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Is Necromancer the Best open world Profession for PvE?


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Necro is relaxing. I shelved my Guardian for a year and played condition Reaper exclusively. It's about as stress free as it gets. On my 2nd account (core Tyria only) that I only use for dailies, I main a Rampager's Necro MM. Jack of all trades, it is decent with all weapons but great with none.


Lately I've gone back to playing my Guardian again on my main account though. Even though it's easier to get put down against stronger enemies, I just felt like having a different playstyle.

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I've been switching my ascended viper armor between my condi clone mirage and my condi scourge. I find scourge more interesting to play. I found the condi mirage a little boring once all the clones are up. Just basically dodging and skill 1. It's much easier to play than my scourge. Practically all of the skills are being used constantly. Mirage pretty much on auto-attack most of the time. With scourge I'm having to land corruptions and then transfer them from myself quickly. Clearing conditions is harder now since recent nerfs. Used to main power reaper till that was butchered.

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> @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> > So many words. What do they all say? No one will ever know.


> TL;DR, this person believes that core necromancer is woefully lacking in mobility skills, open world survival, and power based DPS, and requests clarification as to why a large number of people apparently still enjoy the class and insist on it's viability in open world PvE.


Where is this large number of people? I don't see endless threads on forum about this and do not see people in chat constantly talking in this way???


Curious what evidence or experiences this user had to arrive at their statements or rather your TLDR because frankly that wall unfortunate text can read itself.

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