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Necromancer and Reaper buff/rework/fix


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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> I would say Parasitic Contagion just needs to heal the Necro while they're in Shroud as well. It's actually a very good trait for Scourge who can benefit from it 24/7, but it's garbage for core Necro and Reaper.


Not exactly for Reaper. Provided one is playing the condi Reaper build it actually results in a smaller dps loss due to less overall time that the rotation makes use of the Scpeter part of Lingering Curses (ie the Shroud combo + Greatsword skills). While for Scourge it is a 15% dps loss on average for Reaper it is 10%.



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> Though I have to say that your suggestions disappoint me greatly in one respect. You didn't suggest anything at all for SOUL COMPREHENSION!!!

I didn't suggest anything on Soul Comprehension you're right I completely forgot about that ridicolous trait.

Maybe something along this line, reduce the damage to shroud based on the amount of life force you have. Or decrease the amount of shroud degeneration so this would become a tanky shroud line. Idk people suggested a lot of things for this trait, one thing is for sure right now is useless. What would you like to see replace Soul Comprehension?



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I made a suggestion about having life force generate at a higher rate from ALL weapon skills [1 to 5] to give necromancer and reaper the generation they need to actually use their Shrouds effectively. Having Reaper degenerate at a much rapid rate should be countered with actual life force generation. If you're able to generate your life force act a sustainable rate the nerfs they recently did to degeneration would easily be counteracted. Thing is as it sits in 1v1 and pvp your life force is a one trick pony... this way you actually get the resource which makes up essentially 50% of these two classes. I mean what other reason did necromancers way back use soul marks? to generate actual life force to perform actual skills.


Necromancers Dark Path has needed an AOE circle to perform interesting but helpful movement which has been wanted by many since well forever. There is no reason this hasn't got it yet.. it's astonishing really.


Of course, life force cost of skills on Scourge would increase to compensate for this change. obviously, Sand Savant needs to go and simply buff the three instead of making a superior single.


no idea why Scourge even has damage reduction with Blood as Sand and should just give barrier upon casting Sand Shades (Basically Desert Empowerment made into this instead and making a new skill for that slot)


Several of the traits which effect shroud 1 should have different mechanics per specialization to balance each around it. No reason this isnt a thing as Mesmer has the visual icons and even Elementalist for each different skill. This is just lazy on their part.

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What always going to hold core necro and reaper back from scorge is that you can heal a scorge when they have barrier up yet you cant heal core necro nor reaper when they have there shroud up. The old effect of blocking healing due to shroud was never that big of a deal due to the lack of healing for the group over all but the game has changed to where if your going to be in melee you need to be able to be healed.


If core necro and reaper are going to keep the shroud as is then there needs to be some added effect for bing in shroud that makes them significantly tankly then a scorge spamming barrier and self healing.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:> Undeath: the radius should be increased to 360 and cast time reduce to max 1.5s


> Add to this the ability to raise one dead character along with the downed and this simple change couple with yours would give Necros a place in almost any content.



If it was the only unique res skill that could also res fully dead players I think its cast time would be justified although i think more changes need to be done before people want necros specifically in endgame content Ideally more bothersome boons on foes that cant easily be dealt with by other professions that have optional boon strip is ideal.

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