If they shut it down, these people might come to other parts of the game and spread their rage and hatred.

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back when we still had pvp lockers/rank tokens etc i used to get a plethora of rape threats when i played my mesmer it was extremely strange. of course i reported and filed tickets with screens. idk if anything was ever done - but i haven't had anything since. so it's been about 2+ years. most people just whisper a shitty comment to me and block me because theyre afraid if i might say anything which most of the time my reply is "have a nice day."

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > Grow a pair and stop being so sensitive


> this x 1000000 people today have such a thin skin its amazing they survive rl on a day to day basis.


Some players like to come to GW2 to get away from RL pressures and frustrations... to then have to be confronted by a bunch of keyboard warrior attention seekers looking for their ego boost only serves to push players away or worse join in, mimic or retaliate. Either way it makes for a soup of toxicity that drives players away that genuinely want to come and enjoy the game.

Perhaps when enough players have left you will be happier playing in that soup bowl of trashtalk and abuse, each to their own I guess.

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if someone is insulting once in a while, I can take it.

if someone is insulting guilds and players for HOURS without stopping, I report.

if someone makes a tasteless joke, I ignore it - or even enjoy it.

if someone posts tons of racist crap, I report it.


That simple. I can take a lot of crap. In my line of work taking crap is a survival trait.


But there are points where enough is enough. Also I play the game to relax, not to be reminded what disgusting parental failures some people are.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"whyme.1705" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?

> >

> > TBH, i highly doubt that ArenaNet's ban-policy is even remotely acceptable, useful or effective.

> >

> > There is a certain player on Abaddon's Mouth who has spend the last couple of weeks/months insulting people in team-chat in wvw (or in EoTM if he happens to be there instead) for hours upon hours (and no, i'm not exaggerating - he literally keeps this up for hours). And we're not talking about the "usual" stuff like calling people "dumb", "noobs", "idiots" or similar - lets call them kindergarden-insults. We're talking more about an "advanced" level like "c*nt", "f**got", "p*nsy", "s*ut", etc., sometimes stuff that could be classified as "hate speech" and he has threaten to beat up people in RL.

> >

> > And I know for a fact that this person was reported dozens of times through the in-game reporting tool. And I also know that tickets were created regarding that player, too.

> >

> > He might have gotten some short bans (as he disappeared for a few days from time to time) but as I can see week after week, this hasn't changed his behaviour in the slightest. Whenever he is online, he **will** insult people.

> >

> > And blocking might help me personally to not see the stuff he writes but it doesn't change the fact that he keeps insulting other players and they react to it.


> Indeed. I think you guys at A-Net need to take a harder and less tolerant hand towards cheaters and people who say "advanced" hateful comments.


> Permanent ban. Good riddance and never come back!



They seem very hesitant to do anything like this. Could be a monetary reason. If victims are not leaving over their received abuses and not actually causing an ill effect for Anet they have no real motivation to actually do anything large or tangible about this. Just driving of a tiny number off offenders if their larger base of customers just sits and takes it even if they do complain is not very motivating to them I am sure.


Regardless of what is said on these forums by staff (and I am not calling anyone a liar or being abusive as they are not more in control of their jobs than anyone not the boss) it does not tell us what is actually happening internally about these issues or offenders.


Society usually deals with stuff like this by ostracizing the offenders and driving them from the main stream or forcing them to conform. Problem is here if the company will not help the players in that regard with any timeliness or haste nothing is going to change. They should not quickly and without material proof ban anyone, however at least in some tiny cases there is much proof and it seems like they do have cause to remove said player(s) from the game forever.


More visibility into their thought process around this and method on the back end would be nice and might help smooth this out a little but it remains to be seen if that will happen at all. I am guessing they will keep playing it close to the chest and I might do the same thing in their place.

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> @"boolah.1325" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Or you can block the person. If they aren't helping you, why listen to them correct?

> > >

> > > You people act like you can't take a moment to right click and block, and be done. No one is gonna listen to them or care, so the fact people are responding to said person is more of an issue.

> >

> > That can actually end up being a problem in WvW. We just got paired with a new server and one of their players constantly streams abuse in chat. Unfortunately, he also provides a lot of scouting in-between insults. We ended up losing part of our area because people were blocking/ignoring him.


> I see your problem... so you want the person to change just for you. If you all report the said player, and he gets banned, no scouting reports from him anyway. Block/report may lead to the same result. Block/change profanity filter/harden up.. the world is a big place and it's not filled with fairies and leprechauns with pots of gold.


Certainly not, but people don't play games to be verbally abused by some mental reject that has no social skills either. I'll gladly lose a scout if it means silencing someone who thinks they have a right to spew their BS in game.

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Am I wrong or have they removed block option? My list of blocks is massive...sometimes I do amnesty to those poor souls...but in all seriousness, gw2 pvp is toxic, but it's not as toxic as other games...if you can't handle some rude words...maybe play unranked or don't play pvp... Or maybe you need some wvw training in TS? Wvw world chat is much much worse ;)

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