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Huge, Sudden FPS Drops


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So, for the last couple of days, I've been getting infrequent and random FPS drops, from 60 to 7-8, and a relog solves it. However, this is isolated to GW2, and I've tried other, more performance draining games and the FPS has been fine? Has anyone else had this issue?

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I've also been having this issue consistently for the past month.


Never had any FPS problems with GW2 before, and running it on a more than capable PC. I'll be fine at 60FPS and then suddenly drop to anywhere between 2-10 FPS. This will last for the period of 20 seconds to 5-10 minutes. It can be really problematic in PvP and other game modes.

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As above, running GW2 on a highly capable PC, with my FPS sitting happy at 60 then suddenly spiking down to around 6-7 before shooting back up about 8 or so seconds later. I've also have a few loading screen CTD's as well as random freezes that only using CTRL+ALT+DEL to open up the task manager and killing the process through there actually fixes. I've been able to run other games that are much more demanding performance wise, such as Battlefront 2 and AC: Origins with absolutely zero issues. I've noticed that they're rather sporadic with their occurrences than happening at any specific time, too.

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1. Started last week or so I think? Pretty recently. Have always had great performance before. Doesn't seem to be necessarily correlated with more intense things going on (ie I can do a gigantic world event with no fps drop and then be in personal story and have fps drop).

2. Seems to happen randomly since it's started.

3. Washington, DC area (ISP Verizon fios gigabit).

4. Tarnished Coast


Same thing - no CTD's but I'll drop from ~45 to ~8 suddenly. It will go away after a few minutes usually, but is more likely to come back until I exit the game and then restart it.

No mods, repaired the game, reverted to the 385 drivers and then re-updated back to the latest (GTX 1080 + i5 6700k) am now completely reinstalling it. We will see if the last one fixes it.

Have not tried 388 drivers. Will also try shaders change in-game when fps drop hits and have deleted my gw2 appdata folder,

Changing graphics settings in-game even dramatically reducing settings don't fix it but exiting and restarting always does.

High performance mode in power settings.

If any of the fixes fixes this for me, I WILL update this post or make a new post in this thread (as well as the other one).

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  • 1 month later...

I experience random FPS drops from time to time too.

Most of the time the fix is to either wait it out (it eventually ends but you have to be patient), or restart the game.


Last time I got it, I was playing SAB (in the shortcut worm). I checked and normally, in this area, my computer can do 200+ FPS.

When the game starts lagging, the game reports 7 fps.


Symptoms I have noticed.

Game is not using the CPU only achieving a few percent (2-5) of usage. This also means the GPU is underutilized (normal for GW2 anyways, since it is CPU limited. Memory usage seems normal.

I use Nvidia's FPS counter overlay, it disappears when the symptoms first appear, but I have notice that overlay randomly disappear with or without FPS drops. It does not come back even when the game recovers from low frame rate.

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Every single time I've seen this issue (40-60fps then down to teens or single digits) it's been with an Nvidia GPU and every reported solution has been to install older Nvidia drivers, a "roll-back".


Then a week later Win10 will update and reinstall graphics drivers, or Nvidia releases a new driver that gets automatically updated, and there's another flood of these posts.

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